How to Marry a Psychopath by Fruitloopmum - HTML preview

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Old Enough!

Apologies Fruitloopmum Fans, this is a bit of a rant that goes off on a tangent about pelicans and crap. But that was what started this whole thing off.

You see, I sometimes get ribbed about how I earn my living....and NO, I'm not referring to the stripper story in the previous post!

I am talking about this amazing position that I currently find myself in of being able to not only eek a living, doing something that I love, but being able to work from home at hours that I can pretty much choose....It really doesn't get much better, but I do TRY not to be smug about it. It may not last forever. However, just sometimes it rubs people up the wrong way.

You see, I can turn up in thongs and weird shit to meetings, I can sit in the sunshine and watch whales and dolphins while I work, I have time for friends and children and laughter (and sometimes as a trade-off I work through the night, but so do lots of people) I don't have a boss (well I do, she lives in my head, but she's a really crap boss)...I could go on, but I think you get the picture. However, if I talk about, or give thanks for these amazing privileges it really pisses some people off.

Am I pissing you off yet???? Don't you just hate me?

So, let's get a few things straight. Firstly, I know how privileged I am. I feel very humble to find myself in this position, I never, ever, take it for granted, AND....

Listen up, cos I'm only going to admit this once and then you're gonna forget it, right? I am old.

I may have young children, I'm still one sexy, hot, yummy mummy, but I am old enough.

Old enough for what?

Old enough to have gone through the 'I can have everything' part of my life where I had a jet-set and very glamorous career.

Old enough to have missed my older children growing up because I was under the illusion that I could have it works for some didn't work for me.

Old enough to know what it's like to have to choose between buying toilet paper or food because there have been many times when I've had nothing.

Old enough to have scrubbed someone else's floor or cleaned their disgusting toilets because I needed to survive.

Old enough to have tasted my mortality...(it scared the crap out of me but I escaped)

Old enough to know what's important to me.

Old enough to have gained the wisdom to know that for me, life and love matter more than money.

Old enough to have the courage to decide that it's ok for me to be poor but happy

Old enough to look at the friggin pelican that's just landed and crapped on my 'desk' and see it as a seminal moment and laugh.

So Fruitloopmum fans, take it from an oldie. Dont wait for the crap to land on your desk, or in your lap. Examine what would be important to you if you were told today was your last day. Go look up mindfulness as a way of living. Stop whingeing, make some tough choices and ENJOY.

Oh yeah, and please don't hate me :)