Through The Letterbox by Devices Writers’ Group - HTML preview

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Dear Myrtle

Thank you for sending me al the information about If seating arrangements are to be altered at all might I the forthcoming season with the Nantwich Singers. I am request that Felicity Fumble be relocated to the end of sorry that you have had to mail it to me, and no I have our row. Felicity’s dramatic and frantic personal life

not yet got ‘hooked up’ as you so crudely put it. I am

means that she always arrives late, all scamper and

expecting an engineer from BT on Thursday next,

scarves, and then she hisses all the latest gossip rapidly because you are probably right, I wouldn’t be able to

through the prestissimo. It doesn’t real y matter as I can’t follow the instructions even if written in English. I hope he synchronise lips, teeth and tongue in order to do the will be able to spend time explaining things in one

prestissimo justice, but I do like to look as if I have syl able. I shall make some of my shortbread in case.

everything under control.

No I would not like to start singing tenor. I am

So we have a new conductor for the forthcoming

perfectly happy thank you to continue in the back row season? I am sorry that Jim Golightly felt the need to of the altos. I know we have two women supporting the

abandon us and go to the Crewe Choral group but no

tenors now but Sandra already shows hirsute speckling

doubt they offered him various inducements! Their

in the chin area , and Lydia’s weight has helped her to a secretary is Violet Hawkins you know….also of WI bottom G merely by altering her centre of gravity.

fame… and a very forceful woman. I’m sure he’ll give

their recitatives the rehearsal they deserve.

Our three tenor men are perhaps a bit unsubstan-

tial in both voice and physiology. Flimsy is the word I’d And we shall re-assemble on 4th September to

use. In need of good steak and stiff whisky.

meet our new maestro. I’m sure he will find us with vocal chords flexed and teeth shining ready for him to lift us to Added to which I like where I sit, immediately in

new and giddy heights.

front of the basses. They produce a wonderful profundo

vibration which comes right through to the row in front I look forward to it immensely.

and makes me quite misty eyed. In fact I sense the

whole of our row beginning to quiver in part of Faure’s Yours truly,
