How to Marry a Psychopath by Fruitloopmum - HTML preview

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CougarGran….a new social phenomena?


There I was, in the middle of a romantic meal with Mr Cute and my phone beeps. I smile politely, and dig my iPhone from my bag. It's an sms from the other side of the globe. My daughter wants me to promise to get airline tickets back to Blighty for March next year.

'Sorry, it's my daughter....I just need to see if everything's ok. It's pretty unusual to get this sort of text...." Mr Cute smiles at me indulgently and strokes my hand.

Mr Cute is younger than me. Significantly younger, but then, as he pointed out when I divulged our age gap, I look soooo much younger than my years (bless him). Well, I do for now. However, I await the day in the not too distant future when I undress and suddenly all my skin hits the floor with a nasty thud - as it surely will. Anyway, I digress. Mr Cute was ok with the fact that I had two young children. He was bemused when I laid it on him that I also had two adult children in another country. He teased me about being a Cougar, which I am most definitely not - I mean, given the choice between enjoying a prune or a plum, who wouldn't go for the fresher option? It's only human nature.

Anyway, I reply to my daughter's cryptic text asking what's up. Dessert arrives at our table and I place the phone to one side whilst we begin to share a deliciously indulgent chocolate souffle. The mood is good and I'm looking forward to the remainder of the evening until the phone flashes my daughter's response:

"All ok mum, but want you here for the birth of your grandchild "

I choke. I mean literally. I must have inhaled chocolate with the shock.

And then in the midst of all the amazing, confusing emotions that sweep over me at that moment, I idly wonder how Mr Cute will respond to the term …….
