SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump


You miss the point! The music is a fusion of ambient sounds from my world, integrating the sounds of this rail yard in real time! The rhythm of the train. The sound of the wind through the hydro towers.

All the recurring sounds of this place have been added to the composition! All but the fucking Rat King, of course!




There’s something special about this place, Levon! Some strange synchronicity. Ah! Did you hear that! The switchtrack! It pops every eighteen minutes. A Westbound CN train will be along in 123

seconds. Time it!


I didn't hear anything.


You’ll hear it if you’re listening for it. The Soma helps! The Soma is critical, of course. I think there’s something other than psilocybin in it. Am I right? I have a marked increase in endurance since I started taking it. I played for eight hours straight last week, Levon. Time stopped. I was enveloped by the flow!

Jeremy mimes playing the violin and hums the music meant to be played at this time of night.


I feel like that in my garden. And wrestling on Sarah's trampoline. I could bounce around on that thing forever.

In the distance, a bell has started ringing.


Ah, ha!