How to Marry a Psychopath by Fruitloopmum - HTML preview

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Text messaging can get you into troll-ble

Hey there Fruitloopmum fans! I just had to spill the beans on this....Don't worry, I got permission from the perpetrator of this incident and of course, this hot little blog of mine is absolutely anonymous...isn't it?!

So....I'm beavering away this week and I get an URGENT sms message from my dearest girlfriend - Have a short through my archive stories and you'll find her popping up in Vaginal Smoking, Do mobile phones fry your brain? and a few other posts. They'll make a doco about her one day I swear! Anyway, this is verbatim from my text message box:

Incoming Message: Help! I've just sent a text meant for the boyfriend to the Ex by mistake. What to do? I called him a TROLL! I think I can kiss goodbye to an amicable settlement now. He'll have me up for deformation. Any ideas?

Outgoing message (from me): F***K! change your name, pack your bags and leave the country. Still, could be worse, you could have used unpleasant expletives. At least TROLL is accurate. Don't worry about deformation, judge will definitely find him guilty...he is deformed!

Incoming Message: I was so incensed by his behaviour just now that I had to let-off steam. I wrote: Have found new levels of disdain and utter disgust for The TROLL. I hit the send button and just watched helplessly as it was sent to the TROLL instead of the boyfriend. Oh sh*t, he's just bloody well replied to it!

Outgoing message: Tell me, tell second thoughts forward it to me!

Incoming Message: God, this is sooo not funny, but you need see how he's replied. It really is funny.

A few minutes elapsed while I thought of all the iffy but hysterical text messages that have passed between myself and my friends. And then there are the ones between myself and the BF...(best not go there) But come-on, there but for the grace of god go most of us at some point huh? It doesn't take much to inadvertently hit the send button to the WRONG recipient does it? I silently thanked god my bestie hadn't sent one of the photo messages she's been experimenting with recently. My phone bleeped again, and I got to see the incident unfold:

Incoming FORWARD Message:

Out - I have just found new levels of disdain and disgust for The Troll

In - Troll and son have just left the doctors. All ok, dressing changed.

Out - Good to hear. So sorry, that text wasn't meant for you.

In - I somehow figured that.

I was relieved for my girlfriend. I think her apology went quite well given the circumstances.

I have also discovered something that I never knew Troll's although unsightly, obviously have a wickedly dry sense of humour. Who would have thought?