Laughter 101 by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Some years ago, I had accepted the life of sadness as my status. I never smiled and most persons stayed away from me because they assumed that I was odd and unfriendly when indeed I was the opposite. I called up a young lady to speak with her about a project I intended she’d work with me on and she gave a berserk look at me and I was stunned. I thought you are inhospitable she said. I asked her why she had that impression of me. She said every time she passed my house and saw me; she had this feeling that I was oddly scary. I smiled and told her everyone thinks of me as she does. I knew somewhere, I had to break that lifestyle or it will affect my relationship with others in the future.

The reason I was sad was because things weren’t going the way I had anticipated. I had being jobless and trying my hands on one or two things that never made headway. I got stuck in hopelessness and depression stole in. the moment I discovered that there was no good in my being sad or depressed; I began to ease myself and revel in the joy that surrounded me. I escaped that life. Yes sometimes I am tempted to return back to that state but I have determined that nothing is going to make me unhappy or sad. I go around laughing over my problems and the things that make me sad. I find reasons to laugh in that saddening challenge or storm. Once laughing became my lifestyle, I found my way round difficult challenges

We can be sad sometimes but when it becomes a habit, there’s a problem. Situations could be hopeless but when we become hopeless about the situation, that’s a problem. If you are acutely always sad and feel hopeless, it pays to ease your self off by taking bouts of laughterquine. Take the options offered in previous sections of this book. Fighting hopelessness and sadness may not be easy at first. You may always find it the first option before you can even think. If you act this way and find yourself running towards your sad and hopeless state, just laugh.

You must show desperation to quit this lifestyle if you find yourself suppressed by them. This will lead you to

Loose all the quirks that bind you and makes you feel sad and hopeless and release you to freedom.

Assuage all the fears that characterize your life, increasingly developing your capacity to see the brighter side and hope.

Unleash your drive to achieve what you hope for and to attain contentment from having that lifestyle attained.

Go against every action that pushes you towards a state of hopelessness and sadness.

Hasten towards the brighter side of life however dark and depressing conditions around you are. There is always a brighter side around.

There is always that Laughter Bridge that helps you cross over that depressing, sad and hopeless situation. It all depends on your desire to climb over the bridge or you choose to go through the waters of sadness and hopelessness. Well, you will choose the laughter bridge. Any other way may be dangerous and costly. Just laugh.