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Exploiting Sartre: Everything that is wrong with feminism


July 11, 2017


Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. Aspects of Sartre’s philosophy include:

  • Consciousness and self-consciousness
  • Imagination and aesthetic experience
  • Emotions and other feelings
  • Embodiment
  • Selfhood and the Other
  • Freedom, bad faith, and authenticity

Christine Daigle

is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Brock University and Past President of the North American Sartre Society




In 'Reading Sartre: On phenomenology and existentialism' Christine Daigle argues that Beauvoir influenced Sartre. She argues that Beauvoir's intervention, in 'Pyrrhus and Cineas' and 'The Ethics of Ambiguity', was crucial in correcting Sartre's fallacies.


She says that Beauvoir's contribution was key to Sartre's development of an ethics of authenticity in "Notebooks for an Ethics". Then she conflates Sartre and Beauvoir and make them equals. Then she puts forth her own understanding of Sartre and presents it as the proverbial Sartreian truth-bite.


She concludes that Beauvoir contributed and rectified Sarte's notion of conversion by putting emphasis on the human being as Mitsein -- a notion Sartre rejected at the time of Being and Nothingness (according to her). She posits that Sartre did not understand the positive aspect of the for-itself's dependence on the Other! And that Beauvoir was behind's Sartre's success and fame!


Why don't these fucking feminists come up with their own material instead of vulturing on established philosophers like Sartre? Ayn Rand was a rarity. We need more females like her with original ideas and philosophies -- unless she plagiarized her material from someone