Patrick Leonardo: A Prophet? A Visionary? by Patrick Leonardo - HTML preview

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The New Bible


Chapter 1

Blessed are those rejected by this world and its people

for they are ones rejected by satan and his people

they are the closest to me

Through them i suffer and they suffer through me

They suffer through Christ and Christ suffers through them

Their souls are the one and the same

Different bodies, one soul

All of them suffer for me

For in suffering are the mysteries revealed to God's minions

They get closer to God and attain eternal salvation throughout the worlds to come

and the worlds that came before this world

Within each world are hidden a thousand worlds of mysteries evermore

The evil people forget these worlds and remain in the physical plane

They become animals or lower beings

The suffering you see of animals

it is their own fault

Through previous lives and their sins overburdened

you see them subjected to the cruelties of nature

Their suffering is a way to purge their sins

and make them come back to me

but alas, most of them prefer being crooked

they prefer being evil, they prefer suffering others and themselves

It may be that the celestial beings are spiritual, not physical

or they may be physical beings intent on evil

The predators and their slaves

Both of them are going through the same trials and tribulations

Do not think that the Predator has won over its prey

For the predator will become prey of its victim later on

Do not laugh and feel joyous when you excel over your enemies

for the joys of success are temporary, and so are their failures

Learn to be generous in victory and patient at losses.

For losses you will incur will be plenty throughout the worlds

Because i designed them in a way that they teach you more than victories

Alas, my servants are bound by this world

and when they are provided pure grace, they reject it

They prefer the life of this fallen world

But the worlds other than this are many and much better


Chapter 2

My spirit and flesh is gone

but my words shall remain

for in the beginning was the word

and the word was God

and in the end

only the words shall remain

that is the bible in your hands

Prepare for harsh realities

for the believers shall always be suffering

just like their saviour

Never once has my son been in utter bliss

for bliss is for the weak

and suffering is for the strong

the true believers in Christ

Christ, my son

The one who bears burdens of all the worlds that exist

He is the only reason why I haven't destroyed all the worlds for their iniquities

for even in hell will the evil people commit sins

They will blaspheme against my name

They will blaspheme against the Spirit

The pain and torture never ending

Only Christ will save their souls then

Trembles the world and its spirit

in fear of the Lord

but the humans

they fear God not

How utterly terrible are these people

they rejoice in the world where Christ was crucified

who died for their sins

the same world they have considered their paradise

they commit sins evermore

some of them expect Christ to save them while they keep on sinning

And after, if they are saved, they keep on sinning?

No, Christ will not save such compulsive sinners

who commit every other sin of the flesh

Thinking their life has no meaning other than pleasure

There will be no pleasure in hell

not a single moment!


Chapter 3

Christ cometh again, but not to rule the earth!

Christ has been crucified many times before

and he will be crucified many times again

Purging of the sins for the various generations

Do not think of him as crucified one time only

For throughout the history of mankind has he been crucified in many incarnations

From Mithra to Osiris to other incarnations

Not always has it been a Crucifixion

sometimes he was stoned

at others his body torn into pieces

For he also sacrifices each time his believer suffers

The persecution of his believers is his persecution

The time has come

for Jesus to come again on earth

to sacrifice for the sins of the people of earth

for the sins of these current generations are many

Will be born as an arab? Or as a jew again?

Or as a hindu or a buddhist? or in an atheist family?

Born in Shinto family? Or the traditional afican folk people?

Only he knows where he will be born

He will sacrifice himself for you

As he has sacrificed himself many times before

History repeats itself

Just as the day comes after night

and the night follows the day Christ sacrifices himself

and rises up from the dead

It has been happening throughout history

and it will keep on happening

So do not weep at his suffering

And do not rejoice at him rising up

He does it all the time

Each soul is to learn from him

For the souls of living things are so many

Will he be kept at Guantanamo by the modern day Romans?

Or will he be crucified by the arabs in Syria?

Is he here already?

Or will he reveal himself soon?

Most will ignore him just as they did before

when he was crucified

2000 years ago

Most of you will mock him

just like the people did before

only a few will follow him

but even they will betray him

no one will sacrifice themselves for him

He will suffer alone

for your sins

and he will raise up from the dead again

And this event will happen again

after a few thousand years

History will keep on repeating

For without his continued sacrifices

All humans would have perished

burning in hell for eternities


Chapter 4: Christ saves people in hell

Every thousand years or so

Christ goes down to hell Through his glory

He saves all of those damned

He raises them up

Alone he does it

Believers and unbelievers alike All are saved

They are either given life on earth to live again

or sent to upper realms if they are believers

The power of Christ is felt

even by Satan himself

He bows down before him

and acknowledges the Christ as Lord Hell trembles over

and all the angels therein stare in awe

at the sight of the Mighty and Glorious Christ

Glory be to Christ

Our Lord Our Savior

Of all the worlds

There he is down again

The Trumpets in hell are thunderous

whenever Christ arrives there

All the people burning and gnashing their teeths

Feel his power and all their agonies vanish

Christ is your savior

even if you are in hell

Only he is the way out

There is no one else

Hell freezes over

All the fires and torments are quenched

The presence of Christ does it!

Praised be Christ thy God Amen!
