SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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17.Interior. MemeTrade Office.

Nick Steib furiously bleaches the floor of his MemeTrade office.

The various webcams in the area have been covered by Postit notes. LeoNard is on screen scanning the office like a blind person.


Nick? Nick? What's wrong with the video feed? Are we playing a game? Nick? Should I call a technician?

Nick turns up the volume on a webclip he’s listening to about the life cycle of the common mushroom.


The mushroom spore can be carried enormous distances through the air. Spores of common Wheat Rust have been documented to have spread 2000 km by prevailing winds.

18. Exterior. Sunset. Hanlan’s Point, Toronto Island, 134

SOMA | The Meme Dump