Phil K Swift and the Neighborhood Street Rockers
Copyright © 2015 by Philip Kochan
Phil K Swift™ is the trade name that Philip Kochan has used as a B-boy and DJ since 1985
TheezNutz™ is property of Philip Kochan
Phil K Swift is a real person; however, for the sake of interesting reading, Phil has sensationalized his past and made a work of fiction. This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental or complete imagination. If you think this book contains information about you; it does not. It is just a coincidence and not intended by the author. Any advice given or implied is for entertainment purposes only and not intended for real world application.
ISBN for paperback 978-0-9967425-3-5
ISBN for ebook 978-0-9967425-2-8
Library of Congress control number 2015953194