Patrick Leonardo: A Prophet? A Visionary? by Patrick Leonardo - HTML preview

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The Impending Muslim Holocausts

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

.Say it is revealed to me that Muslims are not to travel to the lands of the West

Enemies conspire against you, and your continued presence will lead to a mass .holocaust against you

If you do not listen to this imminent warning, you will be killed like jews .decades ago

.Those living in the West must return to their holy lands

.Do not expect God to help you directly

And warn you


It may be a great trial on you as we constantly test jews throughout their .history Arabs and Jews are brothers to each other


.You are both descendants of Abraham

?So why are you fighting

You both believe in me


Jews and Arabs must gather together like Ishmael and Isaac to worship me .alone

But unfortunately, they will not listen. They expect to enter paradise while .fighting each other

?Do you expect disharmony in paradise, Jews, Muslims and Christians Satan has planned multiple holocausts for you over the coming centuries. Do ?not chase this world. How many times have you been warned about this world

You are falling into their traps like the bani Israel a few decades ago. Have you no understanding? Or do you want to sacrifice yourselves for Allah and his ?prophet

Allah says the truth




The Fall of angels into jinn

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

Say Oh Muhammad it is revealed to me in my afterlife that jinn were indeed angels once who fell from the grace and became evil because they were given .freewill by me

There is no fault in my creation. Free Will is indeed a test on my angels, .humans, aliens, jinn, and other beings that you don't know of

Perhaps the fallen evil ones will turn into good natured angels, and perhaps the good angels like Gabriel and Michael will turn into evil natured fallen angels .now known as devils the jinn

Allah says the truth





Allah condemns Terrorism

Oh you who believe do not commit terror on earth and do not commit terrorism. Do you not know that suicide is worthy of hell? You Grieve Allah and your Prophet with what you are doing nowadays in his physical absence. The Holy Prophet dissociates himself from your wrongdoing and condemns terrorism, self-harm or suicide. Surely all the unjust criminals are fuels of hell fire where they will burn forever for committing atrocities and much evil. Oh you believe, calling yourself muslim and then committing acts of ignorance will not save you from hell fire. Good deeds come with belief, otherwise your faith is useless. And do not get jealous of what we have given to the non muslims. They prefer dnya over afterlife so we are giving them everything here. And return to your holy land and give back the land of Jewish Holy Temple to jews so they can build the third temple. Muhammad's city and Makkah is your assigned holy land, not Israel. Do not oppress my chosen people after they have gone through much suffering at the hands of Germans the Yajuj Majuj white people. Surely Allah condemns terrorism in any form.

.Islam is a religion of peace, not terror

.Allah always speaks the truth, the Great




Description of Afterlife

.Say afterlife that you seek is a spiritual realm not physical

All humans are sent on dunya to attain spiritual salvation in afterlife

(Before this dunya you were spiritual, oh God's servant (the reader

And if you prefer the pleasures of the physical flesh, you will be transformed into animals, maybe even apes and pigs

.So seek spiritual salvation. Seek the afterlife, not dunya the physical world In afterlife you will have eternal life, and access to infinite other worlds



Muhammad i told you to remove all the pagan idols from the Holy Kaba But you didn't. You loved your ancestor Ibrahim too much to remove his idol .from the sacred area. And also the graves of your ancestors Hajar and Ismail

.And also the contemptible stone of the kuffar, unworthy in your Lord's sight If you or your followers do not remove these places of shirk, you are not .better than the polytheists

What is the point of your prophethood if you do not sanctify my holy house ?and remove all the idols of the polytheists

What if Allah destroys Makkah because it is now a city of hidden and open










Al - Hereafter Expanded

 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

The afterlife is better than Dunia

?What do you know what the Hereafter

It is a gateway to infinite worlds and infinite senses

But ultimately, even the afterlife, eternal, is an illusion and temporary in the

eyes of God, and the few chosen ones of his choice

You can experience the pleasures and pains of the afterlife within the life of


through dreams and visions and other perceptions

No civilisation is great in the eyes of God

No religion is the chosen one of God

Even reincarnation and resurrection is possible

and you can turn into devils or angels any time

your soul is put in various vessels

be they humans, devils, animals, insects, aliens, angels, and other forms

do not cling on to your present life

your present life is just one of your infinite lives you will go through

from one plane to another

from dnya to afterlife back to dnya then barzkh

to heaven then hell

then hell back then towards heaven

existence is a continuous flow

do not think that Allah is only capable of forming dnya and afterlife and

barzkh only

He is God he can form infinite worlds

infinite dnya

infinite afterlife

Do not get jealous of others better than you

for they will be inferior to you later on

do not get arrogant when you become superior in appearance and stature

do not oppress the undesirables of this world

Allah is capable of all things

You will be more beautiful in afterlife, oh muslims

or maybe the beautiful ones will turn ugly in next lives

it all depends on your deeds

God is the most innocent

and he can be the most evil

So fear God, and worship him from time to time

Time is moving faster in dnya nowadays

but not for long

a mass extinction will come soon

Many, if not all, nations will be destroyed

and will be replaced by other nations

perhaps you will travel to other planets

but only if you believe in me and stop sinning

There are many prophets among you even now

Do not think that prophets stopped being sent






Surah Shariah

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan

 In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Oh you who believe

do not subject your women

.to satanic practices in the name of your honor

.This is wrong

Treat them the way you treat each other. Surely men and women are equal. Pay them equally in inheritance, and do not marry more than once. Do not oppress or kill your daughters. Treat them kindly because they are a blessing. Do not commit the crime of honor killing. Do not disparage them from going out or force them to cover themselves overtly. They have freewill and they are free to decide their way of life. It would be better for them to lower their gaze and remain chaste until marriage, but if they don't, their affairs are with God. If you fear humiliation at the hands of them, divorce them or disinherit them and set .them free. Hurting them unjustly is wrong

Allah says the Truth





New Laws

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

These are the new laws of God because times have changed and people are not .ignorant. You will not behead people

You will not chop off hands of poor thiefs. You will give them money instead .to survive. You will not mutilate genitals of men and women

.The rich will not rule you. People will be equal in wealth and status

You will not stop people from enjoying this world. Their sins with themselves. Let God deal with them. You will not commit terrorism of any kind. You will not deal with slavery ever again. You will not have more than one wife. You will not marry girls younger than eighteen. You will not marry girls without their consent. You will not punish the homosexuals for their unnatural acts.

God will deal with them, not you. You will not do short term marriages. You will not persecute the apostates. God will deal with them. There is no compulsion in religion. Do not force people to convert to Islam. Let them .choose their own fate

Allah says the Truth



The Arrogant Americans

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

The Americans will be defeated. Other nations will prevail. All the arrogance of theirs will for nothing. Forgotten like many nations throughout human .history

Or perhaps they will be destroyed utterly through various natural disasters we have prepared for them. Do they not notice us visiting them every year with ?various calamities

Allah says the truth



I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Muslims today have followed the way of the disbelievers and stopped respecting fellow human beings and other creatures around them. They have forgotten that they will be held accountable for treating others the wrong way. They have followed this dnya and lost their souls and inherited hell fire. Dunya have misled them and they are not dissimilar to shr ul brya the worst of polytheists and people of the book, and the atheists and worshipers of iblis. It confuses even the Holy Prophet to distinguish between the believers and disbelievers of the last generation of insan and jinn. The Prophet wishes he was never sent as mercy for the people. Have you seen the ones chasing dnya and forgetting that they will die? You will see them wandering around following the ways of the disbelievers trying to compete with them. They are the worst of believers. Then on the other hand you see the extremist muslims committing heinous crimes on earth justifying it through islam. They will not enter .Paradise