Patrick Leonardo: A Prophet? A Visionary? by Patrick Leonardo - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

The words of Patrick son of Leonard, one of the wandering prophets at Tel Aviv in the territory of Israel. The word of the LORD came to him in the 70th year of the reign of YHVH himself in Modern day Israel, and through the next decades under various israeli leaders, when the people of Israel were nuked into oblivion after the mighty test of The Holocaust The Lord God had tested the chosen people, and they passed it with shining valor.

The Call of Patrick

The word of the LORD came to me, saying,

"Oh Israel, you have committed the sins of the Germanic people who holocausted you"

"Beware, for thy Judgment is near and swift"

"One Mighty blast from the terrorists, and all of Israel shall be wiped from the face of the earth"

"You are indulging in the sins of your forefathers when Moses came and met me at Sinai for many days"

"For the Lord God does not like any forms of sins"

"Those on the Lord's side, leave Israel NOW and be saved!"

"Those who are destined to be destructed, await the fate of the two cities of the country of the Sun"

"It will happen sooner than they expect"

"Nothing further will be said"

"This is the final end of the tribes of Israel"

"The Final Judgment for killing Christ"


Chapter 2 - God punishes the Germans for the Holocaust

The word of the Lord came to me:

“Go and proclaim in the hearing of Berlin:

 “This is what the Lord says:

“Do not think that I will not destroy your evil nation for you did to my people

For you committed the most horrible of crimes

treated fellow humans like cattle

into the machines you fed them

out of love for my supposed son?

Or was it for some pagan Aryan false gods before me?

Or was it for your own vanity?

Do you not forget that every human dies?

And many nations destroyed before?

Have you looked at the destruction of Pompeii?

Do i not rumble your towns from time to time? and send in floods?

Was not your humiliation at the hands of Americans and Russians enough after World War 2?

Does your aryan nation want to kill all the other nations of the world?

Will i not burn your nation in hell for an eternity?

Do you think my people cannot nuke you?

Despised is your nation in the eyes of the Lord forever

and your Nordic Aryan race will disappear from the face of the earth

All your arrogance, your vanity, your sins, are piling up

And my wrath is kindled against you Satan worshipers

For you plan yet another holocaust of the sons of Ishmael this time

Israel will nuke you

They have not forgotten what you did to them

I have given them my order to bring pains of hell upon you

and end your nation forever

Hell awaits you

where Hitler and

Friedrich Nietzsche

will meet you

and all the deniers of God

All the nazis, and other evil nations they are suffering right now enjoying

they are the poisons of hell

that are much bitter and painful than that of Auschwitz

and other concentrations where you killed my people

Hitler was like Pharaoh of the Exodus

And all his followers hell bound

Hell awaits you

Complete destruction in this world

your aryan nation forgotten for all eternity like many nations before

but your culture is not even worthy to be remembered

for you are descendants of barbarians

who used to eat their babies and rape women and worship pagan gods before me

Your nation was never great and your plans will fail

The Lord God has spoken

through the words of Patrick his weeping wandering prophet"


Chapter 3 - World War 3, Muslim Holocaust, Nukes, Destruction of San Francisco

For The Lord God is speaking openly to his people now

And many of them listen but cannot do anything

and many of them are prophesizing

and the knowledge and the technology will be all gone

Most of humanity will be destroyed

God will destroy wicked cities like San Francisco and Mystery Whore Babylon

You all know this

Atheists will keep on denying

And the holocausts of muslims will be perpetrated in the so called first world countries

And in return, the terrorists will nuke some major cities

Natural disasters will be abundant

Russia and USA will be destroyed

China will take revenge on japanese

India and Pakistan will nuke each other

North Koreans will kill many westernized South Koreans

It will be worse than World War 2

Trump and Putin the perpetrators

It will be hell on earth

All of this for wickedness of man has increased just like the times of Noah

Amsterdam will drown

Gay people will be persecuted

Trangenders beheaded

Transfluids dejected

Genderfluids blood from their head ejected

Planet Earth will be inhabitable

and few people will try and colonize outer space and fail All humanity will end

and good riddance to an evil creation

Humans are the worst creation of God

Says the Lord Almighty through Patrick Leonard


Chapter 4 - The LORD says to build The Third Temple

Even among all of this impending chaos,

The Lord says through me to build the temple

remove all the pagan nabatean unholiness

tell them to stay in their holy lands

for their prophet himself stopped directing himself towards the Israealite temple

and he told his followers to change the direction

to that of Ishmaelite Allah

Let them move back to their holy lands

and let us build Our Holy Temple

There is still hope

If we turn back to YHVH

Jerusalem is the holy site for the sons of Isaac

Makkah is the holy site for the sons of Ishmael

For even Jesus was a son of Isaac

Give them proper warning

Let the American believers of God help you out

Let America not follow Azazel and his devils

There is still hope



Let all sin disappear and ungodliness