Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Horoscope –42


Lagna – Aquarius; Moon in Aquarius, Mars and Ketu in Pisces, Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus, the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, Venus in Leo and Rahu in Virgo.

This native born in a wealthy family gave up his studies; he was a school-dropout. He joined his father’s failing business; mark the affliction caused to the otherwise ill-placed Sun, the karaka of father. And, though married and himself a father of four children he was misled by his own father (who had lost all that he possessed) and led a wretched life deprived of wealth without any steady source of income; he was not a fortunate person. The lord of the 9th house, a benefic planet, even though occupying a kendra and aspecting the lagna but aspected by the lord of the 6th from the lagna is in an unfriendly sign whose lord, a cruel planet, is relegated to the 6th and is in the company of the lord of the 8th house; also, the lord of the lagna situated in a friendly sign in a kendra from the lagna and the Moon is afflicted by Jupiter, a functional malefic and a papagraha for Aquarius lagna. The lord of the sign occupied by the Moon and the lord of the 8th from the natal Moon are no doubt naisargika friends but the 8th house is tenanted by Rahu aspected by two papagrahas, therefore, this person was not blessed with Dirghayu and died soon after his 50th birth-day. Jatakalankara states that if at the time of birth the lord of the 8th happens to join a cruel planet either in the 6th or in the 12th house then predict a short span of life. And, Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that in case the lord of the lagna conjoining with a papagraha is in a kendra or the 12th or the 8th the person, evilnatured and responsible for destruction of own family, will live for not more than 60 years i.e. avail Madhyayu only. Manasagari has not assigned favourable results for the occupation of Pisces sign by Mars; hereat Mars devoid of friendly benefic aspect and benefic association is in the Kutumbha-bhava, it is in conjunction with Ketu as the evil lord of the 3rd.

Horoscope – 43


Lagna – Libra; Jupiter in Libra, the Sun, Mercury and Rahu in Sagittarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Pisces,

the Moon in Taurus and Jupiter and Ketu in Gemini.

In this horoscope it is seen that the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon and the lord of the sign forming the 8th house from the natal Moon are not mutual friends nor are the lord of the lagna and the Sun. This is a clear case of Alpayu. This native who died in his early thirties was not a fortunate person. The lord of the 9th situated in the 3rd house from the lagna is afflicted by Rahu and by the lord of the 11th that is in mutual aspect with Saturn occupying the 9th house. This native led a life of a wandering mendicant who rebelled against the authorities, was punished and later on ordered to be killed in a very bad and cruel manner, he was tortured to death. Jataka Tattwam states that if Mars is situated in the 6th house from the lagna then one dies in a horrible manner. Moreover, Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that for a night-fall birth in case Jupiter and Venus occupy the kendras from the lagna, and the lord of the lagna in conjunction with a papagraha is in an apoklima i.e. in the 3rd, 6th, 9th or the 12th, then the span of life does not exceed thirty six years. A weak lord of the lagna often times makes a person rebel against established rules or dogmas only to suffer later on.

The Sukhasthana i.e. the 4th house, in the true sense represents the living being because Hope which is the desire for things of value that give pleasure sustains life; desire is concerning things to be desired. Sankara tells us that these two hankerings after the ends and means are the desires prompted by which an ignorant man helplessly enmeshes himself like a silk-worm and through absorption in the path of rituals becomes outgoing in his tendencies and does not know his own world. He also states that such false notions about “mine” or “yours” are the cause of misery, pain and grief. Indeed, desires and emotions are inseparable and continue to work their course so long as man identifies himself with the organs comprising and flourishing in his own body knowing that the body is perishable; Kapila tells us that the end is to be mixed with the elements which is to say that at death the finite individual becomes the infinite. If the lord of the 10th house is in Devalokamsa aspected by benefics or the lord of the 9th in Parvatamsa is aspected by benefics one attains Moksha. If Saturn in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu joins the lord of the 8th in the 12th and is aspected by the 6th house lord then the person will go to Hell after death. Jataka Parijata also states that if Aries navamsa of Sagittarius sign is rising in the lagna and is aspected by Jupiter, Venus is in the 7th and the Moon is in Virgo the person will attain Parampada i.e. Moksha. Bhavartha Ratanakara reminds us that whereas Jupiter situated in the 2nd house from the lagna makes one an expert in the Vedas and the Vedanta, if it is exalted then the person becomes very learned in these shastras, if occupying the 12th it makes one go to the Devaloka after death. Ketu, the karaka of Vedanta, Vairagya and Dhwaja can also become the karaka of Moksha.

Varahamihira states that Jupiter, the Moon and Venus, the Sun and Mars, and Saturn and Mercury bring people from Devaloka, Pitruloka, Triyagloka and Narakaloka respectively according to the position of the lord of the drekkena occupied by the most powerful of the Sun or the Moon; if the said lord is exalted the concerned person occupied a high position in previous loka or birth, if in debilitation then a mean or degraded state. He adds that the lord of the drekkena of the 6th or the 8th or the planet which occupies the 7th indicates the state of man’s future existence after death. However, there are Mukti yogas that are possible for a particular lagna only e.g. one attains liberation if Pisces sign in the 10th is occupied by a benefic or Mars which yoga is possible for Gemini lagna. Of course, the results assigned to all such yogas are impossible to verify but they do influence one’s Karma.

Krishna tells Arjuna that – “one devotedly engaged in the performance of Sampoorna Karmas with my blessings will achieve the eternal and indestructible Parampada.” Work indeed is a form of worship, the resultant experience aids gain of knowledge. Isavasya Upanishad tells that those who walk on the path of ignorance go to pitchy darkness while those who walk on the path of knowledge go to greater darkness still; ignorance leads to one result while knowledge leads to the other but he who knows both these paths by his knowledge of one is able to cross the bund of death and by the knowledge of the other able to attain Immortality. Therefore, work and knowledge complement each other because there can be no work without a purpose and purpose is a product of knowledge. The selection, conduct and results of work are dependent on the control of the mind that becomes activated through instructions.