Patrick Leonardo: A Prophet? A Visionary? by Patrick Leonardo - HTML preview

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I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Muslims today have followed the way of the disbelievers and stopped respecting fellow human beings and other creatures around them. They have forgotten that they will be held accountable for treating others the wrong way. They have followed this dnya and lost their souls and inherited hell fire. Dunya have misled them and they are not dissimilar to shr ul brya the worst of polytheists and people of the book, and the atheists and worshipers of iblis. It confuses even the Holy Prophet to distinguish between the believers and disbelievers of the last generation of insan and jinn. The Prophet wishes he was never sent as mercy for the people. Have you seen the ones chasing dnya and forgetting that they will die? You will see them wandering around following the ways of the disbelievers trying to compete with them. They are the worst of believers. Then on the other hand you see the extremist muslims committing heinous crimes on earth justifying it through islam. They will not enter
