Blissful Moments of Laughter by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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-----The Lost Book-----

While I was in grade 2, all those many years back, the memory of an incident comes to my mind right this moment. The teachers were very strict about bringing the particular notebooks and books to class every week day according to scheduled routine prepared by them. They would borrow a ruler from you, or somebody else who has, to slap you on your both palms as a punishment for not bringing the right book or notebook or both.

Once a regular guy was the victim of such a circumstance, or so it appeared. Yes, classes began, and the teacher in charge started checking the right books and notebooks with every person. Everybody passed the test except the guy right behind me. He looked and looked inside his bag for the particular book the teacher had asked for. Alas!! He couldn't find it. He gave me a wink and said, "Guess I forgot!!" I felt sorry for him, and he did get the beatings on his palms so hard that his green colored plastic ruler broke into two and its green color was all over his hands. Everybody was kind of in terror.

A few minutes later, I looked back to see how he was doing and he said, "Hey look, here is the book!!" And definitely, his book seemed to have landed right from outer space inside his bag. He was lucky that the teacher noticed it while passing by, and she smiled. "So you got it finally!!" And by now the whole class got into a good mood and fell into merry laughter. My mood changed too along with the class, and I couldn't help laughing either. But I am sure although the teacher smiled, there were definitely feelings of guilt inside her heart. But the class had a happy breakthrough at the end, and that's what really matters!