Matisse, Picasso and Getrude Stein by Gertrude Stein - HTML preview

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she was one meeting some and remembering that she could come to

remembering everything she was seeing. Every day she was laughing and

any day some one was mentioning that she had not come to be remembering

everything she was seeing. Every day she was being that one.

Any day Flint could be one saying that he had said what he had been

saying. Any day Flint could be such a one. In diagramming anything Flint

could come to be certain that he had been a slow one. He was one and

being that one he was one seeing something. He was one and being that

one every day he was not seeing something. He was one and being that one

every day he was describing what he hoped he would not come to be

seeing. He was one and he was seeing something. He was one and he was

demanding that he could be mentioning what he was seeing. Every day he

was mentioning something he was seeing which was the thing he was

deciding not to be seeing. Every day he was mentioning that seeing

everything was something. Every day he was telling that be had been

seeing something and in being one seeing that thing he was one needing

to be one seeing some other thing. Every day he was seeing something.

Every day he was mentioning seeing something. Every day he was seeing

something and seeing that thing he was seeing that that thing was a

heavy thing, a dreary thing, a sad thing. Every day he was seeing

something. Every day he was seeing something and every day he was

mentioning that he was seeing something and it was a delicate, a

graceful, an impressive, a tender thing, the thing he was seeing. Every

day he was seeing something. Any day he was telling that he might come

to be seeing something and to be going on being one seeing that thing

and any day he was one being uncertain being uncertain of his being one

going to be seeing that thing.

Martin if he had not been one not coming very often would have been one

always asking if he might be one saying anything. He was one asking if

he might be one saying that he was going to be saying something.

Supposing every day was a day and every day he was asking very often if

he might be saying anything, supposing he was such a one and supposing

that he went on being that one, would he then be one not coming to be

one any one would want to be one saying something. If he was one asking

any day and very often if he might do something he would be the one who

had come to being one who might have known that he could do something if

he did not come to be one who was going on being one not coming to be

where he could do anything.

He was one and being one who every day was using all day in having that

day be that day, he was one and having come to be one he was one having

come to use every day to be a day and in doing that thing in making a

day be a day he was using up all of a day and he was then that one. He

was one then knowing all of that thing, knowing all of a day being a

day. He was then knowing something. He was then doing something. He was

then being that one.

George was one and being one and not polishing that thing because it

being a quite full thing and a fairly dull thing and a quite delicate

thing, polishing would be brightening, George being that one he was one

and any part of any day was a day to him and a day to him was a day and

in being that thing it was something and something was done and again

and again it would be finished and something could then be begun that

would be finished any day which was a part of a day for any part of a

day was a day when that part of a day was being there and being then a


Maddalena had every day for being one being living and being one having

been using something for such a thing she was using any part of a day

that was needing using and she went on being one who had been one

keeping going being living. Every day then in a way was a day. Every day

was a day and many days were many days and all the days she had been

living were all the days she had been living. She was living every day

and being living every day that day was a day coming after the other

day. Any day was a day and she was doing that thing she was doing every

day to be a day and every day coming to be a day she had been living

that day. She lived every day, that is the day was a day and she was

living the next day and that day was a day. Any day was a day and

anything hurting any one that day was something hurting that day. Any

day was a day and any being sick that day was the being sick that day.

Any day was a day. Every day was a day. There were enough days as every

day was enough of a day.

Eugenia knowing that she was one needing to be one enjoying that she was

not exhausting having been living was one needing not to be completely

working, not completely not working every day. She was one arranging

having been that one. She was one being that one. She was one working,

she was one not working every day. She was one working, she was one not

working any day. Every day was a day.

She was one completing that each day she was quite showing that she was

one working and not working. She was completing every day quite neatly

every day that she was working, that she was not working every day.

She was arranging any day that every day was all of that day. She was

completing arranging every day that every day is a day.

Every day is a

day. Any day is a day.

Being one remembering what being that one is meaning is something. Being

one intending to be completing being that one is something. Being one

conceiving that that one is that one is something.


remembering that one has been conceiving that that one is that one is


Any one being any one is being one that that one could be conceiving to

be that one. Any one being one is being one remembering that that one

could have been conceiving that that one could be that one.

If in having been one one was one then that one the one that one was was

one having come to be that one. In having been one one who was one was

one and in having been that one that one was one having come to be that

one. In having come to be that one one having come to be that one was

one coming to be that one.

One being one, being that one, is one and being one, having come to be

one, having come to be that one, is one and being that one is one and in

being that one is one keeping that thing keeping being that one. Any one

being one and keeping being that one is that one. Any one keeping to be

one is one and being that one is that one.

Minnie Harn was one, she had come to be that one. Miss Furr was one, she

had come to be that one, she was keeping being that one.

Anne Helbing

had come to be one, to be keeping being that one. Minna had been coming

to be one. She was one. She had been keeping being that one.

Each one being one and coming to completing that thing is in being that

one remembering something of beginning completing that thing. Any one is

one completing being that one.

Paul was one and in being that one he was one being one remembering

having been coming to be that one and being one not needing doing that

thing not needing remembering coming to be that one because being that

one very many were expecting to be remembering his coming to be that

one. He was remembering coming to be that one and in remembering coming

to be that one he was choosing quite choosing to have been remembering

everything and having everything being having been what he was

remembering in remembering everything. He was one remembering everything

in having everything being having been what he was remembering as having

been in his coming to be being that one. Any one could remember that

thing could remember that he was one who had come to be that one. He was

the one remembering everything in having everything having been and he

being the one having come to be that one.

Having come to be that one he was one come to be one and some came to be

ones knowing that thing that he was one having come to be one not having

come to be that one.

He was one. In being that one he had been one. In having been one he was

one who had been one. In being one he was not one coming to be one. He

had not come to be one. He was not coming to be one. He had been one. He

was that one. He was one and he had been one. He had been one. In being

one he was one. He had been one. In having been one he had been one.

In being one he was one and in being one he was one and in being one he

was one. In being one he was one.

In having been one he had been one. He had been one. He was one. He had

been one. In being one he was one.

In being one he was one and in being one he was one. He had been one. In

having been one he had been one. In having been one he had been one.

In being one he was one. In being one he was one and in being one, in

being one he was one. He was one. He had been one. He had been one.

He was one. In being one he was one. He was one. He was one.

Arranging being one and any one not arranging being one is one not

arranging being one, in arranging being one any one arranging being one

is feeling something coming. In arranging being one any one is feeling

something doing. In arranging being one any one is having a piece of

them spreading. In arranging being one any one is beginning completing

something. In arranging being one any one is existing.

In arranging

being one one is almost completing that thing.

In arranging being one one was completing that thing. In completing

being that one that one was one coming to be one having to remember that

he had arranged that thing. He came to be one not needing anything to be

that one but complete remembering that he had arranged that thing.

Mr. Hurr, it is natural that being one he is arranging that thing. It is

natural that arranging that thing and going on being that one and being

one who could be selling anything it is natural that he being that one

that Mrs. Hurr speaking to, speaking of him should speak of him as Mr.

Hurr and say then that that is a natural thing.

It was a natural thing that he being that one and satisfying that thing

it was a natural thing that in helping any one he was helping very many

and in helping very many he was helping some who had already been

succeeding and he was helping some who might not have been succeeding if

he had not been helping them and who were then ones a little succeeding

then. It was a natural thing the he being one he was not helping some

who were coming to be ones quite succeeding. He being one and being one

who could be selling anything, it was a natural thing that he was one

arranging to be one coming to be one working to have been one working

and feeling. He being one it was a natural thing that he was one and

being married then it was a natural thing that he and she were then ones

spending and economizing. They being ones being married then it was a

natural thing that he was understanding that some living that was a

living was a living having meaning. He being one feeling understanding

that some living being living having meaning it was a natural thing that

he was a man expressing dignity in suffering, he was a man expressing

women dreaming, he was a man expressing dim awakening, he was a man

expressing dim disappearing.

Any one arranging telling something was arranging something for that

thing, was arranging anything for that thing. Any one arranging anything

is arranging something.

In arranging anything, in arranging hoping to be one coming to expect

arranging to be existing, in arranging anything some one arranging

something is arranging that an arrangement is not completely existing.

Some one arranging something is arranging that having arranged that

thing it is necessary to arrange that that thing is something that being

arranged is not completing anything.

Some one arranging everything is arranging that something that will not

then come to be arranged is something that will be arranged when that

thing which is arranged is something that has been completely arranged

and completely begun being arranged.

Arranging something so that in disarranging that thing something will be

arranged is something. Arranging something so that some one arranging

something is arranging that thing is something.

Arranging anything and then arranging something in that arrangement and

then completing the arranging of some other thing is something.

Arranging something and then arranging that in arranging another thing

any arrangement is an arrangement is something.

Arranging something and then having something and then losing anything

and then arranging everything is something. Any one arranging is

arranging. Every one arranging is arranging. Any one believing that

arranging is something is believing that arranging is something.

Clay was arranging that he would be worrying if arranging everything

would be what he was needing. He was arranging that he would not be

worrying if in going on being living he would be losing being one

needing to be arranging everything.

He could be arranging that he would not arrange everything and he almost

did arrange this thing. He arranged almost everything.

He went on almost

arranging everything.

Henns in arranging that he would go on arranging what he wanted to go on

arranging was arranging that he would begin to arrange something. He

began arranging that thing and then some one and he had asked him to

arrange with him came to arranging the thing with him.

They arranged the

thing the the two of them. They arranged it and then Henns was

completely having it that he was one who had come to be one who would

arrange what any one telling many to arrange things was telling him to

arrange. He came to arrange things then. He went on arranging some such


Arranging being one having a feeling of being one is something.

Arranging being one having a feeling of not being an important one is

something. Arranging being one having a feeling of being one admiring

being one succeeding is something. Arranging being one completely being

that one is something. Arranging being one continuing is something.

Arranging being one needing being one dreaming is something.

Dear Anne Helbing, she was that one, she remembered that thing, she

remembered having been that one. She remembered something, she

remembered that she had remembered being that one, she remembered that

thing, she remembered something.

Dear Anne Helbing, she was being that one, she was remembering

everything, she was remembering that thing. She had been that one and

that thing was something she was not wanting to be using, it was

something she was not needing, it was something she was not remembering,

it was something, she had been that one she was one, she was Anne


She was Anne Helbing, she was that one, she was working, she was

remembering that thing, she was learning anything, she was forgetting

everything, she was remembering nothing, she was Anne Helbing.

She was Anne Helbing and she was arranging that thing, she was arranging

being working, she was arranging hoping everything, she was arranging

doing something, she did something, she did something and her mother was

doing everything and her mother did anything and Anne Helbing was

working and she was remembering everything.

Minna was one and she married sometime and she had arranged to be one

not needing doing that thing, she had arranged to be one and she was

that one she had arranged to be one being a quiet one.

She had arranged to be one taking very much time to be a quiet one. She

had arranged that she should be one having everything and she arranged

to be one being a quiet one. In being a quiet one she was arranging to

be one coming to be a married one. In being a quiet one she was

arranging being one having everything in having time to be one being a

quiet one.

She was arranging something she was arranging that a very long time she

would be arranging to be a married one. She was arranging something she

was arranging that all the time she would be a quiet one. She was

arranging something she was arranging that being a quiet one she would

be one having what she was needing to be that one.

Any one having been coming and having been coming once and some one

having been remembering that thing, any one being one coming and being

one listening and being one coming to be quite old enough to be one

having been coming and having been is one being one coming again and

coming again is one telling that coming again is a pleasant thing, a

profitable thing and a thing that that one will be doing again. That one

will then be doing that thing again if that one has not come before then

to be a quite older one.

Thomas Whitehead is one and being one is one who sometime will be a

quite old one and having come then to be a quite old one will be one who

has been one coming and telling that coming again would be a pleasant

thing and then have come again and have been telling that it was a

pleasant, a profitable thing to have come and that he will be one coming

again and he would be one coming again if he came again before he became

a quite quite old one.

Any one listening and hearing anything is one having been saying

something. Any one listening and telling that thing is one needing

something. Any one listening and hearing everything is one having been

one not needing telling anything. Any one listening and telling

everything is one being one who has been hearing something. Any one

being one having been hearing something is one being one not having been

needing all of that thing. Any one being one going on hearing something

is one who has come to be one telling something of that thing. Any one

hearing what he has been hearing is one telling what he has been


Clellan telling and Clellan hearing is Clellan not having been one

needing to be hearing and telling. Clellan telling is Clellan not

completing needing to be telling. Clellan hearing is Clellan not

completing needing to be hearing.

Clellan being is being not needing to be hearing.

Clellan being in being

not needing to be telling, Clellan hearing is Clellan being hearing.

Clellan telling is Clellan being telling. Clellan hearing is Clellan.

Clellan telling is Clellan.

Clellan being is being not completely needing to be being. Clellan being

is being one completely going on being. Clellan being is being in being

one being Clellan. Being Clellan is being being one.

Being Clellan is

being being that one. Being Clellan is one completely going on being

being one. Being Clellan is being one hearing, telling completely going

on being, being one telling and hearing and being Clellan. Being Clellan

is being Clellan. Being Clellan is being one.

Being Clellan and being one, being Clellan and being hearing, being

Clellan and being telling, being Clellan and going on being, being

Clellan and not being one not being Clellan, being Clellan and quite

being Clellan, being Clellan and being Clellan and completely quite

going on being Clellan is being Clellan.

Being Clellan and being and doing and hearing and telling and being

quite completing needing and being Clellan and being that Clellan and

being going on being that Clellan is being Clellan.

Being Clellan is being that Clellan. Being that Clellan is being


Little ones being ones any one is being one. Little ones having been

ones every one is being one. A little one being one any one is needing

then that every one is any one. A little one being one any one is

needing then that any one is every one. A little one being one some one

is some one being one coming later. A little one being one some are ones

being ones coming to not coming often. A little one being one some are

ones deciding everything. A little one being one that one is one and

that one being one every one is one and every one being one some one is

some one and some one being some one some one is going.

Some one going

some other one is coming. Some other one coming every one is changing.

Every one changing any one is directing. Any one directing every one is

mentioning everything. Every one mentioning everything any one is coming

again. Any one coming again, some one has been coming.

Some one having

been coming every one is leaving. Every one leaving every one will come

again. Every one coming again, some one will have been.

Some one having

been, some one will be coming. Some one coming, every one is staying.

Every one staying each one is explaining. Each one explaining, every one

is listening. Every one listening, each one is being.

Murdock being one is one who if he were one explaining would be

explaining that he was not doing what he would be doing if he were doing

what he would be doing if he were one doing what he was being one being

doing. Murdock might be one explaining. Murdock was one being one.

Nantine if he were a sadder one would be a lonely one in explaining that

thing. Nantine in being a sad enough one was almost a lonely one in

telling anything. Nantine in being a lonely one was being one not

completing that thing in explaining that being that one was being one

having been keeping going living.

He was being one and seeing any one, and seeing any one he was putting

down something, and putting down something he was reproducing anything,

and reproducing anything it was looking like that one, and looking like

that one it was being something that some one being one seeing what was

being was putting down in being one who was one not being a lonely one

because he was being one seeing what was what any one was seeing.

He was being one not being a lonely one because he was putting down what

every one was seeing. He was one almost being a lonely one because he

was seeing what he was putting down. He was one being a sad one because

he was one being almost a lonely one. He was one being a sad one and he

was one not being a sad enough one to be one not going on being one

asking any one to be one asking him to be one going on being living.

In putting down anything any one putting down something is that one, one

putting down something. In putting down something if something is put

down then that which is put down is something. If that which is put down

is something then that thing is what it is and being what it is it is

something and being something any one being any one is being one and

being one is one