Completely Similar by BONITA HIGHLEY - HTML preview

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WE at Completely Similar Production

Company, would like to apologize for a

most undignified opening. Now, to


Miles’ Pastor Call

Miles O’Keef-“Oh, lord, it had to happen today, didn’t it? A bloody funeral on the same day the vicar of this church had to leave to attend his bloody seminar, leaving me in charge, the lucky bugger.”

Tegan O’Keef- “You mean, The Pastor.” Staring at the corpse in his open coffin. “Yes, he does look quite deceased.”

Miles O’Keef- “Yes, a cease to exist goner, no more, a stiff, very much dead.” Stares along with her.

The Deceased - Still having a tyrant-smug look of expression on his stiff-bodied face.

Miles O’Keef- “Just look at him, the bloody git still thinks he’s in charge.”

Tegan O’Keef-“Yes, very, I’d say. Best get on with it. They are all here.”

Miles O’Keef- He looks at the family members. “Like where?”

Tegan O’Keef- “Can’t you see everyone’s anticipation, just get on with it.” She shrewdly insisted. She points her upright palmed hand to the family of the deceased.

Family of the deceased-Very few people showed up, sitting awkwardly, slumped over pews around inside of the room where the funeral of their deceased leader lay in his coffin, the coerced, respectable few.

Miles O’Keef- “Fine.” He takes a deep breath, then verbally says soundly out prayers quickly and loudly as if he were an auctioneer.

“This highly undignified man, had an unexpected, unfortunate untimely demise, due to over consumption of glutinous over exposure of the meanies, in which the crazy fool was so unhappy in his life, he just ceased to exist. But his last wish, which would leave a lasting legacy, to be so kindly remembered as a man that would make everyone else in his domain, just as unhappy as he was, which in turn, making everyone inevitably wishing that they would cease to exist also…….Takes another inhaled long breath. “Hear ye, all you people go on, get out of here.”

Family of deceased- One by one, they leave the room with one person flipping their middle finger at the coffin, one person throwing their hands up in the air without care, another one, sticking their tongue out at the casket, and another, shrugging their shoulders, while leaving the room.

Miles O’Keef-“Bloody hell, deadly departed at thirty.” He steps up to the coffin. Talking down at it. “Who’s going to save your soul now, mate,heh. I bet you wish to God you kept one foot on the floor, or was it the drugs and alcohol, you stupid git! Ok mates-you can pull the trolley now!”

Tegan O’Keef-“Miles!” Gives him a naughty glance.

Church volunteers- One on each side of the coffin, rolls it out of the room as the wheels squeaked.

Miles O’Keef-“What am I supposed to do now, preach about the evils of this world? Surely, they can see for themselves, this crap world.

Tegan O”Keef-“Yes, love, but you’re there to give them hope.” She gives him a quick peck on his cheek, then goes to her chair like the others.

The Congregants- The remaining ones sit in pews acting bored.

Miles O’Keef- Picks up his briefcase, places it upon the alter, opens it to grab for today’s sermon. Having troubles, shuffling, sorting and sifting through his unprepared notes, a couple of papers fall to the floor. “Ah, here it is. Fanny Whitmore, the city tart, busted today on grounds of….oh, no, that’s not it.” Picks up another paper from his briefcase. “Ah, tis it..’Little on charges for her pimp’….um, not that either.”

Tegan O’Keef- She looks to her side to look at the congregation, then goes up to help him.

Miles O’Keef-Frustrated. “I can’t do this Teg, the bloody people aren’t listening anyway. What happened to this church, it was fun when you first brought me here, now they act like spineless comatose twits, there’s no life in them, for crap sake.” He moaned in frustration.

Tegan OKeef-“It’s ok Miles, and that’s why you’re here, to help them.”

Miles O’Keef-“Well, what am I supposed to do now?”

Tegan OKeef-“Relax, I have an idea.” She takes the pastor’s big heavy bible, lifting it up, whacks it down hard onto the alter in front of the microphone, as it smack sound waves across the room-filled the atmosphere.

The Congregants-Sit up immediately, waking up from their self -

induced spiritual comas.

Tegan O’Keef-“Good, you’re all here now. I know you miss our dear ol pastor, but we have something special for you today. The subject?

intimacy and marriage. Any questions?” Her hands spread in the air in inquirement.

The Congregants- Everyone’s ears pricked up.

An older church member-“Miss, you must mean the sanctity of marriage?”

Tegan O’Keef-“Nooo, I said, intimacy and marriage.”

The Congregants- Everyone’s ears pricked up even more.

Samual Oleary-“That’s my girl, get their attention.” He smiles adamantly.

Dan Oleary-“ Yah, I mean, what is the possible worse scenario that could go wrong? I mean, just look at them.” Shrugs his shoulders.

Congregants-The boys turn to the girl staring at them, while the girls return the favor loving the attention, one girl twirling her hair with her fingers.

Samual Oleary-“Well, at least by the time our pastor gets back, he’ll have a bigger congregation, isn’t that what the good lord told us to do, be fruitful and multiply?”

Sue Oleary-“Yah, it brings back wonderful memory when we had our Dan.”

Dan O’Leary- Winks at Lisa, sitting next to him.

Miles o’Keef-“Oh great, you certainly got their attention, but it’s not on me.”

Tegan OKeef-“Ah, but you forget, it’s not about you, it’s about God.”

She kissed him.

Church youth group

Miles and Tegan O’Keef-Are in charge of a new class for troubled, sorry-for-nothing, teens.

Joe and Joel- Sitting amongst the group, and next to Tegan, as their parents are once again off to vacation.

Class group- Cold as ice-staring at each other in nervousness. One leather jacket-bad-assed- boy with hiked leg on table, striking a match, as he watched it burst into flame with a grin, a blue-hair girl, twiddling her fingers in boredom, a grungy pimple looking boy keeps grabbing pencils, then hiding them in his shirt pocket, a slumped head-back lazy boy, a girl dressed in over exposed mid-drift and another girl with big teeth and long curly blonde hair staring endlessly at her.

Miles O’Keef- He leans toward Tegan. “Blimey Teg. It looks like my old forth year Primary class back in England.

Tegan O’Keef-“You mean, elementary school class.” Yes Miles, what did you expect? They are after all in here for one reason. They are all wayward teens. And our pastor assigned us to this very special group.”

Miles O’Keef- “Of Delinquents.”

Tegan O’Keef- “No. They are motivationally challenged.

Miles O’Keef- “Yah, let’s see, we have, the pyromaniac, the cliptomaniac,…the undesirable, the wannabe wench and golilocks.

God help us, that our Daniel don’t turn out like them.”

Tegan O’Keef- “Right. Shall we begin?” She clears her throat. “Hello everyone, welcome to this class. I’m Tegan, and this my husband,

Miles. We will be your leaders for the next three months. I’m looking forward in knowing each and everyone of you. Now, who would like start first?” Her face glowing in loving anticipation.

A Pin-drop-to-the- floor-complete silence moment……

Tegan O’Keef- “Alright. Everybody is a little introverted. And that’s quite ok. “

Bad assed boy- “Let’s start with Miss Priss.”

Girl-“Excuse me, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here!”

Tegan O’Keef- Elation on her face. “Ah yes. This is good, this is good, go on, now we begin, continue.”

Girl- “He told me that he loved only me, but then I caught him with that….that other woman again!”

Boy-“Yah, she’s a beauty.”

Another Girl-Stands up, pointing her finger at him in disgust. “Yah, you guys are all alike! Only got one thing on your mind!”

Boy- “Yah! Motorcross!”

Miles O’Keef- “That sounds great mate!”

Tegan O’Keef- She looks straight at Miles. “Miles, you’re not helping.”

Girl- “You see, it’s that gutless tart.” Upset expression.

Boy- “Well, I can’t help it. Once I get on her, grip the handles,va-va-voom, we’re going for fast ride.”

Another “Yah, the adrenaline is like….like….”

Miles o’Keef- “A woman that can’t get enough.”

Tegan O’Keef- looks at Miles with stricter expression.

Girl- “Can’t get enough of what?!” With daring look.

Boy- “Torque!” With scretched voice.

Miles O’Keef- “The best ride in life.”

Tegan O’Keef- Sternly looks at Miles. “Miles!!!”

Miles O’Keef-Looks back at her. “Well what’s wrong with a little fun!?”

Joe and Joel- “Yah, and afterwards, take her home to admire her lean sheen bolts and chrome while she is still hot.”

Girls/Tegan- wide open mouths.

Tegan O’Keef- Quickly clasps her hands onto Joe and Joel’s mouths, looks at Miles. “Miles, we are supposed to lead by example, not to lavish in lush. No ice cream or video games for you two when we get home. Class dismissed…..for another two months and three weeks.”

Another Big Surprise

Entering their home, They see Lisa pacing back in forth from the bathroom, to the kitchen, then back to the bathroom. All three giving her a strange look.

Sue Oleary- Following her.

Tegan O’Keef- “Mom, dad?”

Sue O’Leary- “Not now Tegan, I’m helping Lisa.”

Samual O’Leary- Giddy and jumping around, nearly knocking things over.

Dan O’Leary- “What is going on mom? Why is dad acting like an idiot.

Yeh yah, I’m Just going to eat.” He grabs his plate of food, takes his fork, dips in.

Lisa O’Leary- Comes up behind him, vomiting into his food.

Everyone stopped, looks at her in surprise.

Tegan O’Keef- Looks at her in disbelief. Then a smile grows quickly upon her face. “Congratulations”! When is it due!”

Lisa O’Leary-Holds her hand to her mouth, runs back to the bathroom, holding her stomach with one hand, the other, as she is about ready to puke again.

Samual O’Leary- Still jumping around, but calling his neighbors about the excitement.

Dan O’Leary- “What?” He smiles widely. “I’m going to be a father, just like you again Miles!” He quickly places is plate onto the table, runs to the bathroom to help Lisa.

Miles OKeef –Eyes grew large.

Tegan OKeef-Grabs Miles’ hand quickly, then stands in front of him.

“Miles, I forgot to tell you. I’m pregnant again, yah, you’re going to be father again….you have another son coming…. Miles, speak to me.”

Miles OKeef-Takes an honorable breath.“ Teg, our family is growing.

We had better get prepared for our second son, Samual Miles OKeef.”

Joe and Joel- Come running into the kitchen. “Mom and Dad said to come here for the weekend.” They go running off into the living room to grab their games.

Sue O’Leary- Looks at her. “I bet you can’t wait for your two to do that with us?” She gives her daughter a warm hug, then attends to Lisa.

Miles O’Keef-““Bloody Well, my Teg. It has begun. A family tribe.”

Tegan O’Keef- “Yep, a new journey” She picks up little Dan into her arms.

Miles and Tegan O’Keef- looking at their surroundings. As they both claim, “As…You…Were.”

Be Fruitful And Multiply Welsh Nine months later

In church,

Pastor McCleary returns, stands proud of his congregation. “Today’s scripture of the perils of a woman as like in labor pain.”

A front row seated unwed pregnant teen girl with her boyfriend, goes into labor…

Lisa O’Leary- Reaches out to help her. Grabs her own round baby bump, then her husband’s arm. “Dan, I think I’m going into labor!”

She gaspes for thicker air.

Tegan O’Keef- Reaches out to Lisa, tries to help her, then bends over in pain of her own labor pain…”AHH MILES!!!.”

Then another women

Then another

Then another..

Pastor McCleary, continues without noticing, walking his platform, pacing back and forth. “The intense progressiveness of pain, as the day comes nearer in these last days in which we live.”

Then the rest of the mothers to be, bend over in labor pain throughout the congregation, like wildfire spreading the good news.

Dan O’Leary-“Miles, were having a baby boom! It must have been from the time the pastor had you take over when he left over 9

months ago, you know, that sermon intimacy and marriage.

Boy, the pastor will be truly grateful for our patronage to the church of new sheep followers of god. You know, be fruitful and multiply. ”

Miles O’Keef-“Bloody hell, we’re not a bunch of rabbits!” He recalls the part from his own memory, his eyes shoot open wide, runs to the confession booth, slams the door shut. “Wait, hang on, this is rather catholic. In a christian church? The dip wit pastor. You mean he’s Catholic too?”

Dan O’Leary finds him. “Well what did you expect, we are a non-denominational church. Anybody is welcomed. We seek to please all.

We got to go back, the pastor just took note, thanking god for the much prayer arrival of a growing church.”

Back into the room they sprint seeing their wives flat on the floor, their arms flaying for help, they go to their wives in support.

One hour later….

In the hospital…

Dan O’Leary, by his wife, Lauren’s side, as she holds their son, Dan Samual O’Leary.

Miles O’Keef, by his wife, Tegan’s side, as she holds their second son, Samual Miles O’Keef.

Parents, Samual and Sue O’Leary grinning away, thrilled with the thought of two more welsh babies in the family.

Joe and Joel,sat next to them, taking no notice, their cell phones in their hands.

They all look at the boys. The boys look at them. “What? Mom and dad went scuba diving, sent us here to help you out.


At home….

Miles O’Keef- Knocking on the bathroom door. Taking hold of the doorknob. “Boys! Nature calls! Get out of the loo!”

Daniel O’Keef- With confused face. “Daddy, mommy said it was the bathroom.”

Miles O’Keef- “Sure son. The potty in the bathroom is for you, but the loo is for your daddy.” He knocks hard again. “ BOYS! I know what you are doing in there, I can hear you smirking! OUT!!!”

Joe and Joel- Coming out from the bathroom, running after each other.

Joe -“I cleaned the bathroom last time! Joel said he would pay me to do it for him! I want my dollar Bill NOW!”

Joel just stands looking innocent.

Miles OKeef- Bewildered, looked straight at him. “He did what? Well I want my compensation from the Irish Potato famine, but I ain’t going to get it, so piss off.” Quickly entering, then shutting the door.

Joe and Joel- The Boys-go to watch t.v. loudly of a woman in terror, screaming in an old black and white B-movie.

Tegan O’Keef enters the room- “Boys, turn the volume down or turn the T.V. off, you shouldn’t be watching those kinds of shows.”

The Constable Colleague

The doorbell rings….

Tegan and Miles- Rushed to the door and opening it. They see a policeman standing in waiting.

Policeman-“Hello, your neighbor called us, they said there is a woman being attacked in your home?”

Tegan and Miles- Look at each other strangely.

Miles O’Keef-“Oh, everything is fine officer, the boys are just watching a video nasty.”

Tegan O’Keef-“He means, a violent movie against women.”

Policeman-“Wait, hang on, aren’t you Miles O’Keef? Do you remember me?”

Miles O’Keef--Looks him over “Why, isn’t it Roger the Imposter. How are you doing mate?”

Roger-Policeman-“Doing just fine, mate.”

Tegan O’Keef-Looking at both of them, one at a time.

Miles O’Keef-“Teg, this is the man that shared a room with me back when we studied to be detectives in London. Roger, where are you staying now?”

Roger-Policeman-“Right here in your town, actually in a hotel, they transferred me temporary and will be heading back to London soon.”

Miles O’Keef-“Hey Teg, maybe we can talk to your brother about letting him stay here until he leaves, you know, help him out with expenses.”

Policeman-“Hey, that would be great, got to go now, call you later.”

He walks off.

Miles OKeef- “Sure thing, cheers mate.” He closes the door.

Tegan O’Keef-“Miles, Don’t you think it’s a bit odd, he never mentioned about what police station he’s working for?”

Miles-O’Keef- He turned to her. “Right, he didn’t did he. No, prob.”

Tegan O’keef-“ Neither did he mention what hotel.”

Miles O’Keef-“ Don’t get your knickers in a twist over it, love, I know him, he’s a fine bloke.” He gently takes his hands, placing it onto her face.

Tegan O’Keef- “You mean, don’t worry about it, this guy that you spent time with as your roommate?”

Miles O’Keef-“Umm, yes. It taught me how to take charge.”

Tegan O’Keef- “Why don’t you take charge. Get the boys to stop watching that demeaning video.”

Miles O’Keef-“Alright.” He takes her hand, leads her back to the livingroom, as they stand in front of the boys. “ ‘Oi, Boys!”

Joe and Joel: They jump in their startledness, immediately sat up giving their undivided attention to Miles.

Miles O’Keef-“GET OUT!” with a gestured hand to thumb demand.

Joe and Joel: Quickly leaped out of their seats, racing out the front door.

Miles O’Keef- Turns off the t.v.

Tegan O’Keef-“Wow, thanks for the tip.”

Take Your Wife To work In Handcuffs Day The next morning….

Tegan O’Keef- After getting dressed. ”I’m getting the mail, be right back.” She steps out to get it.

Miles O’Keef – “Humm.” Getting up in the morning to pour his hot cup of coffee, he takes a swig while viewing outside his kitchen window.

Takes a second look to see a stranger walk up to her. His phone rings, he answered it. “Hello, yes, this is Detective O’Keef. Where am I? In my home, looking outside my window.” Takes a closer look. “Seeing a man walking up to my wife, now he’s pointing his hand in my direction, now he’s placing his hand on her shoulder, now he’s rubbing his hand up and down her shoulder, now she’s pulling away from him, now he’s going back into the same position, huhuh, she pulled away again, now she’s walking off back to our front door. Who, me? Why would you think that’s me? Because this same man that just tried to frisk my wife, calls himself, ‘The Welsh Dragon?’ Blimey, if it was me, I’d have her in the bushes by now with her screaming in ecstasy, mate.” He takes another look.” Oh, bloody hell…. its Roger, my Imposter.”

A few minutes later….

Tegan O’Keef- “Miles, calm down, everything is ok now. They took him away from here.”

Miles O’Keef-“If I were a copper, I’d put handcuffs on him and lock him up for impersonating me, the original welsh dragon, indeed!”

Tegan O’Keef- “You mean, policeman.”

Miles O’Keef-“Same difference. There’s been too many of this lately in other parts of town.” Pacing the floor.

Tegan O’Keef- “Yes, but it’s over now.”

Miles O’Keef- “Right. ok teg, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.

I’m sorry teg, but I’m gonna have to do this.” He takes out his handcuffs from his room, wraps them around her wrist, locking them together.

Tegan O’Keef-“What are you doing?” She slightly jerks.

Sue O’leary-“Oh Tegan, his welshness is coming out, I’d say go for it.”

Comes up to her, with baby in her arms.

Tegan O’Keef-“But I have things to do today. Where’s the key?” She inquired.

Miles O’Keef-He took his hand, patting it around his shirt and pants. “I thought I had on me. I don’t know.”

Daniel and Lisa O’leary-Enters into the room. “Oh boy!” He laughs out loud non stop. “I’m sorry teg, it sure gives new meaning to the old saying, the ‘ol ball and chain.”

Tegan O’Keef/Lisa Oleary-Smack him on the shoulders.

Daniel Oleary- “We’ve got to get to work, bye love.” He kisses Lisa tenderly on her lips.

At The Office….


Miles and Tegan O’Keef- Walk inside with their handcuffs where other people can see them.

Daniel Oleary- Just walk to his desk nonchalantly.

Tegan O’Keef-“Miles, I just don’t think this is necessary.”

Miles O’Keef-“I’m telling yah Teg, it’s for your own good, I’m your husband, I am going to protect you.”

Miles and Tegan-They look away from each other for a brief moment, then take a look around the room as they see other policemen and detective husbands attached to their girlfriends and wives with handcuffs in protective custody. They look back at each other, shrugging their shoulders in acceptance like it’s become today’s common fashion.

Police line up


Tegan O’Keef- “Thanks for coming for support Lauren.”

Lauren O’Leary- “Anytime Tegan, we girls got to stick together.”

Miles O’keef- “Lauren glad you’re here. Dan and I need a favor from you two. We need your help to identify these high heel shoes in line up. Tegan, Lauren. You are hookers. “

Tegan, Lauren, taking their hands, slapped him across his face. “How dare you!”

Miles, whirled away from them quick. “OOCH!”

Dan O’Leary- stood next to Miles’ “Oh DUDE! “Girls, let’s clarify.

Let’s say, you are hookers. Can you identify the shoes that a pimp would wear?” Hides behind Miles.

Tegan O’Keef--“Oh, why didn’t you say so in the first place? Those are kind of cute, in a weird way.

Lauren O’Leary-“ Yes but, I mean, who would wear those, they’d pinch my toes.”

Tegan O’Keef- Nod her head yes. “Yah.”

Miles and Dan stare at each other in disbelief.

Tegan O’Keef- Her cell phone gets a text, she answers by texting back.”You were saying Lauren?”

Miles O’Keef- His phone get texted To : Tegan O’leary. With his eyes suddenly widen, stood in squarely in front of Tegan in accusing stance,

his cell phone in his hand with an uneasy glare at her. “RIGHT! DON”T

MUCK WITH ME TEG! I saw that Filthy, DISGUSTING text that, that oLd BoYFriend of yours texted to you!”

Tegan OKeef- Stares at him strangely. “Who?”

Miles OKeef- Standing in his continued stance in frustration. “Oh don’t play innocent with me! That old boy FRiend called you, what’s that awkward, smuck’s name?” He takes another look at his cell phone, then at her once again. “Yah, that’s it Warren Oust! I mean what kind of a name is that? I mean , what smuck for parents would name their child that? Crazy loonies, that’s what! The silly GITS!!!”

Tegan OKeef-Continued to stand listening to him in questioning silence.

Miles OKeef- Stood tall in over-extend-offended-defense. “And don’t you forget what your dad did to him when you were a teen. Turning him into the police for not being welsh at the time of your snogging exchange!? God bless him! That was outrageous! Yah, that should have been me, The welsh dragon snogging you on that door step, SNOGGING YOU, yah, you wouldn’t be able to get enough from me!”

Tegan OKeef- Giving him a loving, compassionate stare.

Miles OKeef- With sulking disposition. “So what do you have to say for yourself, my supposedly, loyal wife? And those disgusting, low life words he said to my wife in this text, Hum? I’ll read to you what this GIT said to you, yah, hear this, my so –called loving wife, mother of my two boys, this is what was said, dare I repeat! Right! ‘Be, my, sugar, daddy. And you, YOU said back to him? Ready for this?

Tegan OKeef, in quiet logic stillness.

Miles OKeef-Ranting hurtfulness. “And, what did you say back to him, what was your response? Your words back to him.” Looks at the text words. ‘I’m sugar intolerant-BUGGER OFF!!!” A moment of silence overcame him. His angry frown, turned guilt-bummered. “ohhh.” He quietly muttered, his head down in dread.

Tegan O’Keef-With her loving compassion, goes to him with opens arms. ”Oh Miles. You know I only love you. Now, Let’s say we go home early and, you know, go to bed early. Ok?”

Miles OKeef- Disappointment in himself, he smiles, places his arms around her, pulling her close. “Yes. Teg, I am so sorry. I just love you so much. I don’t want to lose you. Yes, let’s do.”

Miles and Tegan OKeef- tenderly kiss. Turns to see the next police line up.

Three big bruiser men stood facing them.

Miles O’Keef- Taking a sip of his drink, then to observe.

Tegan O’Keef- Sees her old boyfriend in line, in huge-wide-eyed-disbelief. “Warren Oust?”

Miles O’Keef, Nearly passively choking on his water, immediately spits it out, gasping for air, as he places his glass back onto the table with a loud clink, while struggling to get a grip of reasoning.

Tegan OKeef-Immediately attends her urgent care to him, patting him on his back. “Miles, Are You OK?”

Miles O’Keef- Taking big gulps of air.” Yep, Yep, Yep. I’m ok, I’m ok.


Warren Oust- Sees her, takes a staring look. “Tegan O’Leary? It’s me, your old boyfriend as teens. I tried to text you. I was going to visit

you, but I was all caught up with two detectives on the street with trying to talk some people into buying the good stuff. Yah, those two detectives, were a real hum dingers, thought they could stiff me up, but I taught them a lesson in Police procedure of how to properly use their handcuffs in a jiffy.”

Tegan OKeef- Gave him a flat look of his disgrace. “ Yes, I was the one to unlock their handcuffs. I just returned your text. Did you get my message?” With sarcasm.

Warren Ousts- “I’d just called to tell you, I sold all the good stuff, next thing is, I’m here. How’s your dad Teg.”

Miles O’Keef- “Teg? Teg? He called you Teg?”

Tegan O’Keef- “NEVERMIND Miles. We’ll get our justice.”

Dan O’Leary- Stands with Tegan. “Oh, It’s that old boyfriend of yours. I thought that con artist looked familiar. So he fits the description. No, No Teg, please allow me. Warren OUSTS!” He gestures a right hand thumb at him to leave with the police station. Dan smiles back to her.

Goes back to his desk.

Miles O’Keef- “That’s right love. I told you we will get him next time.”

Goes to his desk, with handcuffs, Tegan tugs along with him.

Tegan, Lauren, Shrug their shoulders at each other, goes with their husbands.

!0:00 AM

Dan O’Leary- “Miles, this one in for questioning.” He gently sits her down in front of Miles.

Miles O’Keef-Begins typing the person’s name on his computer.

“Name please?”

The old lady sits in her seat taking glances of him with sorrowful face.

“Mrs. Latrina Potter. Lati for short.”

Miles O’Keef- Keeps typing. “Mrs, Latrina Potter. In for obstruction of harassment.”

Mrs. Latrina Potter- “Detective O’Keef. I didn’t mean to do it. It was just that moment of great anticipation gone wrong.”

Tegan, helping Miles, “ Excuse me, Mrs. Potter, what exactly do you mean by, ‘anticipation gone wrong?”

Mrs. Potter- With sorrowful quivering lips. “Well, I only was just trying to make my point across to him. I didn’t mean an REALly ..harm him.”

Teagn O’Keef-looks at the police report. Cringed at the thought.

“Ooffgh. Mrs. Potter. And I Do say this out of love and experience.

Perhaps next time you shouldn’t take it out on your hubby, this need of yours. But , talk it out with love and understanding of your hubby rather than whacking him in the sack.”

Mrs. Potter-“Yes Maam may I go now.”

Tegan O’Keef- looks both ways around her, nobody watching, she rips up the report. “Yes, You may go Mrs. Potter. And remember, with love and understanding.”

Mrs. Potter- smiles in relief, leaves.

Miles O’Keef- Gave a strange look. “Brutal.”

Dan O’Leary -Brings in a bruiser… “Be careful with this one Miles, he’s a ripe one, in for using illicit drug use of crack. They call him .’Cracking Craig.’”

Miles O’Keef- “What kind of a name is that, ’Cracking Craig. You must mean Craic, as in comedian, right?”

Dan O’Leary. Lowers to Miles’ level. “No Miles, NOT CRAIC as in laughter. He used to do too much crack. The drug, crack.”

Miles O’Keef- Takes a good look at Dan, then Craig. Cracking up…in laughter. Hey mate, my colleague here tells me you’ve been taking in too much L.D.S.

Dan O’Leary -Quickly goes back to Miles’ level. “No Miles, That’s L.S.D., the drug Miles. Not L.D. S., [The church of latter day saints.]”

Miles O’Keef- “Oh, did you hear that mate? The Latter Day Saints mate. HAAHH! That must have been B.C.”

Dan O’Keef- “No Miles, not Before Christ, that would be, A.D. [After Christ.] Our time.”

Miles O’Keef- “No MATE!. Dan, I meant B.C. [Before Crack] did him in.

You know, The A.D. After The Acid delusions. HAAhh!”

Cracking Craig stared dead at Miles. “Mannn, you have some serious issues.”

Dan O’Leary- “Well , He’s not from here, but from another country., so…” Walks away.

Miles O’Keef- “HAAHH, That was some good CRAIC Dan!” Starts typing the report away.

NAME: ’”Cracking Craig’”

Reason for Arrest: Taking too much L.D.S. supplemented with L.S.D.

Date of arrest issued: He shrugged his shoulders. Typed, “Hmm, about, sometime A.D., after his Acid Delusion, during his latter days in the L.D.S. and B.C., Before Crack did him in.”

Cracking Craig- Mann, He’s messed up Mann. Someone, please get me out here quick. I’ve got to get off these drugs. I’m starting to see something very scaryMANNN.” His eyes widen sober.

Dan O’Leary- “Can someone take him to his cell?” Shaking his head in disbelief. “NEXT!!!”

Miles O’Keef- “I mean, really, where do these people come from anyway?”

Dan O’Leary- “And our last one for the day. Fanny Whitmore, the town tart strikes again. Sit right here.”

Fanny Whitmore- “I’m no tart, I’m a damsel in distress. I’ve reformed, I have. Even my pimp won’t recognize me no more, for some reason, it happens every time I’m in here during work hours. But that’s because I swiped his car keys making him come and get it so I can make sure I get payment.”

The pimp walks in, disguised in his dark sunglasses, looks around, sees her being interrogated with questions, then suddenly shift in high gear leaving the building again, came and gone so fast, like he split his infinitives into 'to go suddenly mode' through that revolving door, nearly into sliding off its hinges.

Dan and Miles gave a quick glimpse astonishment.



Miles O’keef-His office phone rings. He answers it. “Yes, Detective O’Keef. What? How the hell did he escape? And you don’t know where he is? Damn it! You want me to do what? He’s been seen at the local hotel? And you assigned this to me?” He looks at Tegan, taking a nap asleep on the lounge next to him, then their attached handcuffs.

“What am I supposed to do, DRAG HER WITH ME? No sir, I mean, that’s such a drag, you have to work long hours, be there in a minute!” He hangs up the phone, quickly stands. Gently pats her face to wake her up. “Tegan, Oh Teg, Teg, Teg, oh Teg, you’ve got to wake NOW love. We got to roll, gotta go get ‘em.”

Tegan O’Keef- “Miles. Are we home in our bed now.” She kissed him, then again.

Miles O’Keef- “Not now love, we’ve got to go now………perhaps later?”

He closes his eyes in realization of what he just said, then reopens again. ”Love, we have to go now!”

Tegan O’Keef- “Ok, Ok, where?” She sits up, stands up.

Miles O’Keef- “To the field!”

Miles and Tegan -Practically bursting through the police doors, they rushed outside and towards the town, hanging on to each others hands. Running down the long length of the sidewalk, then to the other side of the road, then fast around the building’s corner, barely seeing the criminal on the other side, making Miles abruptly stop just before the corner ended, forcing her uncontrolled body flinging around the corner like a rag doll, as he grabs her quickly in time, pulling her back towards himself before the criminal sees them.

Tegan O’Keef- “AAHH!!!”

Miles O’Keef- “SHHH!!!!” He’s right around the corner.”

Tegan “OKeef-“Oh, you found him, that’s good. Great, now what?”

Miles O’Keef- “We wait, this could be awhile, you go get the food, I’ll stay here.”

Tegan OKeef-“Right!”

Miles and Tegan O’Keef-Forgetting that they have their handcuffs on, they start to go their separate ways, in different directions, their arms stretched out, but instead, like a rubber band effect stretching too far out, they sprung back together, losing their balance with each other.

Miles O’Keef- Big sigh. “This will not do.”

Tegan O’Keef- “Well, then, what?!”

Watching and waiting....

Miles and Tegan O’Keef -BOTH sitting in the field from across the street.

Tegan O’Keef-Her cell phone rings. “Hello! Yes, this is Mrs. O’Keef!

This is what? Joe and Joel’s principal at their school? They did what?

They have been suspended? For putting glue on a chair? Oh, your chair. And, their parents aren’t able to come and get them? Hold on, let me ask my husband.” She holds the phone to ask him. “Miles……”

Miles O’Keef- “UM, we are quite busy right now.” He sarcastically announced with pointing his held out hand at the criminal to remind

her. He turns back to see Roger not there. “Oh, bloody hell, he’s gone now.”


Miles and Tegan O’Keef- As they approach the principal’s office.

Miles O’Keef- “Right, here it is, the Headmaster’s room.”

Tegan O’Keef-“You mean, the principal’s office.”

Miles and Tegan O’Keef-They both walk through the door. “Boys, we’re here.”

Joe and Joel- They see them with the handcuffs connected to each other, their eyes widen.

The principal- Chair-wheels himself inside the room to get back to his desk?

Tegan O’Keef- Gives them a bad stare.

Joe-“Well, he dared me to do it!” Pointing his finger at Joel.

Joel-“Well, he didn’t want to tell the truth about that girl he likes.”

Miles O’Keef- “What, about that girl with the braces and pimples HAaaHaa!”

Tegan O’Keef--“Miles!” She quickly looks at him.

The Principal- Looks at them staunch. “I don’t see the humor in all this, they are in direct violation of public property. And why are you two in handcuffs!?”

Miles O’Keef- “Oh, I don’t know, It’s rather in vogue for detectives these days.”

The Principal- “What kind of crackpot neighbors are you?”

Miles Niles-“If you think this looks bad, just wait until my son enters this room in a few months.”

The Principal- With alerted eyes, he picks up his phone to call his wife.

“Yes, Geraldine, Please call the social security office today, I’m ready for that retirement now.” He rolls himself out of the room.

Tegan O’Keef- “Ok, boys, let’s go.”

Joe and Joel –“Where?”

Miles O’Keef- “To the office. I’ve got to finish up where I left off….collecting the line up.”

Joe and Joel- Their eyes grew wider.

They drop the Boys off at their home…..

Tegan O’Keef- Leans over to Give Miles a lingered kiss as she reaches inside his pants pocket, then pulls out the key to the handcuffs.

Shows him.

Miles O’Keef- “You con be real sly con, cont you.”

Tegan O’Keef- “I think I’ve had enough excitement for today.” She takes the key to unlock the cuffs, takes her side off, caress his face. “I appreciate your love for me, thanks Miles. But you can’t realistically watch over me from every harm every minute of the day.” With another tender kiss, she gets out of the car, walks inside the house with the boys.

Miles O’Keef- Shakes his head in reason, then takes out his cell phone to turn on his tracking device on her. “Her kisses so sweet, so was her deep pockets.” Drives back to work.

The Pledge of welsh Allegiance Daniel O’Keef sits with his Kindergarten classmates.

Miss Fingle the first grade teacher- “Alright kids. For today, each student gets to choose a flag of world of their choice.”

Daniel O’Keef chooses the welsh flag. “My daddy came all- the-way from England. Mommy was so happy…”

Miss Fingle- “That’s nice Daniel.” Looks away from him, walk on.

“Has everyone chosen their flag?”

Daniel O’Keef- Follows her. “I was named after my uncle Dan and my daddy. Daniel Miles O’Keef.” Grinning.

Miss Fingle- “That’s wonderful Daniel. Everyone, your flag.”

Daniel O’Keef- “ My mommy said we have something called, welsh heritage.”

Miss Fingle- “ThAnk yOu Daniel, now, another student please.”

Walks away from him.

Daniel O’Keef-Continues to follow her around the room. “My mommy just gave me a baby brother to play with. His name is Samual Miles O’Keef.” Smiles widely.

Miss Fingle- “That’s wonderful. Kids are we almost done?”

Daniel O’Keef- My Grandma and Grandpa liked my daddy so much because my daddy IS the Welsh Dragon!”

Miss Fingle- Suddenly stop, takes a rather strange look at him.

“What did you just say? Well I’m happy to hear of your great fondness of your daddy to see him as your imaginary welsh dragon play friend.”

Daniel O’Keef- Smile turns dull. “ But my daddy IS the welsh dragon.”

Another student-“No he’s not.”

Daniel O’Keef- “Yes he is, he is and so am I. because I’m his son.

And mommy said, that makes me half Welsh. So I’m also A Welsh dragon-rooaroor!” He hollored out while he gestured his hands with fingers like claws.

Another kid broke out words of ”And I’m a wolf hear me howl-whoooww!!!?”

Then another. “I’m a tiger! ROARR!!!”

Kids in rambunctious overdrive start running around the room, then stood on top of their desks.

Miles O’Keef walks into the classroom to pick up his son. Sees its getting out of hand. “Blimey!” Tries to calm his son down amongst the Chaos. “Danny –Boy, AS YOU WERE!”

Miss Fingle-“Mr. O’Keef, will you PLEASE contain your son. He seems to think that you are the Welsh Dragon, and he’s your mini me.”

Miles O’Keef-Wraps his arms around his son adamantly, ready to take him out of the classroom, looks straight at the teacher.

”Well Miss Fingle, that’s because I AM The Welsh Dragon, he is my son, THERFORE, he is. Miss Fingle, perhaps biology would have been better suited.…bloody hell it’s like sesame street on steroids in here. Right. I see the Headmaster did take his early retirement leave of absence after all.”

Miss Fingle- “Headmaster? What is that? I am the new teacher taking over for the last teacher. He was also the principal. The poor man had to wheel himself out of the classroom because some crazy student put glue on his chair.”

Miles O’Keef-“As you can see, Miss Fingle, it was NOT MY son, it was two boys, Joe and Joel. Now please excuse me as I take my half welsh son home with me!” He grabs his son from the desk, carrying him out like a suitcase, right out the classroom door.

Miss Fingle-stood stupidfied.

Preposterous Imposter The next day…..

Miles O’Keef- Laying on the couch. The phone rings. He answers it. “

Yes, this is Miles. What? My imposter, I mean, Roger The Imposter has been seen again at the airport…..Yes, of course, I’m coming.” He hangs up the phone stares in the distance. “Oh, bloody hell, my Teg is at the airport to see her friend.” He quickly rises, puts on his trench coat, grabs his fedora hat, races out the door. Taking off in his car, he drove the long stretch road toward the airport. Getting out of his car, the door shut. He strut his swaged body continuing towards his destination. Taking his fedora hat that she had once given to him, smoothly fitting it over his head. With his straight forward, manly adamance, he then opens the airport’s door entering inside. Quickly looking to his right, then to his left, with a sly wry, he tread the corridor, then halts to see a glimpse of the imposter stalking a few feet away. “Right, I’ve got you now, you bloody git!” He calls Tegan.

Tegan O’Keef- Answers her phone. “Hello.”

Miles O’Keef- “Tegan O’Keef….As…you…were.”

Tegan O’Keef- “Miles?”

Miles OKeef- “Teg, he’s here, Roger my imposter.”

Tegan OKeef- “Where here?”

Miles O’Keef- “Very near you. I’m going to nab him once and for all.

Tegan, go to the nearest waiting area where there’s a lot of people around you-do you hear me?”

Tegan O’Keef- “Right, I’ll……” She turns around as she begins taking off to the nearest waiting area. then stops to see the imposter directly in front of her, face to face.

Roger The imposter- grabs her arm.

Miles O’Keef- “Go on Teg……Teg?” He inquired.

Tegan O’Keef- “Miles….I found him.”

Miles O’Keef- “Right! Where is he love?” As he continued his urgent walking.

Tegan O’Keef- “He’s looking right at me, holding my arm.” She calmly said.

Roger The imposter - He yanks her phone from her, held it up to his mouth. “Detective…Miles…O’Keef. Nice to hear from you again.”

Miles O’Keef- Abruptly stops in his tracks, holding his phone sternly next to his ear, paying intent attention with an unamused expression on his face.

Roger The imposter - “She is something of great value I need.”

Tegan O’Keef- Calm but annoyed. “You are ruining my day. What exactly do you want from me.”

Roger The imposter- looks back at her. “I have searched your records, I know everything about you, when you were born, where you were raised, even your first kiss that made your father cringe because your boyfriend wasn’t welsh. And how do I know that? Because of the police report your father wrote out afterwards…daddy’s little girl…and how do I know this? From your computer diary that Miles and I hacked before he came here, as a favor for your brother, to help your dear brother to sabotage your so-called boyfriend, Paul. Oh, yes, me

and Miles, we go way back to the good ‘ol days of detective training from England. Miles knew all about you, even before he came. Isn’t that right Miles? Miles owes me much money. Of any payment from his job that I helped him create, was not paid back. It will take him half his lifetime to achieve it. It will be my fortune when he is finished paying his debt to me. Don’t worry, you will be well taken care of.”

Miles OKeef, on phone, making serious strange expressions while listening.

Roger The Impostor-on the phone with Miles again. “In five minutes, I will be leaving aboard on my own jet with Tegan, somewhere back to Great Britain. Destination, unknown.”

Tegan O’Keef- Alarmed. “Miles-terminal five!” She hollered.

Roger The imposter-Adamant. “You have five minutes until take off.”

He hangs up.

Miles O’Keef- His face halted in question. ”Bloody Hell. Wait-Hang on.

But where is terminal 5?” His feet suddenly sprint to the nearest legend map, placed his hands upon it in urgency. It read: ‘Out of order-thanks for your patience, we look forward in serving you. A growing sense of impatience grew on his face. “Shit!” In- high–

strained -voiced -frustration, he slams his hands hard at the map. The electronic legend map suddenly turns on showing the old outdated map layout of the airport with an imaged depicted person and arrow next to it indicating of: ‘YOU ARE HERE!’ He makes a 90 degree turn around to view the area seeing the new updated changes, not the same design from the old map, then back to the old map to his heightened expression of: “NO, THE HELL I’M NOT!!! ” He takes another look to see the words, ‘terminal 1’ next to him. “Right. Here I come Teg!” His mobile phone rings. He put it to his ear. “Detective OKeef-WHAT!!!”

Roger The imposter- “Detective OKeef, you now have approximately 4

minutes left.” HANGS UP.

Miles OKeef, not happy. “CRIKEY!” He sees a gathering crowd of passengers just coming out from an airplane. “Right!” He swiftly ran into the crowd making his way through the hustle and bustle, toward the luggage conveyer belt, hoist himself up onto it to view over the entire area. He stood his stance on the conveyer while moving steadily across a treadmill then, stepping over the many different suitcases, he nearly trips onto one, but endeavors in his quest, the crowd getting near sparce.

Meanwhile, two airport workers, side by side. “Hey Mikey, the boss said we could go home early if we can just get these people out of here faster.” He gives his co-worker a high five, then grabs the switch, cranking it up a notch. The escalating conveyer belt sped up.

Miles OKeef, while in the background, hectically running amok, jumping, hopping, hurdling valiantly, continues with and without wavering , his foot hits a large baggage, about ready to make an emergency landing, his arms flailing, finds another route, then bails out into safer territory, jumps off the conveyer like the lone ranger onto his horse, but without horse or tonto. Standing tall again, he answers his mobile phone.

Roger The Imposter, poignant. “ Detective OKeef. You now have 3

minutes left.” Hangs up.

Miles OKeef, with a smug expression, straightens out his trench coat with fedora hat to view the long stretch of corridor, in his journey’s search to rescue his beloved wife, to find terminal 5.


Tegan OKeef, sits patiently with trust in her husband, as she deeply inhales, then exhales while watching Roger The impostor pacing back and forth, like a relentless tennis match, waiting for that final few minutes to elapse.

Miles OKeef, swiftly, he takes off again quickly, running the long corridor to terminal 2, bypassed beyond a shop with the tile of:

‘Medievalisms-R-Us’. Three moments later, he came rushing back to the site of a knight in shining armor, mannequin mascot, using his feet like car brakes, he stopped to halt, nearly losing his balance, hopping onto one foot, to grab the knight’s lending sword, retrieving it from the knight’s gauntlet, grips it, then once again, sped off toward his destination running straight into a room. Much to his relief, sees her through an office window, focused on her escape. But soon realizes, he’s still on the opposite side of her in the building with another corridor in between them.


Tegan OKeef, looks up to see him through the window. With her sad expression of ‘help me’, she held up her hand to the window then extended her index finger to indicate: one minute left. Then, without warning, Roger grabbed her, pulling her away from the window.

Miles OKeef, thoroughly enraged, veers to his side to prepare to take his last journey’s look down the airport’s long stretch corridor, to get to the other side. Like an athlete’s view of a 50 meter yard dash from around the corner then to the end to terminal 5. In his conquering conquest to rescue Tegan, his feet shifts in high gear, dashes away in a flurry taking off to race against the clock.

His deep steady breathing, running faster, his quick momentum of endurance speed, in a flash around the corner, then running from terminal 3, then to terminal 4, could not stop him even if he wanted.

And on his way to finish his final route of destination, his goal, his achievement, nothing else matters, could get in his way, until……a toddler crawls toward the center of his pathway, his eyes widen, holds tight to his sword, then jumps over the child, fifty seconds left on the clock. Gaining more speed, he sees in front of him, a big snack boxes full of chocolate candy, popcorn, potato chips, French fries…as he dodges, swoops, pounces his way through the carnage raiding in between each of these like in an obstacle course and somewhere in between these six boxes, 12 feet went scuffling and hustle to safety as French fries went flying up into the air, a slew of chocolate-bits flew soaring airborne meeting with popcorn straight up- then fell to the floor leaving behind a littered-scattered trail of trail mix, 30 seconds left on the clock.

Then straight away, his need for speed of endurance pushing it up further into high gear, his facial expression of urgency for his wife, his teeth gritting, his legs bursting with energy, running so fast in lightning speed toward that last- meter-mad-dash, then like a blur, he barely saw the number 5 on the terminal opening that he completely missed, flying right by it, even when he tried to suddenly halt in his tracks, his feet began to slip and slide across the newly waxed floor, his paddling feet going into survival mode frenzy, immobilizing at first, then sharply stomping, hanging onto dear life, his way back into survival mode, then getting a grip for tracking back into position, mobilizing once again as he finishes his final goal-terminal 5! As he places his hand upon the opening he finally approaches, he paused, spies and yields to an airlines promo ad poster on the wall of a welsh dragon holding a flag pole that shows an American integrated with Britain flag. He stood to salute with his hand poised to his forehead, then sideways across his face with cocky pride, then proceeded onward to get his wife.


Tegan OKeef, trying to fight him off.

Roger The Imposter- With scowl. “That Detective of yours. Not sure why you fell for him, the self proclaimed Welsh Dragon detective.

Blimey. What kind of crazy entitlement is that?”

Tegan O’Keef- “Oh yah? It’s a well distinguished entitlement! And you can take this back with you to England instead……you- are -FULL OF


Roger The imposter- “And you are exactly what I need. Get up!” He pulls her up with himself.

Tegan O’keef- “What are you doing?!” She resisted.

Roger The imposter- “We’re leaving early.” He grabs her around her waist, almost dragging her toward the airport door.

Tegan O’Keef- “What! That’s not fair, Miles still has 20 seconds left.”

Roger The Imposter, “Who’s counting?!” He gives her a weird look of

‘who cares’.

Tegan OKeef, struggling to free herself. “ME!!!”She looked outside to view his jet. Then stop struggling to free herself. “Oh Wow, that’s very nice.”

Roger The imposter- He loosened up his grip on her with swag.” See, I knew you would like it.”

Tegan O’Keef- “Yes,” she took her foot , stomped it hard unto his foot to buy back the 20 seconds, then took her elbow-jammed it into his rib as she tried to run away.

Roger The imposter- “Oooo!” He aggressively grabbed her again, forcing her back up against to the wall. “Don’t you ever do that again.

Tegan O’Keef-“You are, a serious nutter!” She said adamantly.

Roger The imposter - “And you, are coming with me now.” He gripped her arm tighter.

Miles O’Keef- coming up from behind the Roger the imposter, he took the tip of his sword, steadfastly applying pressure unto his back.

“One thing you never, ever do with me, is mess with my Mrs.

Roger the Imposter- “Miles. We meet again.”

Miles O’Keef -He pulled his sword away from the Roger’s back, then grabs him, slamming his back up against the wall. Holding the sword near his face. “I heard every word you said to me Teg, and I’m warning you-don’t screw with me!”

Roger the Imposter- “Like what?”

Miles O’Keef-“Like the other half of the story. Your extortion, that I paid to help you out of jail I guess I’m just too nice of a bloke. Roger the Dodger, indeed.”

Dan O’leary- Quickly walk over to Tegan. “Hey, sis, how are doing today? Scotland Yard wants this man back. I’ve scheduled for his return to a nice fancy jail cell. A specially designed, interior, four walled room, loaded with accessories such as an all you can eat in kitchen, spacious living room with a lazy-boy recliner chair, a heated swimming pool tub with heated towel rack.”

Miles O’Keef- “In other words, a luxury hotel that he owns anyway-frickin rich bugger!”

Dan O’leary- “Yah….something like that. And, here are the two nice policeman now, to personally escort him to his new residence after his personalized judge, to give him his little slap on his hand, before he goes into his ivory tower and hanging his golden key on his golden hook.

The Police- Come to take Roger the imposter away to jail.

The promotion’s

The next day…

Tegan, Lauren, three kids, with Joe And Joel, playing together with toys on the ground basking in the sun.

Samual and Sue O’leary- Lounging with his wife in the yard. “Ain’t it great Sue, our family we always wanted. Wonderful welsh kids, our welsh grandkids, we are just one happy family.”

Sue O’Leary-“It sure is my Samual.” She smiled at him. Sharing his kiss to him.

Detective Miles O’Keef- Stands next to Miles in the same yard. “Please remind me of why we are standing here Danny boy?”

Detective Dan O’Leary-Because our higher authority we call boss sent us here to wait for him.”

Miles O’Keef-“And what for?”

Dan O’Leary- “Dunno. But hear he is.” He tilts his head toward the chief of police walking to them.

Police Chief Mcmann- “Dan, Samual, Sue, nice family you have, nice day. This visit from me is for Detective Miles O’Keef. Miles, Scotland Yard sent this letter of notice to you. They want you back home, and this time permanently.”

Miles took the notice from him, reading it.

Tegan,Samual, Sue, Dan, swiftly looked at him in confusion.

Samual O’Leary- “Police McMann, as the patriarch of this family, what in the tarnation do you mean sir?”

Tegan goes to Miles’ side, reads the letter, looks at him in sadness.

Miles looks at Tegan with same grief.

Police Chief Mcmann-“They want an answer A-SAP. I can not leave this spot until your answer. They even gave you a raise worth much more than at your job here. Very tempting Miles. ”

Miles looks at Dan. “Dan, you’ve been more a brother to me than my own brother.” He looks at Samual. “Samual, you’ve been like my own father to me, Sue, like a mother. Lauren, you are a wonderful sister-in-law. Joe and Joel, like the two neighbors I never had before. And my wife and two kids who I love so very much.” He stared at Tegan.

Tegan, looked at her brother Dan, her father, mother,Lauren, the two boys, their two children. Staring back at Miles-“I’m coming with you Miles. To live in England for perhaps the rest of our lives. You see I told you at the beginning the fear to being with you, for the reason of the fear to lose you. I don’t care about the fear anymore. I love you too much to let go of you. Me and your children. We’re going with you.” She looked down in apprehension.

Miles, looked at Dan,

Dan, looked at Miles, loss for words.

Miles, looks at the family. “No Teg. No. I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here, with my family, for the rest of my life.” He rips up the contract, handing it back to the superior’s hand in charge. “Tell Scotland Yard. I already have job that I love so very much. Good day Police chief McMann.” He smiles.

Police Chief McMann- “Well. There is only one thing to do left then.

Detective Miles O’Keef, Detective Dan O’Leary. I hearby promote both of you to higher ranking to Chief Detectives. It is an honor to have you

serve with me , both of you in my own office. Please see me tomorrow morning, 7AM sharp. Good day.” He smiles, leaves.

The family sprint to their feet, coming together as family.

Dan O’Leary- “I can believe we did it Miles. You , me. Chief Detectives!”

Samual O’Leary- “Son, we have something no other family has. A genuine Welshman in our family. Here to stay, Come on Sue, we are going to the pub to celebrate.”

Sue O’Leary- Giving him a mother’s kiss on his cheek, then leaves with Sam.

Lauren O’leary, Gives him a sisterly hug. Stands holding child.

Joe and Joel, Giving him a high five each, runs to Sam and Sue.

Dan, Lauren, Tegan, Daniel, little Samual, hang around Miles, as they walk towards Sam and Sue to celebrate.

Miles O’Keef- Happy dimpled grin on his face. “I’m happy to be home with my family. Right. And Danny –Boy What do we say?”

Dan O’Leary- “Yes Miles. And what do we all say?”

Miles, Tegan, Dan, Lauren, the three children. “AS YOU WERE!!!”

“YAHHOOO!!!!!!! They all sprint in running at Sam and Sue “Oleary.



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Bonita Highley lives in Oregon, U.S.A.

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