A History of Greebie Pigleman by Hannah Orion - HTML preview

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It had been a while since the God of just about everything had looked down on Anadam the planet. He did not know if he actually looked down on it. He could have been looking up for that matter. Direction was an enigma to him; up, down, north, south  it was all the same to him. He just looked and in the looking saw Anadam.


Skard was a barren wasteland  left behind by Mogodawns evil army by his scorched earth policy. The policy had been drawn between his army of pyromaniacs and arsonists. They enjoyed the freedom of expression that only a scorched earth policy could afford.


Druid Mogie, Druid Chook, Druid Lufgi Ufi Master Evol and the new Druid Greebie all were not too alarmed to find the land so toasted. They expected that Mogodawns armies would do something like this and this was precisely why the whole population had fled Skard in the Armada of Salvation. One day the population would return in the Armada of Homecoming. But first the land had to recover. Already green shoots of grass were sprouting amongst the charcoal charred earth.


The Pyx was totally destroyed since most pyxies had left with the Armada as refugees. However there were a few who remained. They hid in the underground catacombs of the Pyx’s labyrinth .


“This is all that’s left” explained one pyxie to Druid Mogie sadly.


“Not to worry; we have the technology we can rebuild it” he replied.


“Will it be safe enough for the Mainshard and the half shard together?” asked Greebie concerned that the whole shard now may require improved security.


“Yes. It’s a worry” added Druid Lufgi Ufi. “The whole shard is exactly what Mogodawn has been longing after all these long years. He’ll stop at nothing to get his hands on it!”


“What do you mean?” asked the pyxie. “What nothing will he stop at? Shouldn’t we do something or nothing if it makes him stop?” she asked.


“That’s not what I meant” replied Druid Lufgi Ufi. “I meant he won’t stop at all!” he said flatly.


“Well why did you say he would stop if you meant to say that he wouldn’t stop?” asked the pyxie. “If he’s not going to stop you should say he’s not going to stop instead of saying he’s going to stop at nothing!” roused the pyxie.


“No it’s a figure of speech” added Druid Chook. “It doesn’t actually mean he’s going to stop at nothing or that he’ll stop at something. It’s just a figure of speech.” Explained Druid Chook


“That’s right!” added Druid Lufgi Ufi. “It’s just a speech figure” he said.


“Speech figure or no! You shouldn’t say what you don’t mean!” snapped the pyxie angrily.


“Ah hem!” said Druid Mogie breaking the silence left behind the pyxies temper rant.


The silence was broken quite convincingly but Druid Mogie only thought he was just clearing his throat and had not actually given any conjecture to silence breaking at all.


“It will have to be taken below ground” he said at length. “Mogodawn does not have any idea of the catacombs. The whole shard will be safe down there!” he added.


“Should we move the Pyx and all?” asked Druid Chook.


“Yes I think so” said Druid Mogie. “We’ll rebuild it below ground in the tunnels of hiding” he decided. Turning to Greebie he continued. “You can house the Whole Shard there. It’ll be safe from Mogodawn there out of sight.” He said.


“So you will foil his plans again” said Druid Lufgi Ufi cheerfully slapping Greebie on the back to congratulate him.


“Me?” quizzed Greebie. “Why do I get the credit? Surely we all played a part in all this?” he said fearing the responsibility of the Whole Shard and Mogodawns wrath.


“You were the one that grabbed it” Druid Chook added.