Maddy Rockx by Rex Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter Six, Limestone Ridge,            

Captain maneuvered Maddy to rest against the dock. Norman looped the mooring lines over the bollards at each end of the pier, and then raced to the gangplank to perform his departure duties. After opening the safety gate, he turned toward a black box that was attached to the decks railing. He lifted the lid. Inside were three buttons, in, out, stop. He pressed the out button, an electric motor whined to life. The gangplank extended from under the decks flooring and settled onto the pier. He grabbed two safety rails that were leaning against the wall and placed them into holes either side of the gangplank then returned to the deck.

Kristy and a few passengers wandered toward him, Norman stood to attention and saluted her with a grin. “We’ve arrived safely at our first port of call, Madame,” he grabbed a boatswain pipe naval whistle hanging from his neck, placed it into his mouth and blew. A high-pitched toot shrieked out.  

“Let the fun begin,” Kristy skipped onto the gangplank and raced toward a group of townsfolk that had gathered to greet them.

At the fore was a tall thin man with a wide brimmed hat pulled low on his head. He had a hardened face with lines that resembled a map of unsealed roads. Kristy spotted him and hurried over. He opened his arms, and when she reached him, wrapped them about her waist. He raised her and spun around a couple of times before placing her back onto the ground.

Kristy stumbled from the spinning, and sucked in deep breaths from the hugging. “Great to see you Slim,” she gasped and flicked a strand of hair from her face.

“Ditto sweetie,” he laughed then asked how their trip had been.

“Amazing, everything’s gone to plan,”

“That’s great… the towns excited about your coming,” Slim replied, “as you and I discussed on your visit, I’ve organised a Boxing Day Rodeo, plus a great feast and after party, per your instructions,”

“That’s terrific,” Kristy beamed, knowing that Slim would have put his best foot forward in organising the rodeo. He had the reputation of being the finest bull whisperer in the district, and his success in creating the greatest buck jumpers was legendary.

In the wheelhouse, Captain caught Slims eye and yelled that he’d meet him at the hotel later. Slim gestured to him with a nod and tip of his hat.  

Jordie & Mitch wandered down the gangplank and walked over to Kristy and Slim. After Kristy introduced them, Slim addressed the passengers.

“Welcome to Limestone Ridge… I’m Slim Ridgestone the Mayor of this humble abode and I’d like to offer our hospitality to you folks,”  

The passengers acknowledged his welcome with a wave, then Slim guided them toward the Hotel located halfway up the street.

When they arrived they walked up three steps onto a railed wooden veranda.

Above large double doors a sign read, ‘TheBull n Barrel Inn,’   

Inside, wooden barrels were scattered about with high bar stools around each. Murals of rodeo action covered the walls. On one of the walls was a caricature of a large bull, sitting crossed legged on a barrel with a cheeky smile, and holding a foaming glass of beer raised in one hoof. It had the words, ‘I welcome moo to the Ridge,’ in a cartoon speech balloon above its head. The passengers admired the superb artwork then ordered drinks and relaxed in the air-conditioned comfort.

With everyone settled, Kristy addressed them.

“Ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow Limestone Ridge has organised a Boxing Day Rodeo, followed by a Spanish fiesta… which of course includes an evening of entertainment by the wonderfully talented May-lee. There is a gift shop in the hotel with outfits to hire for those who wish to dress up for the occasion. But for now I suggest that you enjoy the nice meal the hotel has organised, then have a good nights sleep to prepare for tomorrow’s entertainment,”   

The following morning, Jordie & Mitch left Maddy and strolled up the street toward the showground at the top right-hand side of the street. Jordie wore a blue and green checked shirt, jeans, riding boots and cowboy hat. Mitch dressed up as a matador, in a flamboyant purplish silk shirt, cream suede vest, high-waisted ruffled trousers and black boots.

A small sombrero hung down his back on a cord from around his neck, and he held a red matadors cape.   

When they entered the showground, they ran into two dark haired girls wearing bright pink Cowgirl mini dresses, fancy knee high boots and sunburnt faces that matched their outfits. Jordie remembered seeing them on Christmas Eve, when they had boarded Maddy with a couple of bronzed youths wearing flowered shirts. He had served the youths a couple of times, but the girls were mainly on the upper deck sunning themselves, and the results were definitely showing. He said hello to them, then introduced himself and Mitch.

The girls smiled, and one said, “I’m Jessie and this is my sister Tessie,”  

Jordie asked if they were enjoying the trip.

“We’re having a buzz of a time,” Tessie told him.

“And the Christmas lunch Mitch cooked was, mmm… scrumptious,” Jessie tittered.

“Nothin’ to it,” Mitch bragged.

“You look spoofy in that matador outfit... are you in the show?” Tessie asked.    

Mitch loving the attention chuckled, then with an average impersonation of Spanish answered. “Si, si, senoritas, I um Mitchio zee matiador,” 

“Coool,” the girls giggled. “We can’t wait to see Mitchio zee matiador performio,”

Impressed by their eagerness, and always willing to display his talents; Mitch decided why wait, he’d treat them to some of his skills now. He positioned himself into the perfect matador’s stance; body rigid, chin raised, eyes challenging. He held a deliberate pause, then executed a quick-step shuffle, waved the cape and yelled, “Olayeee’,”    

“Olayeee’,” the girls squealed back and gave him an enthusiastic round of applause. Mitch sent them the cheesiest of grins and took a bow; Jordie groaned and rolled his eyes.  

After their ovation of viewing Mitch’s outstanding performance subsided, Jessie & Tessie spotted the bronze youths in flowered shirts walking toward them.

“Danny, Manny, over here,” they squealed.

The youths wandered over.

The girls introduced them, and told how ‘Mitchio zee matiador’ had been showing them his skills.

“We saw,” Danny shot Mitch a sharp look then nudged Manny with his elbow, “I reckon he’d make a better clown,”

“Yeah,” Manny sniggered. “He wouldn’t need a wig with that frizzy hair,” they grabbed the girls’ hands and wandered off, laughing as they went.

“Tossers,” Mitch grumbled.

“C’mon amigo,” Jordie slapped Mitch’s back and they walked into the showground.

Inside, children dressed in cowgirl & cowboy outfits raced about eating fairy floss, hot chips and Dagwood dogs. Others were at enclosures pampering the lambs and calves being bottle fed by their carers.

In a grassy area, dog handlers put their prized pedigrees through their disciplines in preparation of their upcoming events. There was an array of breeds, Cattle dogs, Kelpies, Golden Retrievers, Poodles and the quaint Sydney Silky Terrier.

Further ahead was a large fenced stadium with crowded Grandstands either side. Small hurdles and colourful plastic barrels were scattered around. In the middle Slim was riding high in the saddle of an impressive black and white patched bull.

“Check Slim out,” Mitch nudged Jordie when they reached the fence.

Slim moved slowly around talking into a wireless headset microphone.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, you are about to witness the greatest rodeo of all time. There will be trick riding, dogs displaying their unique talents as well as bucking broncos and powerhouse bulls. We’ll be starting the show shortly with a bit of trick riding. So sit back, hold hard to your hats and get set for a show of nonstop action with surprises aplenty,” he reached up and flicked the microphone off, saw the boys at the fence and greeted them with a wave. “Howdy fellas, c’mon in, and I’ll introduce ya to me old mate,” he yelled.

“He doesn’t look as though he wants to be introduced.” Mitch called back, noticing the bulls’ fierce eyes and flaring nostrils.

“You’ll be ok,” he urged them.

With Slims assurance they climbed through the fence.

“You’d better leave the cape here,” Jordie told Mitch.


“Bull... red cape,”

“Oh yeah,” Mitch chuckled and tossed it over the top rail.

They walked toward the centre, when they arrived, Slim dismounted.  

“This is my old mate, Pretzel Pete,” he threw his arm over the bulls’ neck and gave him a couple of hard slaps; the bulls eyes half-closed in delight.    

Mitch shot Slim a weird look. “Pretzel Pete?”

“Because if ya piss him off, he’ll snap ya like a pretzel,” Slim joked.

The boys looked at each other and decided to be careful not to piss him off. The thought of being snapped like pretzels didn’t sound too appealing.

Slim noticed their apprehension and assured them that he had trained him with his expert bull whispering technics, and they would be fine.

They moved closer and gave Pete a hesitant pat.

“See fellas, placid as a calf,”

Mitch stroked the bulls’ thick neck and looked about the stadium. He’d never been to a rodeo, and standing in the dust beside this gigantic beast had an overawing feeling about it.

“What’s with them?” he asked about the colourful plastic barrels and small hurdles.

“They’re for the trick riding and dog show events,”

“Coool,” both chuckled.

Slim, enjoying the boys enthusiasm, decided to give them a feel of being in a rodeo. He suggested one of them climb on Pete before the show started.

“Jordie can have a go, he’s a cowboy,” Mitch joked.

Goodo,” Slim stood to one side and waved him closer, “jump onboard,”

“Naw,” Jordie shook his head.

“It’ll impress Maay-laady,” Mitch teased and gave him a light shove.

“Have a go,” Slim insisted. “He won’t bite,”

Jordie shrugged; thinking maybe just sitting on the bull wouldn’t hurt, as long as it didn’t move, and if it impressed May-lee, why not? With that thought in mind he decided to give it a shot. He put his foot into the stirrup and grabbed hold of the saddle horn. Pete moved sideways. Jordie hopped about on one leg as he attempted to climb onboard. Slim walked over and gave him a leg up.

Once in the saddle, Jordie positioned both boots securely into the stirrups. He wrapped the reins around one hand, and held tight. “How do I look?” he asked Mitch.

“Like a tosser,”

Jordie chuckled at that then glanced around the stadium. He saw May-lee and Kristy taking a seat in the grandstand. They were both dressed in bright red cowgirl blouses, beige flowing skirts and fancy boots. He lifted his hat and waved.

“Look,” Kristy pointed, “Jordie’s a cowboy, he must have gotten a spot in the show,”  

“He looks sooo macho riding that bull,” May-lee crooned.   

Kristy giggled at her auntie then noticed Mitch in his outfit. She nudged May-lee. “And Mitch is... a Matador,” and they burst into fits of laughter.

Behind them Jessie & Tessie saw Jordie waving and jumped from their seats.

“Yippee ride ‘em cowboy,” they squealed.  

The sudden screeching spooked Pete. He raised his head, and gave a nervous jolt.

“Whoa,” Jordie called and held tighter to the reins.

Slim grabbed the bridle and told Jordie he should dismount.  

In front of the grandstand, Julio was walking with a woman he had befriended while admiring the show dogs. She held a quaint Sydney Silky that snuggled under her arm. On spotting the bull, he pricked his ears, gave a low growl and attempted to free himself. She shushed him, but he had other ideas, that bull looked tempting, he gave one lively twist and sprang.

“Catch my Silky,” the woman screamed. “That beast will trample him.”

Julio made an attempt to grab the dog as it dashed between his legs, but Silky scampered through, and bolted into the stadium.

“Watch zee puppy,” he yelled.

Too late, before Jordie had dismounted, Pete spotted the yapping dog and panicked.

Slim held onto the bridle in an attempt to calm him. Pete gave a kick and buck, knocked Slim to the ground then bolted.

All hell broke loose. Pete bellowed and charged across the stadium, with Silky nipping his heels with daring, and somewhat expertise while Jordie clung to the reins for dear life.

Unable to rid himself of the dog, Pete did a quick-fired three sixty. Jordie fell, and with his feet caught in the stirrups he hit Pete’s side. A couple more bucks put him back in the saddle, and he continued on his bone jarring way.

Slim, who had struggled to his feet saw Pete charging toward him. Realizing he had no chance of stopping him, and if he stayed put he’d be trampled, he bolted. He raced toward the fence doing a great rendition of the bull whispers retreat, screaming at Mitch to follow suit. Mitch noted his warning and was hot on his heels, while Silky, having the time of his life, nipped happily away. Pete charged on, kicking and bucking in an attempt to rid himself of the mutt. Failing that, he eyed up Mitch to vent his frustration. Mitch heard his angry snorts; he looked behind, stumbled over a hurdle, rolled a couple of times then stood facing him. Unsure of what to do next; and wishing he’d brought his red cape, he jumped about waving his arms, optimistically believing it may cause Pete to change course. No chance, Pete powered on. A second before being trampled, Mitch sprang to one side. He completed a forward roll and in one motion landed back onto his feet and bolted. But there was no escape, Pete was in a frenzied and berserk mood, he stepped off his foreleg, Jordie gripped harder to the saddle horn, and the chase for Mitch began...  

The action in the arena was so rapid and intensified, Kristy, May-lee and the crowd looked on bewildered. At first they feared the boys were in trouble. But seeing Mitch teasing the bull, and Jordie performing a great exhibition of trick riding, they decided that it was part of the show. Everyone jumped to their feet and cheered Mitch on as he zigg-zagged ahead frantically looking for safety. There was none, except one of the colourful plastic barrels. He ran to it and dove in. Pete charged the barrel, sending it spinning and bouncing before him.  

Jordie held tight to the saddle horn with one hand, and pulled hard on the reins with the other, “stop you mongrel,” he roared.

Julio, who decided this was far better than any rodeo he had ever seen, screamed a couple of quick fired Olayeee’s as they passed the grandstand. May-lee, Kristy and the crowd joined in and gave enthusiastic applause.

Throughout the excitement, Slim had reached the fence and raced to a nearby stable. He jumped onto a horse and galloped toward them.

“Someone get a shotgun and shoot that mongrel dog,” he roared.  

Silky seemed to grasp those words, he stopped, looked nervously about, then scampered from the arena into the awaiting arms of his owner, who melted into the crowd.

With Silky’s departure, it gave Jordie & Mitch a slither of hope. Slim rode to Pete’s side, held out his arm and yelled, “Jump!”

Jordie released his boots from the stirrups and grabbed at Slims arm. Pete butted the barrel to one side, rammed the horse and gave another gigantic heave. Jordie flew into the air. He completed two perfectly timed somersaults then dropped, hit the side of the horse, ricocheted between it and the bull before landing with a thud on the ground. Slim grabbed the reins; they ran a few paces and stopped.

He dismounted and rushed over to Pete, whose sides were expanding, threatening to explode, and breathing laboured, heavy from exhaustion.

“There ya go old fella, everything is fine now,” he soothed.  

In the grandstand Jessie & Tessie were elated, they jumped and skipped about squealing, “Olayeee, Olayeee, Olayeee!”

The hyped up crowd joined in and gave the boys a standing ovation.

   Kristy raced to the barrel, dragged Mitch out and helped him to his feet.

“Mitch, what a great show,” she laughed.

“Stop the world an’ let me off.” he groaned as he watched her spinning before him, then collapsed and fell into her arms. She held and soothed him as she led him toward the fence.

Jordie climbed to his feet with the assistance of May-lee, who had raced in to congratulate him, “Jordieee, you were so fearless,” she praised.  

He mumbled something incoherent and rested his head on her shoulder. She gave him a squeeze then guided him from the stadium.  

A stunned Slim stood in the middle for a moment and scratched his head. He wasn’t sure as to what had just happened. But with the crowd enjoying it and the boys ok, he decided that the best thing to do was to keep the show rolling. He jumped onto a slightly recovered Pete’s back and flicked the switch of his headset, “Ladies and gentlemen! That was a great display of the bull n barrel show performed by our two guest stars Jordieeee and Miitccchhh. But you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, sooo without further adooo, let the show continuuee,” then six whip cracking cowgirls riding their gallant steeds galloped into the stadium, and the Limestone Ridge Rodeo officially began.     

At the fence, Mitch’s’ eyes felt as if they were spinning in their sockets.

“I think you’ve overdone it,” Kristy giggled, “You need a cool drink to wash out the dust,” she guided him to the hotel, while May-lee led Jordie toward Maddy. “You need a good rubdown sweetie,” she fussed.

After they reached his cabin, Jordie collapsed onto the bunk; May-lee walked to the first aid cabinet and returned with a tube of eucalyptus cream. When she sat on the bedside and gently massaged his back, Jordie released a gratifying moan.

   A happy Julio met Mitch and Kristy on their way to the hotel and wrapped his arm around Mitch’s’ shoulders. “You were Magnifico Mitchio, you have made a poor old Chef’s day,”

“Glad I entertained you,”

When they reached the hotel, Kristy guided Mitch to the bar and Julio ordered a round of beers.

After Mitch plonked onto the stool, he leant on one arm to steady himself. When the barman placed a beer in front of him he attempted to grab it without success. To Mitch it seemed as if it were spinning out of control.

“What happened to him?” the barman asked, noticing Mitch having trouble grabbing the glass.    

“He and Jordie performed a great bull n barrel show” Kristy tittered.

“Such valor,” Julio bellowed then raised his glass and had a swallow of beer.

Kristy giggled and gave Mitch a peck on the cheek as he finally grabbed the glass.