Completely Similar by BONITA HIGHLEY - HTML preview

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Completely Similar

By Bonita Highley

Copyright ©Bonita Highley2022

And now, for something completely similar

The idea of this story came from an inspiration when in 2019, the first time I saw a great comedian on the internet. This man living in London, England. It was his sharp wit of intelligent humor that I felt led me to write this special book. I dedicate this book to The Great Tom Walker. Thank you Tom, for your inspiration. And a special thanks to all in law enforcement.


5- Enter, The Welsh Dragon

9-Going To Church

15-The Parents’ Visit

17- Spies Like Us, The mission

19- The Invitation

21-Lessons in Detection

25- Kitchen Confessions

27-At The Pub

31-Face To Face

33-At The Party

39- On Assignment

47-The Big Surprise

53-The Devoted Code

57-An Even Bigger Surprise

61-At The Airport

69- Six Months Later

73-For Better or For Welsh

75-To Love And Honor

77-Miles’ Pastor Call

81-Church Youth Group

85- Another Big surprise

87-Be fruitful and multiply welsh

89-Know Your Rights

91- The Constable Colleague

95-Take your wife to work in handcuffs Day

99-Police line up

111-The Pledge of Welsh Allegence

115-Preposterous Imposter

125- The Promotions

130-131- Theme songs=

The River Is Wide

Completely Similar

Enter, The Welsh Dragon

Oregon, U.S.A. At the P.D.X. Airport……..

Detective Dan O’leary and Detective in training, Tegan O’Leary, sister and brother, stood waiting in the waiting area-gate for British Detective, Miles O’Keef, from London, England.

Tegan O’leary- [Long auburn hair, wearing a dark red, knee length plaid skirt with dark red shirt.]

“Are you sure you want to do this?” She said with apprehension.

Dan O’leary- [Sandy-brown, slight shoulder length hair, black jeans with white button shirt]

“Very sure.” He said adamantly.

Miles O’Keef- Comes walking out from the gate wearing his black jeans, black suit over his dingy white shirt, socks with shoes, carrying a medium size bag.

Tegan oleary- Looks at a photo of him with Dan’s writing of ‘Miles O’Keef, The Welsh Dragon’. “The Welsh Dragon? ”

Dan Oleary- Waves at him to come over to them. “Yep, that’s him.

Miles, glad you made it.” He shook his hand. “And this is my sister, Tegan, your temporary partner.”

Miles OKeef-Picks up her hand to shake it, places it back down. “Nice to meet you.” He says in his Englishman accent.

Tegan Oleary- Looked at her brother with curiousness.

Dan Oleary- “Where’s the rest of your luggage?”

Miles OKeef-“This is all I’ve got mate.”

Dan Oleary- “Well then, let’s get to the car.”

They all walked towards the airport entrance doors and out toward the car.

Miles OKeef-Rolled his tight shoulders. ”Do you know what I’ve been through mate? Eight hours of sitting in a sardine canned seat, that can barely push a sardine between the seats, and four hours of a child’s vomit that reeked….do you know what I mean, mate? What a nightmare.”

Dan OLeary-Began to place Miles’ only suitcase into the trunk, while Tegan and Miles get into the car, Tegan sitting in the passenger side as Miles sits in the back seat.

Miles OKeef- Reached to buckle up his seat belt. ”Ah, America. Cont wait.”

Tegan Oleary-Buckles her seat belt. “Can’t wait until you leave back to England.”

Miles OKeef-Looks straight at her. “Wha, excuse me?

Tegan Oleary –Looks straight at him. “I said, can’t wait until you leave back to England.”

Miles OKeef- “Why Cont you just say welcome?”

Tegan Oleary-“Well why can’t you brits be more fashionable with your language and say can’t, not cont.”

Miles OKeef-“Why cont you understand the British language, by you pronouncing it as cont. ”

Tegan Oleary-“It is because I’m an American, that pronounces your cont as can’t, that’s why. Can’t you understand that?

Miles OKeef- Shifted in his seat, looked at her closer. “No, I cont. So, we’re going to be partners, are we?”

Tegan Oleary- Gave him a curious look back. “Well……According to my brother, yes.”

Miles OKeef- “Hmmm.” He looks her over.

Tegan Oleary- “What do you mean by, hmmm?”

Miles OKeef-“Your Dan told me all about you.”

Tegan Oleary- “Well, he would, he did hired you… what?”

Miles OKeef-“Well, like, you volunteer at church, you and your brother have a welsh heritage like me and you have a boyfriend named Paul.”

Tegan Oleary- “Oh, very good, well done. And my brother has told me about you too. You work at Scotland Yard in London, England, you thrive on a great challenge, and you HAVE NO GIRLFRIEND.”

Miles OKeef- Looks deeper into her eyes. “So, what’s with this Paul chap anyway? Your boyfriend, is he? Your brother says he’s a stupid git, and that’s just saying it politely.”

Tegan Oleary- “My brother just doesn’t see eye to eye with Paul.”

Miles OKeef- “Well, after all, your brother is 6’2” and your Paul is only 5’8”.”

Tegan Oleary- Calculating in her mind. “Yes, well, besides that, Paul is not my boyfriend, he’s my fiancée only after meeting him three months ago.”

Miles OKeef-“Oh, wow, really? Only three months ago? From where I come from love, after three months, my Mrs., and I, if I had one, would have at least two offspring attending school already.” He sits back into his cushy seat. “Hmmm.”

Tegan Oleary- Gave him a strange expressional look, then turned back around into her cushy seat. “Hmmm.”

Dan Oleary-Opened his car door to get in and sat down ready to drive.

“Right, Miles, before we leave onto our destination called home, a reminder, and this part is vitally important, as if done wrong, can come with seriously dangerous consequences…..or make other drivers suddenly switch on their survival mode. Please observe on what side the steering wheel is on. American’s drive on the right side of the road. In England, the British drive on the left side of the road.”

Miles and Tegan - Stared at Dan with enquiring eyes.

Dan Oleary- Stared back at them in puzzlement. “What?!” He looks back at the car’s steering wheel and starts the car’s engine.

At home…….

They all get out of the car. Miles takes his bag out, taking it inside Dan’s and Tegan’s small, humble looking home.

Dan Oleary- “Your room will be down the hall, first one to the left, next to mine. By the way Miles, your first assignment is in one hour at the church with Tegan. There’s protests going on there. You just need to check it out.”

Miles OKeef-Scrunched his face in questionable expression. “At the church?”

Tegan Oleary-“Yes, at the church, be ready. And be sure to comb out your hair.”

Going to church

Miles and Tegan Stood outside the church, they see a group of hippy teens holding up signs that read ‘Jesus for President!’ Then see a few modern day dressed Pharisees scoffing at them holding up their own signs in protest that read: ‘Not My President!’, the church’s outer wall of graffiti as it reads: PEACE AND LOVE, JESUS IS A COOL

DUDE, The Irish desperately need apply.

Miles OKeef-“Blimey.”

Miles and Tegan- Walk inside the church building and sit down. The Communion tray full of American Ding Dongs and Twinkies, began to pass around as Miles grabbed some.

Tegan Oleary- Looked at him with questionable expression.

Miles OKeef- Stuffing his mouth. “What? I’m hungry. I miss British crisps, digestive biscuits,.

The Congregation-A third of the overweight congregants grabbed their share, as they were munching, stuffing their mouths.

Miles OKeef- Gazing at another tray of dark grape juice, like dark wine passed around, as he grabbed two, gulping it down.

Tegan Oleary -“You’re supposed to take only one and you’re supposed to wait until the service starts.”

Miles OKeef- “What? I’m thirsty. Then why didn’t they wait to pass it around until after it starts?”

Tegan Oleary-“Good Question.” She takes her share of one.

Miles OKeef- Quickly grabs a third from the left behind tray and waits.

The service starts……

The Pastor- Enters. “Let’s all take communion now.”

Miles and Tegan- Gestured a look of, ‘yah, see’, at each other. Then they gulped theirs down.

[RIPPING SOUND…film pauses for a moment]