Laughter 101 by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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How does one enroll into the laughter school of thought? I personally had felt jealous of a friend who I presumed was always happy because he kept a smiling face. I loved his smiles and I wanted it too though I struggled to keep one. I had to ask him and he offered me an advice, “Go enroll in the laughing school of thought.”

I was one of those tight faced young men who felt the world was on my bad side and every other day was no better. I was actually wrong because I was blind. I had assumed keeping straight and firm was all that gave me the respect I wanted. The respect didn’t come and happiness disappeared. But I sure obeyed the advice of my friend and enrolled into this laughter thinking school. It took me just a few months though and I was wearing a big smile.

Are you ready to enroll? You sure are beaming with smiles already as you read.

First thing you must do is “think.” Where am I now and where will I want to be after here? What is my situation and will I be able to enjoy the benefits I am expecting? What am I even expecting? Often times, we fail to think about the better way to solving our problems. Like me who knew what I was doing wasn’t helping me with my interactions with people, you too may have realized how depressing you often feel and desire you need a change. Don’t feel bad about yourself, things like this has to happen if you are to make any headway with the way you lead your life.

Query yourself about what you’ve observed about yourself and what has to change. Once you can define what you intend to see beyond now, you clear your mind off any mountains or bars that will stand against what you want. It gets easier with each day and you are able to have a clear cut picture of what you really want.

Free your mind. What do you like that you have always desired around you. Remember laughing doesn’t cost much when you know how to get it and where to get. Feel free to interact with people even if they may not be high amongst your social class. People who laugh the most are often classless people. Don’t try to define your class, accept you have no class and opt for a classless lifestyle. You will find so much pleasure in meeting with everyday people where so much of free laughter often arrives from.

Define your expectations.  Think like this: “I should be smiling” or “I should be happier everyday”. Whatever is that happier situation you think you should have, picture yourself at it. Picture you laughing, giggling, smiling and dancing in joy. Think on this picture.

Look back at things that had always offered you that stint of laughter that you expect to be consistent. Yes, you are not always unhappy. There will be some times when you felt joy even though it never lasted. You only wish your joy can last through your lifetime. Note those things. How about if those things that make you laugh frequent your life often? Will it keep you laughing? Find a way to get around those things that have made you laugh. If it’s a friend, find that friend, a family, find that family.

Become aware of your environment. Try to absorb and feel nature. Those who are ever in tune with nature are always happy. Nature is always happy. Take time out around the beach or on a hill side. Take time to ponder on natures mystery and the how the environment exist. You will appreciate nature and find sweet relief investigating those mysteries.

Understand God. The basis for real happiness and a life of laughter is having a life that’s tuned with God. Religious gatherings could provide an ambience of inspiration and spiritual renewal that propels you into deep communion with God. When I truly want to laugh, I find the right spiritual ambience in a church and attend the programs. I often find sweet relief from such worship sessions in the midst of seemingly happy people.

Get out of your closet. The happiest people are people who live in a community with others. They learn to share and absorb others. Those who live sad lives are often by themselves and influence no lives around them. Happy people have quite a lot of other happy persons too around them.

Take time out to enjoy sports and athletics with others. Laughter arrives from others especially in a not too competitive atmosphere.

Like any school that one has to get to, the laughter school requires that you register. Meaning it may cost you a bit, in that case may be money may be required like when you attend comedy shows at the cinema. This actually should not be the norm. If it is the norm, it may make your laughter dependent on when you have money to pay for those shows. The best laughter is often free and always around you. You just have to show your desire and the rest will take its place.