From the moment you stepped into this world, you found yourself with “work” and “pain.” The first act to ascertain if a new baby is alive is a hard back tapping by the matrons or nurses at the hospital. The baby shrieks and cries as he feels the pain. The natural tendency is to cry or feel sad for just about everything because that was how he came into the world. We often do not jump into the world smiling so smiling seems like an art we have to learn as we live. A baby naturally knows when to cry and keep a frowning face because life often tend to supply more of the things that makes us sad and cry. He however has to learn to smile some way by an external stimuli.
We grow with the mentality that crying and sadness is a natural part of our existence. This tendency is often why it’s much easier to keep a stone caged face than a smiling one. All life contains is labour. We must work and work really hard too. It seems everything that one has to do involve one labour or another. We labour to eat, labour to dress, labour to travel, labour to talk, and labour to sleep. Almost everything we do is subject to some form of labour or another.
We must labour however way we view life. Sometimes we tend to question the fact of life as a labour ground. This is because we assume that life should supply us with a field day where we can have everything we want at our footsteps without so much of our laboring for them. That’s a mare wish anyway because even the richest men on earth still labour to keep their wealth, The strongest men still labour to keep their strength, the most influential men still labour to keep their influence. Whether you find yourself in the upside of life or downward, it requires labour to stay where you are.
Life’s labour could be interesting when perhaps you find some joy in your labour. Most persons though hardly find that joy in what they do. They feel depressed, pressed down and pained. They are overwhelmed with work that they never find good reasons to be joyful. These people are those who think any labour is hard work. Some people however seem happy in their labor. These persons seem to find fulfillment in what they do however tedious it may seem.
Have you ever wondered why you’d find two persons who earn similar pay and work the same jobs yet one may be fulfilled while the other isn’t? That’s the relativity of life. Similar labour could be great for a person and terrible for another. What causes this isn’t the job or labour in itself but the person or personality.
You must realize that if you are to ride in life’s fulfillment, you must understand life’s labour as
L- The only LEGITIMATE path to living a happy life. You can’t eat when you don’t work and you can’t work when you don’t eat. Our labour or work opens the door to our appreciating the quality of life and hands us the opportunity to also afford this quality of life.
A- The ALTRUISTIC responsibility that we have to bear to live a happy life. Nothing comes easy and a happy life will certainly come at a cost. That cost is our labour, or work.
B-A BASIC requirement for the obtaining and sustenance of a happy life. We survive by our constant labour. Anything you want is subject to and dependent on how much you are ready to labour for it, how much sacrifice you are ready to make to see the fruition of your idea.
O-An OSTENSIVE measure to fight lack, boredom and criminality. To have, one must work to afford it. Staying without doing anything could lead to boredom which could also lead one to acting contrary to laid down rules of society. If we must fight this three attributes, we must labour.
U-An UPLIFTING TASK that supply’s one with dignity. One gets dignity from his labours. When one can afford the quality of life that he deserves, he finds himself living an upbraided life of value.
R-A REALISTIC every day task that should supply us with all the benefits that life can supply and enable us live a dignifying quality life.
Life’s labours are necessary for the achievement of anything plus a life of laughter. These labours may seem tasking only to the man who considers it as so. We wake to a life of labour and sleep from a life a labour. We are born to labour and we die from labour.
It’s often refreshing to note that it is only in life’s labour we truly find true fulfillment, happiness and a life of laughter. That person who can help you find that fulfillment and laughter in that labour is you.
You have to labour anyway and life can and will supply you enough of it as you desire.