“So they did as I told them; but I said nothing saw a great wave from which spray was rising, and I about the awful monster Scylla, for I knew the men heard a loud roaring sound. The men were so fright-would not on rowing if I did, but would huddle ened that they loosed hold of their oars, for the together in the hold. In one thing only did I dis-whole sea resounded with the rushing of the wa-obey Circe’s strict instructions- I put on my armour.
ters, but the ship stayed where it was, for the men Then seizing two strong spears I took my stand on had left off rowing. I went round, therefore, and the ship Is bows, for it was there that I expected exhorted them man by man not to lose heart.
first to see the monster of the rock, who was to do
“‘My friends,’ said I, ‘this is not the first time my men so much harm; but I could not make her that we have been in danger, and we are in nothing out anywhere, though I strained my eyes with look-like so bad a case as when the Cyclops shut us up ing the gloomy rock all over and over.
in his cave; nevertheless, my courage and wise coun-
“Then we entered the Straits in great fear of mind, sel saved us then, and we shall live to look back on for on the one hand was Scylla, and on the other all this as well. Now, therefore, let us all do as I say, dread Charybdis kept sucking up the salt water. As trust in Jove and row on with might and main. As she vomited it up, it was like the water in a caul-for you, coxswain, these are your orders; attend to dron when it is boiling over upon a great fire, and them, for the ship is in your hands; turn her head the spray reached the top of the rocks on either away from these steaming rapids and hug the rock, side. When she began to suck again, we could see or she will give you the slip and be over yonder the water all inside whirling round and round, and before you know where you are, and you will be the it made a deafening sound as it broke against the death of us.’
rocks. We could see the bottom of the whirlpool all 150
The Odyssey – Book XII black with sand and mud, and the men were at their with Scylla and terrible Charybdis, we reached the wit’s ends for fear. While we were taken up with noble island of the sun-god, where were the goodly this, and were expecting each moment to be our cattle and sheep belonging to the sun Hyperion.
last, Scylla pounced down suddenly upon us and While still at sea in my ship I could bear the cattle snatched up my six best men. I was looking at once lowing as they came home to the yards, and the after both ship and men, and in a moment I saw sheep bleating. Then I remembered what the blind their hands and feet ever so high above me, strug-Theban prophet Teiresias had told me, and how gling in the air as Scylla was carrying them off, and carefully Aeaean Circe had warned me to shun the I heard them call out my name in one last despair-island of the blessed sun-god. So being much ing cry. As a fisherman, seated, spear in hand, upon troubled I said to the men, ‘My men, I know you some jutting rock throws bait into the water to deare hard pressed, but listen while I tell you the ceive the poor little fishes, and spears them with prophecy that Teiresias made me, and how care-the ox’s horn with which his spear is shod, throw-fully Aeaean Circe warned me to shun the island of ing them gasping on to the land as he catches them the blessed sun-god, for it was here, she said, that one by one—even so did Scylla land these panting our worst danger would lie. Head the ship, there-creatures on her rock and munch them up at the fore, away from the island.’
mouth of her den, while they screamed and stretched
“The men were in despair at this, and Eurylochus out their hands to me in their mortal agony. This at once gave me an insolent answer. ‘Ulysses,’ said was the most sickening sight that I saw throughout he, ‘you are cruel; you are very strong yourself and all my voyages.
never get worn out; you seem to be made of iron,
“When we had passed the [Wandering] rocks, and now, though your men are exhausted with toil 151
The Odyssey – Book XII and want of sleep, you will not let them land and had completed their oath we made the ship fast in cook themselves a good supper upon this island, a harbour that was near a stream of fresh water, but bid them put out to sea and go faring fruit-and the men went ashore and cooked their sup-lessly on through the watches of the flying night. It pers. As soon as they had had enough to eat and is by night that the winds blow hardest and do so drink, they began talking about their poor comrades much damage; how can we escape should one of whom Scylla had snatched up and eaten; this set those sudden squalls spring up from South West or them weeping and they went on crying till they fell West, which so often wreck a vessel when our lords off into a sound sleep.
the gods are unpropitious? Now, therefore, let us
“In the third watch of the night when the stars obey the of night and prepare our supper here hard had shifted their places, Jove raised a great gale of by the ship; to-morrow morning we will go on board wind that flew a hurricane so that land and sea were again and put out to sea.’
covered with thick clouds, and night sprang forth
“Thus spoke Eurylochus, and the men approved out of the heavens. When the child of morning, his words. I saw that heaven meant us a mischief rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared, we brought the ship and said, ‘You force me to yield, for you are many to land and drew her into a cave wherein the sea-against one, but at any rate each one of you must nymphs hold their courts and dances, and I called take his solemn oath that if he meet with a herd of the men together in council.
cattle or a large flock of sheep, he will not be so
“‘My friends,’ said I, ‘we have meat and drink in mad as to kill a single head of either, but will be the ship, let us mind, therefore, and not touch the satisfied with the food that Circe has given us.’
cattle, or we shall suffer for it; for these cattle and
“They all swore as I bade them, and when they sheep belong to the mighty sun, who sees and gives 152
The Odyssey – Book XII ear to everything. And again they promised that in the best of these cows and offer them in sacrifice they would obey.
to the immortal Rods? If we ever get back to Ithaca,
“For a whole month the wind blew steadily from we can build a fine temple to the sun-god and enthe South, and there was no other wind, but only rich it with every kind of ornament; if, however, he South and East. As long as corn and wine held out is determined to sink our ship out of revenge for the men did not touch the cattle when they were these homed cattle, and the other gods are of the hungry; when, however, they had eaten all there same mind, I for one would rather drink salt water was in the ship, they were forced to go further afield, once for all and have done with it, than be starved with hook and line, catching birds, and taking what-to death by inches in such a desert island as this is.’
ever they could lay their hands on; for they were
“Thus spoke Eurylochus, and the men approved starving. One day, therefore, I went up inland that his words. Now the cattle, so fair and goodly, were I might pray heaven to show me some means of feeding not far from the ship; the men, therefore getting away. When I had gone far enough to be drove in the best of them, and they all stood round clear of all my men, and had found a place that was them saying their prayers, and using young oak-well sheltered from the wind, I washed my hands shoots instead of barley-meal, for there was no bar-and prayed to all the gods in Olympus till by and ley left. When they had done praying they killed by they sent me off into a sweet sleep.
the cows and dressed their carcasses; they cut out
“Meanwhile Eurylochus had been giving evil the thigh bones, wrapped them round in two layers counsel to the men, ‘Listen to me,’ said he, ‘my of fat, and set some pieces of raw meat on top of poor comrades. All deaths are bad enough but there them. They had no wine with which to make drinkis none so bad as famine. Why should not we drive offerings over the sacrifice while it was cooking, so 153
The Odyssey – Book XII they kept pouring on a little water from time to upon, whether I was going up heaven or down again.
time while the inward meats were being grilled; then, If they do not square accounts with me about my when the thigh bones were burned and they had cows, I will go down to Hades and shine there among tasted the inward meats, they cut the rest up small the dead.’
and put the pieces upon the spits.
“‘Sun,’ said Jove, ‘go on shining upon us gods
“By this time my deep sleep had left me, and I and upon mankind over the fruitful earth. I will turned back to the ship and to the sea shore. As I shiver their ship into little pieces with a bolt of white drew near I began to smell hot roast meat, so I lightning as soon as they get out to sea.’
groaned out a prayer to the immortal gods. ‘Father
“I was told all this by Calypso, who said she had Jove,’ I exclaimed, ‘and all you other gods who live heard it from the mouth of Mercury.
in everlasting bliss, you have done me a cruel mis-
“As soon as I got down to my ship and to the sea chief by the sleep into which you have sent me; see shore I rebuked each one of the men separately, but what fine work these men of mine have been mak-we could see no way out of it, for the cows were dead ing in my absence.’
already. And indeed the gods began at once to show
“Meanwhile Lampetie went straight off to the sun signs and wonders among us, for the hides of the and told him we had been killing his cows, whereon cattle crawled about, and the joints upon the spits he flew into a great rage, and said to the immortals, began to low like cows, and the meat, whether cooked
‘Father Jove, and all you other gods who live in ev-or raw, kept on making a noise just as cows do.
erlasting bliss, I must have vengeance on the crew
“For six days my men kept driving in the best of Ulysses’ ship: they have had the insolence to kill cows and feasting upon them, but when Jove the my cows, which were the one thing I loved to look son of Saturn had added a seventh day, the fury of 154
The Odyssey – Book XII the gale abated; we therefore went on board, raised
“I stuck to the ship till the sea knocked her sides our masts, spread sail, and put out to sea. As soon from her keel (which drifted about by itself) and as we were well away from the island, and could see struck the mast out of her in the direction of the nothing but sky and sea, the son of Saturn raised a keel; but there was a backstay of stout ox-thong black cloud over our ship, and the sea grew dark still hanging about it, and with this I lashed the beneath it. We not get on much further, for in an-mast and keel together, and getting astride of them other moment we were caught by a terrific squall was carried wherever the winds chose to take me.
from the West that snapped the forestays of the
“[The gale from the West had now spent its force, mast so that it fell aft, while all the ship’s gear and the wind got into the South again, which fright-tumbled about at the bottom of the vessel. The mast ened me lest I should be taken back to the terrible fell upon the head of the helmsman in the ship’s whirlpool of Charybdis. This indeed was what ac-stern, so that the bones of his head were crushed to tually happened, for I was borne along by the waves pieces, and he fell overboard as though he were div-all night, and by sunrise had reacfied the rock of ing, with no more life left in him.
Scylla, and the whirlpool. She was then sucking
“Then Jove let fly with his thunderbolts, and the down the salt sea water, but I was carried aloft to-ship went round and round, and was filled with fire ward the fig tree, which I caught hold of and clung and brimstone as the lightning struck it. The men on to like a bat. I could not plant my feet anywhere all fell into the sea; they were carried about in the so as to stand securely, for the roots were a long water round the ship, looking like so many sea-gulls, way off and the boughs that overshadowed the but the god presently deprived them of all chance whole pool were too high, too vast, and too far apart of getting home again.
for me to reach them; so I hung patiently on, wait-155
The Odyssey – Book XIII ing till the pool should discharge my mast and raft BOOK XIII
again—and a very long while it seemed. A juryman is not more glad to get home to supper, after having THUS DID HE SPEAK, and they all held their peace been long detained in court by troublesome cases, throughout the covered cloister, enthralled by the than I was to see my raft beginning to work its way charm of his story, till presently Alcinous began to out of the whirlpool again. At last I let go with my speak.
hands and feet, and fell heavily into the sea, bard
“Ulysses,” said he, “now that you have reached by my raft on to which I then got, and began to row my house I doubt not you will get home without with my hands. As for Scylla, the father of gods further misadventure no matter how much you have and men would not let her get further sight of me-suffered in the past. To you others, however, who otherwise I should have certainly been lost.]
come here night after night to drink my choicest
“Hence I was carried along for nine days till on wine and listen to my bard, I would insist as fol-the tenth night the gods stranded me on the Ogygian lows. Our guest has already packed up the clothes, island, where dwells the great and powerful god-wrought gold, and other valuables which you have dess Calypso. She took me in and was kind to me, brought for his acceptance; let us now, therefore, but I need say no more about this, for I told you present him further, each one of us, with a large and your noble wife all about it yesterday, and I tripod and a cauldron. We will recoup ourselves by hate saying the same thing over and over again.” the levy of a general rate; for private individuals cannot be expected to bear the burden of such a handsome present.”
Every one approved of this, and then they went 156
The Odyssey – Book XIII home to bed each in his own abode. When the child
“Sir, and all of you, farewell. Make your drink-of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared, they hur-offerings and send me on my way rejoicing, for you ried down to the ship and brought their cauldrons have fulfilled my heart’s desire by giving me an es-with them. Alcinous went on board and saw every-cort, and making me presents, which heaven grant thing so securely stowed under the ship’s benches that I may turn to good account; may I find my ad-that nothing could break adrift and injure the row-mirable wife living in peace among friends, and may ers. Then they went to the house of Alcinous to get you whom I leave behind me give satisfaction dinner, and he sacrificed a bull for them in honour to your wives and children; may heaven vouchsafe of Jove who is the lord of all. They set the steaks to you every good grace, and may no evil thing come grill and made an excellent dinner, after which the among your people.”
inspired bard, Demodocus, who was a favourite with Thus did he speak. His hearers all of them ap-every one, sang to them; but Ulysses kept on turn-proved his saying and agreed that he should have his ing his eyes towards the sun, as though to hasten his escort inasmuch as he had spoken reasonably.
setting, for he was longing to be on his way. As one Alcinous therefore said to his servant, “Pontonous, who has been all day ploughing a fallow field with a mix some wine and hand it round to everybody, that couple of oxen keeps thinking about his supper and we may offer a prayer to father Jove, and speed our is glad when night comes that he may go and get it, guest upon his way.”
for it is all his legs can do to carry him, even so did Pontonous mixed the wine and handed it to every one Ulysses rejoice when the sun went down, and he at in turn; the others each from his own seat made a drink-once said to the Phaecians, addressing himself more offering to the blessed gods that live in heaven, but Ulysses particularly to King Alcinous: rose and placed the double cup in the hands of queen Arete.
The Odyssey – Book XIII
“Farewell, queen,” said he, “henceforward and for in hand chariot flies over the course when the horses ever, till age and death, the common lot of man-feel the whip. Her prow curveted as it were the neck kind, lay their hands upon you. I now take my leave; of a stallion, and a great wave of dark blue water be happy in this house with your children, your seethed in her wake. She held steadily on her course, people, and with king Alcinous.” and even a falcon, swiftest of all birds, could not As he spoke he crossed the threshold, and Alcinous have kept pace with her. Thus, then, she cut her sent a man to conduct him to his ship and to the sea way through the water. carrying one who was as cun-shore. Arete also sent some maid servants with himning as the gods, but who was now sleeping peace-one with a clean shirt and cloak, another to carry his fully, forgetful of all that he had suffered both on the strong-box, and a third with corn and wine. When field of battle and by the waves of the weary sea.
they got to the water side the crew took these things When the bright star that heralds the approach and put them on board, with all the meat and drink; of dawn began to show. the ship drew near to land.
but for Ulysses they spread a rug and a linen sheet Now there is in Ithaca a haven of the old merman on deck that he might sleep soundly in the stern of Phorcys, which lies between two points that break the ship. Then he too went on board and lay down the line of the sea and shut the harbour in. These without a word, but the crew took every man his shelter it from the storms of wind and sea that rage place and loosed the hawser from the pierced stone outside, so that, when once within it, a ship may lie to which it had been bound. Thereon, when they without being even moored. At the head of this began rowing out to sea, Ulysses fell into a deep, harbour there is a large olive tree, and at no dis-sweet, and almost deathlike slumber.
tance a fine overarching cavern sacred to the nymphs The ship bounded forward on her way as a four who are called Naiads. There are mixing-bowls 158
The Odyssey – Book XIII within it and wine-jars of stone, and the bees hive awoke; and then they made the best of their way there. Moreover, there are great looms of stone on home again.
which the nymphs weave their robes of sea purple-But Neptune did not forget the threats with which very curious to see—and at all times there is water he had already threatened Ulysses, so he took coun-within it. It has two entrances, one facing North by sel with Jove. “Father Jove,” said he, “I shall no which mortals can go down into the cave, while the longer be held in any sort of respect among you other comes from the South and is more mysteri-gods, if mortals like the Phaeacians, who are my ous; mortals cannot possibly get in by it, it is the own flesh and blood, show such small regard for way taken by the gods.
me. I said I would Ulysses get home when he had Into this harbour, then, they took their ship, for suffered sufficiently. I did not say that he should they knew the place, She had so much way upon never get home at all, for I knew you had already her that she ran half her own length on to the shore; nodded your head about it, and promised that he when, however, they had landed, the first thing they should do so; but now they have brought him in a did was to lift Ulysses with his rug and linen sheet ship fast asleep and have landed him in Ithaca after out of the ship, and lay him down upon the sand loading him with more magnificent presents of still fast asleep. Then they took out the presents bronze, gold, and raiment than he would ever have which Minerva had persuaded the Phaeacians to brought back from Troy, if he had had his share of give him when he was setting out on his voyage the spoil and got home without misadventure.” homewards. They put these all together by the root And Jove answered, “What, O Lord of the Earth-of the olive tree, away from the road, for fear some quake, are you talking about? The gods are by no passer by might come and steal them before Ulysses means wanting in respect for you. It would be mon-159
The Odyssey – Book XIII strous were they to insult one so old and honoured there till the ship, which was making rapid way, as you are. As regards mortals, however, if any of had got close-in. Then he went up to it, turned it them is indulging in insolence and treating you dis-into stone, and drove it down with the flat of his respectfully, it will always rest with yourself to deal hand so as to root it in the ground. After this he with him as you may think proper, so do just as went away.
you please.”
The Phaeacians then began talking among them-
“I should have done so at once,” replied Nep-selves, and one would turn towards his neighbour, tune, “if I were not anxious to avoid anything that saying, “Bless my heart, who is it that can have might displease you; now, therefore, I should like rooted the ship in the sea just as she was getting to wreck the Phaecian ship as it is returning from into port? We could see the whole of her only mo-its escort. This will stop them from escorting people ment ago.”
in future; and I should also like to bury their city This was how they talked, but they knew noth-under a huge mountain.”
ing about it; and Alcinous said, “I remember now
“My good friend,” answered Jove, “I should rec-the old prophecy of my father. He said that Nep-ommend you at the very moment when the people tune would be angry with us for taking every one from the city are watching the ship on her way, to so safely over the sea, and would one day wreck a turn it into a rock near the land and looking like a Phaeacian ship as it was returning from an escort, ship. This will astonish everybody, and you can then and bury our city under a high mountain. This was bury their city under the mountain.” what my old father used to say, and now it is all When earth-encircling Neptune heard this he coming true. Now therefore let us all do as I say; in went to Scheria where the Phaecians live, and stayed the first place we must leave off giving people es-160
The Odyssey – Book XIII corts when they come here, and in the next let us
“Alas,” he exclaimed, “among what manner of sacrifice twelve picked bulls to Neptune that he may people am I fallen? Are they savage and uncivilized have mercy upon us, and not bury our city under or hospitable and humane? Where shall I put all the high mountain.” When the people heard this this treasure, and which way shall I go? I wish I had they were afraid and got ready the bulls.
stayed over there with the Phaeacians; or I could Thus did the chiefs and rulers of the Phaecians have gone to some other great chief who would have to king Neptune, standing round his altar; and at been good to me and given me an escort. As it is I the same time Ulysses woke up once more upon his do not know where to put my treasure, and I can-own soil. He had been so long away that he did not not leave it here for fear somebody else should get know it again; moreover, Jove’s daughter Minerva hold of it. In good truth the chiefs and rulers of the had made it a foggy day, so that people might not Phaeacians have not been dealing fairly by me, and know of his having come, and that she might tell have left me in the wrong country; they said they him everything without either his wife or his fellow would take me back to Ithaca and they have not citizens and friends recognizing him until he had done so: may Jove the protector of suppliants chas-taken his revenge upon the wicked suitors. Every-tise them, for he watches over everybody and pun-thing, therefore, seemed quite different to him—
ishes those who do wrong. Still, I suppose I must the long straight tracks, the harbours, the precipices, count my goods and see if the crew have gone off and the goodly trees, appeared all changed as he with any of them.”
started up and looked upon his native land. So he He counted his goodly coppers and cauldrons, smote his thighs with the flat of his hands and cried his gold and all his clothes, but there was nothing aloud despairingly.
missing; still he kept grieving about not being in 161
The Odyssey – Book XIII his own country, and wandered up and down by and West. It is rugged and not a good driving coun-the shore of the sounding sea bewailing his hard try, but it is by no means a bid island for what there fate. Then Minerva came up to him disguised as a is of it. It grows any quantity of corn and also wine, young shepherd of delicate and princely mien, with for it is watered both by rain and dew; it breeds a good cloak folded double about her shoulders; cattle also and goats; all kinds of timber grow here, she had sandals on her comely feet and held a jav-and there are watering places where the water never elin in her hand. Ulysses was glad when he saw her, runs dry; so, sir, the name of Ithaca is known even and went straight up to her.
as far as Troy, which I understand to be a long way
“My friend,” said he, “you are the first person off from this Achaean country.” whom I have met with in this country; I salute you, Ulysses was glad at finding himself, as Minerva therefore, and beg you to be will disposed towards told him, in his own country, and he began to an-me. Protect these my goods, and myself too, for I swer, but he did not speak the truth, and made up embrace your knees and pray to you as though you a lying story in the instinctive wiliness of his heart.
were a god. Tell me, then, and tell me truly, what
“I heard of Ithaca,” said he, “when I was in Crete land and country is this? Who are its inhabitants?
beyond the seas, and now it seems I have reached it Am I on an island, or is this the sea board of some with all these treasures. I have left as much more continent?”
behind me for my children, but am flying because I Minerva answered, “Stranger, you must be very killed Orsilochus son of Idomeneus, the fleetest simple, or must have come from somewhere a long runner in Crete. I killed him because he wanted to way off, not to know what country this is. It is a rob me of the spoils I had got from Troy with so very celebrated place, and everybody knows it East much trouble and danger both on the field of battle 162
The Odyssey – Book XIII and by the waves of the weary sea; he said I had not Such was his story, but Minerva smiled and ca-served his father loyally at Troy as vassal, but had set ressed him with her hand. Then she took the form myself up as an independent ruler, so I lay in wait for of a woman, fair, stately, and wise, “He must be him and with one of my followers by the road side, indeed a shifty lying fellow,” said she, “who could and speared him as he was coming into town from surpass you in all manner of craft even though you the country. It was a very dark night and nobody saw had a god for your antagonist. Dare-devil that you us; it was not known, therefore, that I had killed him, are, full of guile, unwearying in deceit, can you not but as soon as I had done so I went to a ship and drop your tricks and your instinctive falsehood, even besought the owners, who were Phoenicians, to take now that you are in your own country again? We me on board and set me in Pylos or in Elis where the will say no more, however, about this, for we can Epeans rule, giving them as much spoil as satisfied both of us deceive upon occasion—you are the most them. They meant no guile, but the wind drove them accomplished counsellor and orator among all man-off their course, and we sailed on till we came hither kind, while I for diplomacy and subtlety have no by night. It was all we could do to get inside the equal among the gods. Did you not know Jove’s harbour, and none of us said a word about supper daughter Minerva—me, who have been ever with though we wanted it badly, but we all went on shore you, who kept watch over you in all your troubles, and lay down just as we were. I was very tired and fell and who made the Phaeacians take so great a liking asleep directly, so they took my goods out of the ship, to you? And now, again, I am come here to talk and placed them beside me where I was lying upon things over with you, and help you to hide the trea-the sand. Then they sailed away to Sidonia, and I was sure I made the Phaeacians give you; I want to tell left here in great distress of mind.” you about the troubles that await you in your own 163
The Odyssey – Book XIII house; you have got to face them, but tell no one, other country and you are mocking me and deceiv-neither man nor woman, that you have come home ing me in all you have been saying. Tell me then again. Bear everything, and put up with every man’s truly, have I really got back to my own country?” insolence, without a word.”
“You are always taking something of that sort into And Ulysses answered, “A man, goddess, may your head,” replied Minerva, “and that is why I know a great deal, but you are so constantly chang-cannot desert you in your afflictions; you are so plau-ing your appearance that when he meets you it is a sible, shrewd and shifty. Any one but yourself on hard matter for him to kno