Ode to the Fanatical Golfer by Kevin D. Rolle - HTML preview

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Eat Spinach, Man!

The sun beat down full blast it’s heat
But he was here to play golf—no surrender, no retreat.
Besides, his new golf shirt made him look neat. The ladies complimented him, “Aww, yeah man!” (Sweet!)

Well over his head, lazily flew a kite.
”I bet I could hit it!”, he thought. “If the followthrough’s right!”
His stroke needed to be good…solid and tight. But the wind didn’t behave…refused to be lite.

Anyway, the rest of the course, he had to finish. Hopefully, no more bogeys, his score to blemish. He wanted a strong performance…one that ate spinach!
He felt it wasn’t coming. (His soul felt diminished).

But the game wasn’t over. More effort he’d exert. ”Focus now. C’mon…STAY ALERT!”
From the pits of depression, he’d have to revert If his chances to improve, he didn’t want to hurt.

This is the level of dedication he’d have to invest. From the depths of his soul, he made the request. He saw it work for others, to which they’d attest They’re examples he’d follow, if he didn’t want to regress.