Ode to the Fanatical Golfer by Kevin D. Rolle - HTML preview

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’Raging Wife’

His love of golf made his wife cringe
On hours of watching this sport on the tube, he’d binge. To see him sit there, her temper would singe! His social life, on golf, seemed to hinge.

Being late for their wedding, was the perfect case. There she was at the altar, all decked in lace.
Finally, he rushed in. (Sweat poured off his face!) Still wearing his one glove. (She understood THAT ‘trace’!)

She couldn’t believe it! (Not on THIS ‘stage’!) From that point on, he was in the ‘cage’.
Forget explaining. (Just turn the page).
Serious kissing-up required…or face her ‘12-guage!’

On more than one occasion, she wanted his neck wrung The only thing that saved him, was a ‘silver tongue’. But still, by a thread, he often hung
As she shouted at him, at the top of her lungs!

He was supposed to be the man of the house But her boiling anger, made him a mouse. She thought this golf game made him a louse Regardless, he had to have it. (A liberal dose!)