The Industrial Arts in Spain by Juan F Riano - HTML preview

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               Gomez, Cristoval, painter on common pottery, 1783.

               Gomez, Francisco, modeller, 1731 to 1750.

               Gomez, Vicente, painter, 1750, 1783.

               Gomez, menor, Vicente, worked at the wheel and painted from 1783 to 1789.

               Gorris, Joseph, 1750.

               Granell, Cristoval, painter, 1729, 1750.

               Granell, Joseph, modeller, 1731 to 1735.

               Granell, Vicente, 1731 to 1750.

               Grangel, Francisco, pintor, painted from 1727 to 1783. In 1743 the finest work was given to him.

               Grangel, Juan, painted from 1727 to 1750.

               Gras, Monsieur, painter, 1728.

               Haly, François, 1751.

               Herrando, Francisco, 1727.

               Herrando, Joseph, painter, 1727 to 1736.

               Herrando, Juan, painted from 1729 to 1735.

               Herrando, Manuel, modeller, 1783.

               Herrando, Pascual, worked at the wheel from 1728 to 1743.

               Herrando, Thadeo, 1750.

               Huguet, Cristobal, worked at the wheel in 1783.

               Huguet, Francisco, worked at the wheel and modelled in porcelain from 1783 to 1789.

               Huguet y Mascarós, Joseph, painter, 1783 to 1794.

               Huguet, Vicente, painter. He worked at the manufactory established by Joaquin Ten at Alcora, and returned to Count Arandas in 1789, and continued there in 1794.

               Huguet Serra, Joseph, modeller in 1783.

               Ibañez, Juan, painter from 1727 to 1735.

               Knipfer, Juan, a native of Saxony, 1783.

               Lazaro, Joseph, painter, 1727.

               Lopez, Julian, 1792.

               Llorente, Francisco, 1750.

               Lloscos, Joaquin, painter, 1783.

               Llosca, menor, painter, 1783.

               Malanco, Nicolas, painter, 1727.

               Marin, Pedro, painter, 1727 to 1736.

               Marques, Miguel, painter, 1794.

               Marras, Francisco, painter and modeller in 1727.

               Marsal, Bautista, painter from 1727 to 1743.

               Marsal, Francisco. He worked at Alcora, and left it for the manufactory of Onda; in 1783 he returned to Count Aranda's works.

               Marti, Miguel, worked at the wheel in 1783.

               Martin, Francisco, modeller in 1783.

               Martir, Pedro, worked at the wheel in 1739.

               Mas, Cristoval, modeller from 1783 to 1789.

               Mas, Francisco, painted common pottery in 1783.

               Mas, Julian, a skilful painter on porcelain in 1789.

               Mas, menor, Manuel, painted common pottery in 1783.

               Mas, Manuel, painted from 1727 to 1750.

               Mas, Pedro, painter in 1743.

               Mascarós, Cristobal, painter from 1728 to 1750.

               Mascarós y Thomas, Cristoval, painted on pottery from 1783 to 1794.

               Mascarós, Francisco, 1743 to 1750.

               Mascarós, Joseph, painted porcelain in 1789.

               Mascarós, José, painter in 1735 to 1736.

               Mascarós, Pedro Martin, painted from 1729 to 1736.

               Mascarós, Vicente, worked at the wheel from 1750 to 1780.

               Masso y Fabra, Vicente, painted in 1727.

               Massó, Joseph, 1750.

               Massó y Fabra, Francisco, painter, 1739, 1750.

               Massó Nadal, Vicente, painter from 1727 to 1750.

               Mallol, Joaquin, modeller, 1783.

               Mallol, Cristoval, modeller in 1783.

               Mallol, Vicente, modeller, 1783.

               Maurisi, Pedro, a Frenchman, began to work in 1728.

               Mezquita y Chiva, Francisco, worked at the wheel in 1783.

               Mezquita, Francisco, painted in 1750.

               Mezquita, Jaime, painter, 1731 to 1750.

               Mezquita, Pascual, painter from 1727 to 1735.

               Miguel, Vicente, 1750.

               Miralles, Vicente, worked in clay from 1731 to 1743.

               Moliner, Cristoval, worked at the wheel in 1783.

               Moliner, Miguel, painted from 1728 to 1750.

               Moliner, Vicente, modeller in 1783.

               Monfort, Agustin, modeller in 1783.

               Monfort, Pablo, modeller in 1783.

               Montemenor, Joseph, modeller in 1783.

               Montolin, Jacinto, painter, from 1731 to 1750.

               Montolin, Juan, painter, the son of Jacinto, from 1735 to 1750.

               Montolin, Juan, varnisher and painter in 1783.

               Montolin, Joseph, painter on porcelain in 1789.

               Montolin, Vicente, painter of common pottery in 1783.

               Montolin, Vicente, painter, from 1727 to 1750.

               Moya, Crisostomo, retouched porcelain in 1789.

               Nadal, Felix, 1727 to 1735.

               Nadal, Juan, master at the wheel, painter and carver from 1727 to 1737.

               Nadal, Miguel, 1783.

               Nadal, Nebot, works from 1743 to 1783.

               Navarro, Cristoval, worked at the wheel in 1783, and painted porcelain in 1789.

               Nebot, Bautista, painter, 1794.

               Nebot, Cristoval, modeller, 1750.

               Nebot, Cristoval, menor, 1794.

               Nebot, Francisco, 1750.

               Nebot, Francisco, painter in 1794.

               Nebot, Joseph, worked at the wheel from 1728 to 1740.

               Nebot, Joaquin, worked at the wheel in 1794.

               Nebot, Juan, painter, 1750 to 1783.

               Nebot, Miguel, painter, 1783 to 1794.

               Nebot, Narciso, painter, 1794.

               Negre, Deodato, painter, 1727.

               Negre, Francisco, worked at the wheel from 1783 to 1794.

               Negre, Julian, worked at the wheel in 1794.

               Negre, Manuel, modeller, 1783 to 1794.

               Negre, Ramon, painter, 1783 to 1794.

               Negre, Vicente, modeller, 1727.

               Nondedeu, Cristoval, modeller, 1729.

               Nondedeu, Miguel, turner, 1731 to 1743.

               Ochando, Joseph, draughtsman and carver, from 1727 to 1742.

               Olery, Joseph, director of the works from 1735 to 1737. In August, 1729, he was appointed principal draughtsman.