Ezaarem by Vinod Modha - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 16 - Everyone Liked King Motu except .....?


Ramu ran back and told his wife Janu what had happened.

The two of them ran to King Motu's palace and told him everything that had happened. 

News spread fast.

Everybody was overjoyed and they all came to the palace also. They could not thank Ramu and his wife Janu enough. King Motu gave, as was the custom in their land, a barrelful of gold coins to Ramu to thank him.  He also ordered a special royal chariot to be constructed as a present for Sanu. And all three of them, Ramu, Janu and Sanu were to be decorated with the "Magnificentary Royal Medal Of Loyalty".

Then King Motu, his Prime Minister, all his Ministers, the Commander of the Army and all of the people that had turned up, went to the border where body of King Chhotu the Cheater lay. The giant and Sanu were still there busy playing together. 

The giant came over and shook hands with King Motu when he saw him.  He apologised for the damage and destruction he had caused. By using his magic the giant put everything right back better than the way it was before.  He also healed instantly, using his magical chants, all the people that had got injured either by the boulders or the mad bull. Then together with Sanu and the giant, they carried the body of King Chhotu the Cheater in an open coffin to his kingdom. The people there were called out of their beds. They learnt that King Chhotu the Cheater was dead.

King Chhotu's people were relieved to hear such news and let out a loud cheer! They begged King Motu the Magnificent to be their king now. Instead King Motu crowned Sanu their king and gave him the title of "Sanu the Ezaarem". He also requested Totu, Ramu Mamu and Sanu's mother, Janu, to help Sanu the Ezaarem to rule fairly and justly.

Queen Lotu, The Duchess of Charming, blamed herself for using magic to try and defeat King Motu. She was genuinely very very sorry for it, especially, as King Motu the Magnificent had turned out to be nothing like what King Chhotu the Cheater had described him as.  She decided to punish herself for the rest of her life. She said she would go and live alone in the nearby forest from then on.

However, King Motu, who forgave Queen Lotu, would not hear of it. He persuaded her to be his guest in his royal palace and stay with his family for the rest of her life because she too was a royal queen. He assigned special quarters for her and her servants.

Sanu invited Giant Totu to stay with him for as long as he wanted to. The giant realised that he was too big to live with people in their houses. And his sing song way of speech was not always understood very well by all people (and his rhyming was atrocious but he did not know that!). So Giant Totu wished to go back to the giantland. He reluctantly shook hands with everybody to say his goodbyes. 

Lastly, the giant leaned over to whisper some magic words in Sanu's right ear before leaving.  These words were to be used by Sanu to call Giant Totu anytime he wanted to be with him. The giant, no matter where he was, would appear without delay. The giant whispered these words:

Do it right

Or do it wrong,

Arise now friendly Giant.

Please Arise now

And Don't take long.

Finally The giant turned and flew off north. Pretty soon he was just a tiny speck in the sky.

Now everybody liked King Motu the Magnificent, except - well, there were no exceptions anymore!

However all did not end happily. Within months Sanu had to seek urgent help from his giant friend Totu. But that's another story called "Princess Devinia"!



(Please see special note on the next page.)