Fossils by Robert A Webster - HTML preview

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-Track Six-

Charles joined them in the restaurant late afternoon.

“Good news Charlie,” said Steve. “It looks like we are in the clear at home. Kipper came through and he should soon be on his way back from London with our money.”

Charles smiled and said, “Wonderful, now we can relax without worrying.”

Steve smirked as he looked at Charles and Danni.

After finishing their evening gig to the appreciative crowd at the Freeway; Elvin and Wayne rushed to the Black Orchid to get their girls. Steve went with them wanting a quick blowjob but Jenny was busy speaking with other customers, so he took another lady because it wouldn’t suck itself. Wayne and Elvin took their girls to the Swagman. Charles, although exhausted, went to Champagne.

He sat with Danni, told her he felt tired and asked if she would go with him to the Swagman.

“Of course darling,” she said. “But I can’t leave yet. I am working until 4:00 am.”

Charles sighed, knowing he couldn’t stay awake until then.

“Unless,” said Danni smiling. “You pay the Champagne bar for my time off.”

Charles, looking relieved, said. “Yes, I will do that, how much?”

“Two thousand pesos,” she said and smiled.

Charles felt delighted because it was less than he had been spending over the past few nights and gave Danni 2000 Pesos, which she gave to a hovering mamasan and the happy couple left.

The following day, Danni took Charles shopping again, while the others relaxed poolside. Still not acclimatised to the Philippine heat, they slapped on sunblock and stayed in the shade.

Charles escorted Danni back to Champagne and then met the others at the pool.

 “What’s in the bag buddy?” asked Wayne.

“Oh,” said Charles. “I bought a few more pairs of shorts and t-shirts, oh, and a baseball cap,” he smiled.

“What did you buy Danni?” asked Steve taking a slurp of pineapple juice.

Charles looked at Steve, frowned, and replied. “I bought her a small gold bracelet. Why?”

“So how much did it cost to take her out of Champagne?” asked Steve smirking.

“What are you insinuating?”

Steve pulled his shorts to expose his left botty cheek and said. “Pucker up, Clark.”

Charles looked aghast. “Danni’s not a prostitute. We haven’t done anything sexual, and I certainly have not given her any money. She’s a hostess.”

“I didn’t see ‘er doing much ‘ostessing,” said Elvin. “Anyway, what’s the difference between a waitress and a hostess? I always faught an ‘ostess was an expensive ‘ooker.”

Steve laughed and Charles, sounding annoyed, said. “Hostesses are ladies who attend to you in the finer establishments.”

“Nah,” said Steve, “Elvin got it right, they are expensive hookers.”

Charles glared at Elvin and Steve, stormed off, and looked furious throughout their evening gig.

After they’d finished playing to the packed Freeway crowd, Gus said. “With the Harpiers booked for the next two nights, how about we go to Subic Bay tomorrow?”

“That’s a great idea,” said Steve.

“Where’s that?” asked Wayne.

“What’s there?” asked Elvin.

“You’ll love Subic Bay, it’s only a two-hour drive along the coast, with sandy beaches, resorts, floating bars, and loads of totty,” said Steve.

“I’ll drive you down and have a few days there,” said Gus, “I could use a break. Why don’t you call Oggie, maybe he will come?”

 “Yeah, good idea,” said Steve and phoned Oggie.

“Great, Oggie’s coming,” said Steve and then told Charles, Wayne, and Elvin to tell their ladies they would see them in a few days and they should have an early night and the three nodded.

Wayne and Elvin went to the Black Orchid and took their girls, while Charles went to Champagne and spent an hour with Danni. Wayne and Elvin, ignoring Steve’s advice, took the girls to Swagman for a few hours.

Gus drove to Subic Bay with Elvin, Wayne, and Charles, followed by Oggie and Steve in Oggie’s Mazda 3.

Oggie and Steve had been close friends for many years and stayed in contact for the first few years after Steve returned to England, but as the years passed, the calls became less frequent.

During the scenic two-hour drive along the coast road, Gus explained the sights and any relevant history about each region.

Gus booked them into his friend’s beach resort on the southern end of Subic Bay, and after checking in, the four Brits went to the beach and gazed at large tankers sailing past the bay. “There’s a shipping port close by,” said Steve, “so don’t go swimming; unless you want a belly full of oil, and buy flip-flops because the sand is bloody hot.”

They went back into reception and Gus introduced them to Johan, the owner of the resort, who bought them each a beer. Elvin, Wayne, and Charles went to the beach, while Steve, Oggie, and Gus stayed in the restaurant and chatted with Johan.

Elvin, Wayne, and Charles strolled along the hot sand and paddled in the warm seawater. “This makes a pleasant change from the cold, brown Humber estuary,” said Charles.

They went to a beach shack where they bought flip-flops and Wayne saw a poster. “Shall we try that, guys?” he asked.

Twenty minutes later, a colourful *Jeepney bus picked them up and took them to The Jasmine Massage and Spa in the town centre. There, they enjoyed three hours of pampering with oil massages, and steam treatments. Wayne and Charles had haircuts and shaves, while Elvin had his head shaved and hot scented towels wrapped around his face and shiny dome. The three reinvigorated geriatrics returned to the resort and joined the others.

That evening, they squeezed into Gus’s Range Rover and went to the picturesque Moon-Bay Marina. They went to Pier 1 bar and Gus introduced them to Brian, the owner of the live music venue. They listened to an acoustic set by the resident Filipino band and Gus told them that Brian also owned a live music venue in Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital.

Pier 1 was a well-designed establishment with subdued lighting and tasteful decor portraying a marine theme giving it a relaxing ambience. Steve paid several visits to the toilet and returned to the group looking invigorated, which again concerned the other three. After an hour, they left Pier 1 and Moon-Bay Marina and Brian told them he would come to Freeway and listen to them perform.

They headed into Subic Bay town and went into several bars and clubs. The night scene was far different from Angeles City with the bars more subdued and no scantily clad women or dance music blaring out.

They returned to the resort at midnight. Elvin, Wayne, and Charles felt relaxed after their afternoon of body pampering, but Steve said they hadn’t finished and told them to stay in the restaurant while he and Oggie went back into town. Gus called his wife in Angeles City and then went to bed. Steve and Oggie returned to the resort thirty-minutes later with four Filipinas. “Here you are lads, our evening’s entertainment,” said Steve grinning.

The girls sat next to them. Wayne and Elvin were in the mood for a romp and bought the women a drink. Charles declined and went to his room. He got into bed and thought of Danni.  Although he hadn't yet been intimate with her, he felt a romantic connection between them and missed her and couldn’t wait to get back to Angeles. Charles, realising that Mary was only in his imagination, and accepting she had gone so time for him to move on, he fell into a blissful slumber.

Wayne, Elvin, Steve, and Oggie remained in the restaurant for another hour, until Oggie announced that he was going to bed. Wayne, Elvin, and Steve took three of the girls to their rooms.

Charles woke early, ate breakfast, and strolled alone along the beach. He thought about Danni and wished that he had bought his phone from the UK so he could contact her, so decided to buy one when they returned to Angeles. When Charles returned to the resort, the others were already in the restaurant, with Wayne, Steve, and Elvin bragging about their night’s activities.

They stayed at the resort until lunchtime, when a colourful Jeepney arrived and took Elvin, Charles, and Wayne to Zoobic Safari park.

They marvelled as they went around the immense park in a Perspex-covered Jeepney. The vehicle drove around the open tiger enclosure as majestic Siberian tigers wandered around their vehicle and fed live chickens. One rather odd looking female tiger appeared to have taken a fancy to Elvin and strutted around the truck with a half-chewed chicken in her mouth. The tiger stopped outside the Jeepney where Elvin sat and jumped up at the window. She appeared to be offering him her meal. Elvin jumped back scared and felt certain that he saw the tiger wink at him.

The Zoobic tour lasted four hours, which included a crocodile-infested lake and sections where tourists could stroll around with a guide to view the local indigenous wildlife. It was an interesting, although tiring, day.

They returned to the resort exhausted and joined Steve, Oggie, and Gus in the restaurant.

That evening they chillaxed on the beach, listening to waves lapping on the shore. The wandering beach performers’ juggled fire in front of them. The flaming torches glow appeared as fast-moving spotlights against the dark background of the night sky. Elvin, Wayne, Charles and Gus went to bed early, while Oggie and Steve stayed on the beach drinking and chatting.

Gus and Oggie drove them back to Angeles City the following morning, they all felt rejuvenated after their relaxing break at the seaside.

Elvin, Steve, and Wayne played bingo at the Swagman, while Charles went out and bought two phones, one for him, and a matching one for Danni. Charles joined them after the bingo had finished and an old Scandinavian was on stage murdering Green, Green, Grass of Home, on the Karaoke.

Charles showed them the phones he’d bought and said that he would take Danni’s to her at Champagne bar after they had finished that night’s gig. He told them that he planned to come back early, announcing that something special was about to happen. Charles joked about taking one of the little blue wonder-pills and the others cheered. Steve pointed to his botty, but Charles ignored him.

They showered, changed, and went to Freeway at the usual time and saw Brian from Pier 1 sitting with Gus. After speaking with Brian and Gus, they went on stage to rapturous applause from the Freeway audience.

The geriatric rockers blew Brian away and, during their break, they sat and chatted with Brian who told them about Sharkys, his live music venue in Phnom Penh. He said should they decide that they wanted a change and visit another country in Southeast Asia, there would be a spot waiting for them in Cambodia. The four thanked Brian for his offer and said that they would mull it over, but for the moment, they were happy in the Philippines. Brian left Freeway before Fossils went on stage for their last set. Although disappointed that he couldn’t tempt them away from Freeway, he was glad he had heard them play.

Oggie came in, went over to Steve, handed him another small parcel, and said. “I’ll be back in an hour, will you be ready?”

“Yeah,” said Steve, “see you later.”

Oggie left and Steve went to the toilet as the others looked concerned.

“What are we going to do?” asked Elvin.

Charles and Wayne shrugged.

“We need to say somefing,” said Elvin, looking worried.

Charles looked at his watch and frowned.

“Right lads, let’s knock ‘em dead,” said Steve returning from the toilet and getting on stage.

Steve performed like a man on fire. The others realised that only an illegal opiate-based substance would give a seventy-one-year-old man the energy and vitality of a thirty-year-old. Wayne decided that after they’d finished, he would get them all together and speak with Steve.

They finished their final set and Wayne spoke to Elvin while he packed away his kit. Elvin agreed, and they went over to speak with Charles.

“Charles, we need to speak with Steve about his addiction,” said Elvin.

Charles looked at his watch. “Sorry, I’m in a hurry. We can speak to him later.”

Charles hurried out of Freeway and strode toward Champagne Bar, realising that he should not have taken all four Viagra tablets so early.

Wayne and Elvin needed to speak with Steve about his problem, so waited until he came out of the changing room.

“Can we 'ave a word with you, mate?” Elvin asked.

Steve seemed to be high and looked at his concerned friends.

Oggie then came in and rushed over to the three.

“Are you ready Steve? It’s getting late and you know what he's like, he doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

Steve nodded. “Yep, I’m ready,” he said and looked at Wayne and Elvin, “sorry lad’s, we're in a rush, so I’ll catch you later,” and he and Oggie rushed out of Freeway.

Charles’s heart pounded as he went to Champagne feeling like a nervous schoolboy about to pop his cherry. With sweat dripping off his face, he went into the cool nightclub and looked around for Danni.

A friend of Danni's gave him a cold towel and Charles sat at a table wiping the refreshing towel over his face and neck.

“What would you like to drink Charles?” she asked.

“A beer please,” said Charles as he carried on looking for Danni.

The girl appeared sheepish as she went to the bar to fetch Charles his drink.

Charles looked around girls in the bar, but couldn’t see Danni.

The woman brought Charles over a bottle of San Miguel and sat next to him.

“Where’s Danni?” asked Charles.

“Danni sick,” said the woman.

“What’s the matter with her?” asked Charles sounding concerned.

The girl shrugged.

Charles pulled out his new phone and said. “Have you got her phone number? I will call her and make sure she is okay.”

The girl looked at a mamasan, shook her head, and replied, “I haven’t got her phone number, but if you buy me a drink, I can stay and talk to you.”

A disappointed Charles wondered what to do about his Viagra-laden member, which had become an embarrassment but seemed a pity to let it go to waste, it was the first boner he’d had in many years, but he wanted it for Danni. He crossed his legs hoping it would go away and said to the girl. “Yes, of course, you can have a drink.”

The girl put her hand on his erect todger, looked surprised, grinned, and ordered a drink.

The girl, although pretty, Charles wasn’t interested in her and as she drank her cocktail, he watched the door hoping that Danni would come in. A mamasan came over, pointed to the girl, and asked. “Do you want to take San home with you tonight Charles?”

Taken aback, Charles replied, “No, I hoped to see Danni. Do you have her phone number?”

The mamasan glanced at San and said. “Sorry Charles, I don’t have her number... Danni's on holiday tonight.”

“She's sick.” Interjected San.

“Oh yes, she’s sick,” mamasan corrected herself. She then sat by Charles and asked. “Will you buy me a drink?”

Charles became suspicious, but being polite, said, “Yes, no problem, have a drink.”

The mamasan ordered herself a cocktail and asked. “Is Steve coming?”

Charles thought and replied, “Yes, he should be along at any moment.”

Mamasan frowned, took her drink, and left the table.

“I can take care of you tonight Charles. Danni will be back tomorrow and can take care of you then,” said San.

Charles, having now been in the Philippines several days and witnessing the casual sex scene, thought Danni was different. He looked sullen and with his voice shaking, asked. “Has Danni gone with another man?”

San looked confused. ‘Is this old foreigner so naïve,’ she thought and looked into the sad wrinkled old face of a man who had just realised that the girl he’d thought was his true love, was a working girl and going with men for sex was her job. 

San finished her drink and went to chat with another foreigner who was sitting alone.

Charles felt foolish as he sat nursing his beer and shuffling his boner, realising what Steve had been telling him all along about the girls was a fact. He finished his beer, paid his bill, and left the Champagne go-go. Wanting to talk to a friend and assuming the others had gone to the Black Orchid, he made his way there.

Charles couldn’t see the others in the bar, so ordered a Red Horse beer and sat watching other men in the bar as they laughed and played with the girls. Charles felt alone, so decided to finish his beer and go to The Swagman. Jenny saw Charles looking miserable so went over, threw her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek.

“Hi Charles, where are the others?” She asked.

“I don’t know,” said Charles. “I thought they would be here.”

Charles felt comfortable with Jenny and, although he was twice her age, at that moment she felt like a mother figure.

“Cheer up.” She smiled and rubbed his old todger, already stood to attention.

Jenny smiled and said. “Ooh, I see Steve got you on the Viagra.”

Charles became embarrassed, “I was seeing my young lady tonight. I hoped to have a night of passion, but she had gone with someone else,” he said.

“Never mind Charles,” said Jenny, “There are plenty more.” She chuckled and rubbed his old todger with more vigour.

Jenny had worked many years in the Philippine entertainment business, so knew how to mend a broken heart. She could see that Charles felt embarrassed by her arousal but knew which one of her girls could satisfy him and called over a woman in her mid-thirties. Although no oil painting, she had an outgoing, friendly, demeanour. Jenny introduced Charles to Rosie and left the two to chat.

 Rosie continued from where Jenny left off, massaging Charles’s todger. The pair chatted for several minutes, and Charles bought Rosie a drink. A short while later they went up to the rooms. Jenny smiled as she saw the pair going upstairs, ‘Another satisfied customer,’ she thought.

Wayne, Elvin, and Gus sat and chatted as the last few customers in Freeway finished their drinks and left and the staff scurried around and cleaned while the three drank beer. Elvin and Wayne tried to speak with Gus about Steve’s problem, but Gus appeared more interested in his staff and kept getting off his chair and bollocking them on their cleaning skills, which was his nightly routine to keep them on their toes. Gus was in a hurry to get home, so after an hour he ushered Wayne and Elvin out, giving them several recommendations for good bars. Neither Elvin nor Wayne were in a party mood, so didn’t want to go to the Black Orchid with Steve's drug habit worrying them like a dark cloud hanging over their heads.

They strolled along Fields Avenue to find a quiet bar where they could chat. They walked along the main strip for about twenty minutes and noticed a side street with open bar complexes that appeared sedate compared to the noisy main street. Stopping at a small bar with a few girls and foreigners sat around, they ordered two beers.

An Englishmen came and sat next to them and said. “You should have been here an hour ago, it was full of coppers. They went into that bar over there. I think it was a drug bust.” He pointed at a large bar along the road with several police cars in the forecourt.

The man took a swig of his beer and said. “I reckon that bar is always getting busted for drugs. It’s not the first time I’ve seen police cars there.” He pointed at the Filipina bargirl who he'd come to see and nudged Wayne. “She laughs at me when I tell her it’s a drug den.” He took another swig and announced, “But I’m not stupid, I know what it is,” he slurred.

Wayne and Elvin drank their beer and tried to ignore the gobshite as several police cars drove past the bar.

“The raid must be over,” said Elvin as police cars started to leave the building with people in the back seats and they watched as more police cars arrived and took people away.

Elvin and Wayne then gasped, spat out their beer, and glared wide-eyed as a police car drove past them with Oggie and Steve in the back looking forlorn.

With mouths agape, the pair stared at each other in disbelief as the vehicle drove onto Fields Avenue.