It seems impossible that a whole year has
imagined, through my tears, how Alfie would have
passed. Al those newsy letters you have written to enjoyed them too. I’m improving all the time.
me sit on my desk. You could never imagine what a
But, dear Helen, I can’t let Jamie take all the
great comfort they have been and how just looking
credit for my progress. Your letters too played a
at that neat pile fil s me with warmth and gratitude.
huge part.
And then I remember – not one of them has
Hearing all your everyday news, the bridge
ever been answered.
club, Mrs Antrobus’s antics, your trips to see the
I know you understand though how difficult the grandchildren, all these stories kept me connected year has been since Alfie died. We had been
to the world. And I could read them when and as
together for more than fifty years. He was my
many times as I liked.
reason for living, Helen. I thought I lived for family, So thank you Helen dear for persevering and
for friends, to watch the changing seasons and to
never pressing for a reply. I look forward to your
find snowdrops for the first time each year. And you next letter and be assured it wil be answered.
know how much I love our beautiful cottage garden
with our seat under the blossom tree.
With much love
But I found that without Alfie all these things
meant nothing. Nothing at all. I could find no joy in