Laughter 101 by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Laughter has huge healing effects. If you’ve watched adverts portraying the efficacy of some health and wealth products, you observe that the actors often give a smiling laughing face to portray their wellness. As much as people laugh to reveal how well they are, laughter also causes that good health that is portrayed.

Physicians tell us that the power to staying healthy is by being happy. This happiness, they claim results from a healthy mental state of mind as well as body brought about by the quality of food we eat, exercises and perhaps the kind medical care we give ourselves.

Psychologists tell us that the state of the mind determines the quality that the body will result. They claim that those whose mind state are always happy tend to always get happy things on their path while those who develop moody atmosphere around them often keep that moody state however good situations becomes. Well, personally, I’ve discovered too that the secret to leaving an ageless life is by staying laughing. I’ve studied many persons around and beyond me. I came to this conclusion only after observing that some of my always happy friends and neighbors often ran away always happy with the better happy benefits.

A friend once seeing my distraught state advised me. He said, “You don’t have to worry about whatever is going on around you. If you worry, you will go leaner. Just smile and let everything take their place. Life is better with that smile of yours.” I never took his words that time and I worried till I fell into depression and became sickly. The moment I eased myself and chose to be happy anyway, I began to regain my self-consciousness, and my health returned. I’ve seen that pattern in as many people I’ve come across. When one is unhappy, it may not immediately tell, but it sure tells after some time on how pale the person becomes.

Laughter has the following health boosting effects.

Lowers blood pressure

People who lower their blood pressure, even those who start at normal levels, will reduce their risk of strokes and heart attacks. So grab the Sunday paper, flip to the funny pages and enjoy your laughter medicine.

Augments cardiac health

Laughter is a great cardio workout, especially for those who are incapable of doing other physical activity due to injury or illness. It gets your heart pumping and burns a similar amount of calories per hour as walking at a slow to moderate pace. So, laugh your heart into health.

Unleashes the release of endorphins

Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers. By laughing, you can release endorphins, which can help ease chronic pain and make you feel good all over.

Grows the number of T cells

T cells are specialized immune system cells just waiting in your body for activation. When you laugh, you activate T cells that immediately begin to help you fight off sickness. Next time you feel a cold coming on; add chuckling to your illness prevention plan.

Hold back stress hormone levels

You benefit from reducing the level of stress hormones your body produces because hormone-level reduction simultaneously cuts the anxiety and stress impacting your body. Additionally, the reduction of stress hormones in your body may result in higher immune system performance. Just think: Laughing along as a co-worker tells a funny joke can relieve some of the day's stress and help you reap the health benefits of laughter.

Relaxing your muscles. Laughter has the capacity to relax one’s muscles. Unlike exercises that may be tiring and energy consuming, laughter eases your muscles with ease because it helps one keep a steady mind and spirit

Improving sleep. Laughter has a way to improve sleep. A happy person would naturally find sleep easy meat as his mind and thoughts is relax.  Those who think and have fear that keeps them unhappy often find sleep difficult. That’s when you hear some person complain of nausea. Those that make laughter a habit and live a happy lifestyles find sleep enjoyable

Enhancing creativity and memory. Laughter enhances one’s creativity and memory. Many researchers have posited that those who make laughter a lifestyle have often proven to be more creative and capable of remembering quite a lot. This is expected especially when one relaxes and enjoys lots of sleep. It’s only normal that this happens as a fruit of laughter.

Easing digestion. Laughter eases digestion. Because laughter is aroused from the stomach region, the intestinal tissues are exercised steadily thus improving their efficiency and capacity.

Enhancing oxygen intake. The amount of oxygen taken in can be enhanced by laughter. Laughter stretches blood vessels such as the veins and arteries allowing them work at higher efficiency and also relax the muscles so that important nutrients the body needs such as oxygen find their way into the body.

Boosting immune function.

Laughter dissolves distressing emotions. You can’t feel anxious, angry, or sad when you’re laughing. Laughter helps you relax and recharge. It reduces stress and increases energy, enabling you to stay focused and accomplish more.

Humor shifts perspective, allowing you to see situations in a more realistic, less threatening light. A humorous perspective creates psychological distance, which can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Laughter is a great act -- that's why you've all heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine." There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease. Laughter can increase your overall sense of well-being. Doctors have found that people who have a positive outlook on life tend to fight diseases better than people who tend to be more negative. So smile, laugh and live longer!