Patrick Leonardo: A Prophet? A Visionary? by Patrick Leonardo - HTML preview

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The Afterlife

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

?Ya Muhammad how are you enjoying the afterlife

?Did i not say that your afterlife is better than dnya in which you won as well

?And better than Aisha Hafsa and Khadija

Bless the believers and let them know of virgins that you are enjoying

Prepared for the righteous

And the paradises beyond Firdaus and the glorious Kawthar river

And the jewels of dunya cannot match

the beauty of the jewels of afterlife

and the pleasures of the senses

the pleasures of the smell

and beautiful colors beyond your imagination

and more senses than the base ones that you chase in dunya

As for the sinful disbelievers

their hell pains increase exponentially

but i am most forgiving

Hell will not be eternal

They will only be punished for the crimes they committed

because an eternity in hell for one life in dunya is not a just recompense

Allah says the truth