Maddy Rockx by Rex Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter Sixteen, New Year’s Eve,        

The following morning, Maddy fare-welled Mallee Meadows and chugged on her journey home amid a temperature rising above forty degrees.

Captain decided to cruise hard throughout the day. He’d split shifts with Norman, to knock a decent hole in the trip before they moored after the New Year’s Eve celebrations. As he passed Emus Edge and Limestone Ridge he would give a blast of the whistle to say another farewell. The heat would keep most indoors, however he was sure that a few people would line the banks for a final goodbye.  

Jordie spent the morning preparing the bar for the evening party and serving the occasional passenger that wandered in.

May-lee strolled into the dining room wearing her hot pink and yellow sundress.

She sat on a barstool and crossed her legs. The dress parted and slipped down exposing her shapely thigh. Jordie’s eyes followed, with a bit more daring, May-lee noticed. She smiled at his growing boldness then asked if he would like to join her in a coffee.  

Jordie made two frothy cappuccinos and placed them onto the bar.

“It’s been a great trip,” he grinned.

“It definitely rates with my first visit to Spain,” May-lee laughed,

“You’ll be going back after the cruise?”

“Possibly,” she whispered then raised her cup and had a leisurely sip.

“With Julio?” he asked, ever so hopeful she wasn’t, “he’s a great Chef,”

“He certainly is,” she placed her cappuccino back onto the bar.

“And a pretty good singer,”

“That as well,”

“And he seems to have a crush on you,” Jordie blurted.

“As big as his butt, though I do prefer my men to be more finely tuned,” Maylee tittered and sent him a wink.

Jordie’s face reddened; he picked up his cup and slurped it, spilling coffee over his chin, and leaving a frothy moustache on his upper lip.

May-lee leant over and wiped it with her scented handkerchief. Jordie’s heart pounded like thunder and he all but fainted. May-lee smiled at his reaction and then told him she had made a decision that involved him.

“Your performance at Emus Edge amazed me Jordieee; you can certainly hold a tune, would you do me the honour of performing on my New Year’s grand finale’?” she handed him a song sheet. His mind exploded, ‘performing with May-lee, could life get any better?’ He looked at the song she had chosen, it definitely suited her.

“You won’t be singing tonight?”   

“Of course I will sweetie, however I’ve prepared a special treat for the lead up to Midnight, and I require a gifted artiste to assist me,”

“It’ll be an honour, ‘Maay-laady’,” he gave her a bow, and they both laughed.

In the Galley, Julio who had drank enough champagne over the trip to make any wine producer proud, was feeling slightly off colour. He decided he needed a few more hours rest so he would be energized for May-lee’s grand finale’.

He informed Mitch that he could cook the final feast.

“Under my guidance Mitchio you have risen to heights I could never have imagined. When this trip is over you must come to Spain and work for me my little Muchacha,” he wrapped his arm around Mitch’s shoulder and pulled him close. Mitch’s’ head sank into his belly. Finding it hard to breathe, he attempted to pull away. Julio held firm patting the top of Mitch’s’ head as he spoke, “I will teach you zee art of cookery, and when completo you shall become a Master Chef. You will travel zee globe creating exotic cuisines to titillate zee palates and delight zee world’s connoisseurs,” Julio concluded then released his head.  

Mitch stepped back, drew a deep breath and gasped, “Mucho gracias, Mon Chef,”

Before Julio left, he handed Mitch a Chefs uniform and tall boy hat. “Wear them with pride Mitchio,” he leant and kissed each cheek, and was off.

Mitch bolted to his quarters to change. ‘A Chef, yeesss,’  


When Mitch returned to the Galley, he prepared a light lunch, and set it up on the buffet table for the passengers to help themselves. Then he grabbed the ingredients for his New Year’s Eve feast and began the preparations.  

After lunch Kristy arrived. Mitch looked up from the bench and smiled at her. He walked to the side and stood posing in his Chefs whites and tallboy hat. His hair stuck out the sides like ginger steel wool.    

“How spoofy do you look Mitchio el Chefio,” she praised then added. “Julio has told me I’m to help you prepare the feast,”

“Like a Galley slave?” Mitch sent her a cheeky grin.

“Maybe,” Kristy tormented.

“So you do whatever I want?”

“Depends on what it is, and how hard you want your butt kicked,”

“As hard as you like,” Mitch chuckled.

Kristy giggled at his cheeky comment, then noticed the cooking ingredients scattered about on the bench, “This looks interesting,”

“It’s for my brilliant speciality,” he bragged and handed her a menu, “I’ve been working on it over the trip hoping Julio would let me cook... take a peek,”

Kristy smiled at his enthusiasm, “the entrée, freshly cooked yabbies splashed with lemon myrtle sauce, mmm... accompanied with deep fried camembert cheese, crumbed and stuffed with anchovies... plus a lime and coconut mix, for a tangy dipping sauce,” Kristy gave an approving nod. “Sounds yummy,”  

“The main,” Mitch gleamed.

Kristy giggled, loving his boyish behavior. “Baked Cod, stuffed with citrus and mango, glazed with honey and caramelised apple, very exotic... for dessert chocolate baskets filled with wild berries soaked in sweet wine... plus fresh fruit salad and Chantilly cream,” 

“It’ll be an el exotico feastio,” Mitch grinned.

Delicio,” Kristy laughed.