Through The Letterbox by Devices Writers’ Group - HTML preview

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Dear Rainbow Woman

I don’t know if you read or speak English, or even

At the main doors people were restless, bodies in

if you’ll find this letter, but I’m hoping you do. I’m leaving constant motion like the ants in the Terrarium but when it by the tree you hid behind and tomorrow I shall be

the doors final y opened everyone became quite still -

watching for you.

there was a rush of air quite unlike anything I have ever felt. Not like the wind they send round the sphere – this I‘m not sure that I real y know how to write about

made my skin tingle; it carried smells I couldn’t indentify today. I mean … how do you write about something that and warmth that wasn’t soporific, it was - bizarre to say you have long dreamt about, and suddenly it happens.

but - it felt life giving. Is this what you breathe all the All the time we were in the learning zone it was all we time? How amazing. I just ran. I think I was the first out ever heard about – one day … we must make sure it’s

– I just ran and ran. I could hear shouting, warnings from safe first - and so you dream - I needed something to those who stil feared – biosphereans who were still

escape the banality of life.

biosphereans. Me? I’m now an Outsider.

My mentors of course would have sent me for

When I eventually stopped running I’d no idea

re-learning if they were to read that last

where I was. I’d run using senses I didn’t

line. Life is not banal – ‘life is an ever

know I had; I’d run feeling the planet hold

expanding process of evolution that we

out it’s hands to me and welcome me

can now control and mould to our own

home, I’d run in a cloud of joy - but when

requirements.’ I challenged one of them

I stopped I was suddenly me again. Sur-

recently and asked what had happened to

rounded by trees that are free to grow

all the other species and why we didn’t

(they get so big!!!!) I couldn’t see the

control their evolution as well. It was inter-

dome. I could see nothing that was

preted as sarcasm which didn’t go down

familiar. I know this may seem strange to

too well and anyway they trotted out the

you but it didn’t feel real – it felt like I

same answer as usual - we were the only

stepped into the laserview and they were

ones with the intellect to survive The Great

just Holograms. And then from nowhere,

Contamination. Huh, if only they knew! I

well that’s how it felt, there you were –

was so tempted to say that with intellect

were you hiding behind the tree? You

shouldn’t there be some compassion, but

were so quiet, just watching, not dressed

compassion seems to be somewhat lack-

in biospherean white but a rainbow of

ing in the Biosphere. Anyway – having

oranges, blues, so many colours I’ve

been taught everything else died in The

never seen. And then you smiled - wow!

GC there was no use wishing it was

You look my age but your skin – is that

different. But today it was - amazingly,

the weather or true aging? I hope you

beautifully, incredibly different. It was there on the don’t mind me asking - whatever the answer is you stil

laserview this morning with my wake up call. ‘Please be look amazing. Why didn’t you stay? I guess I was as aware that from 10 this morning the doors to the Outside much a shock to you as you were to me. I’ve been back will be opened - it is now safe for all Biosphereans to to the dome (found my way!) and got some food and my

leave the dome’. There were lots of warnings - the only journal. Please come back! I’m going to sleep now –

one that caught my eye was not to go too far from the

what a day – an ant is crawling up my leg – it looks like dome. As if having told me that I could go, they real y they survived too. All this time we’ve thought we were

believed they could hold me back.

the lucky ones – not quite so sure about that now. One

thing I do know - for the first time in my life I feel alive!!!!

Your friend,

I write because…