Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


In outer space, The Finger asteroid flew along with one of the solar arrays of the MSS attached to its bottom. The Finger asteroid dragged the MSS along in space.

It was total chaos where audible alarms blared, and lights flashed danger from all the consoles in the MSS Control Room.

"Oh Crap! Oh Crap! Oh Crap!" a computer-generated voice alarm repeatedly yelled out from one of the consoles.

The door slid open, and Kurt, Wayne, and Vadim floated inside scared to death. They all wore childish pajamas and animal slippers since they were woken up from a deep sleep.

They floated over to the consoles, and immediately flipped switches, turned knobs and pressed buttons.

The door slid open, and Jake, Butch, and Ronnie floated into the room still in their pajamas.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked while he floated over to Kurt.

Vadim looked at the screen and got confused. "This is weird!" he said while he turned some knobs and pressed some buttons.

Kurt, Jake, Butch, and Ronnie floated over to Vadim.

"Our orbit speed go faster, and we descend to earth," he called out while he read the display on the monitor.

Kurt looked confused while he saw the data on the monitor. "How is that possible?"

"Don't know," Vadim replied while he scratched his head in confusion.

Over at the other side of the room, Wayne picked up a remote and aimed it at the ceiling while he pressed a button.

A big sunroof retracted, and the solar array was visible stuck to the bottom of the asteroid.

"I know why," Wayne yelled out while he pointed up at the sunroof.

Kurt, Vadim, Jake, Butch, and Ronnie all floated over to Wayne.

They all stared at the sunroof and looked scared to death.

Kurt curiously looked around the room. "Where's Buzz and Neil?"

"Don't see them since yesterday," Vadim replied while he stared at the bottom of the asteroid from the sunroof.

"We were supposed to meet at the escape pod for some training, but they didn't show up," said Jake.

Wayne saw something of interest on the console, so he floated over to that console. "An escape pod's been deployed," he told everybody once he saw the message.

"Don't tell me those two skedaddled out of here when the second it got dangerous?" Kurt said a little pissed off.

Jake and Butch both had a Did we screw up again? Look at each other.

Kurt floated over to another console and picked up a yellow phone.

Back down in the Ferry Room #1 of the Ferry Control Center, the digital display scrolled "The Finger – 280 Miles Away."

Richard sat at his console and did a victory dance in his seat while he saw the "MSS Escape Pod Deployed" message that flashed across his screen.  He quit dancing and sat down in his chair and started to a daydream.

In his daydream, Richard was in front of all the United Nations Leaders.

"We would like to present Richard Head the World's Hero Medal, for getting rid of those morons and having capable men save the world from that threatening asteroid," one of the world leaders said then place a colossal medal made out of gold around Richard's neck.

A phone rang in Richard's dream.

Richard woke up from his dream. He looked around for the source of that sound. He realized his yellow phone on his console was ringing. 

"Hello," Richard answered the call.

"Richard. We have two problems. One, the asteroid slammed into the MSS, and it's dragging us down to earth," Kurt replied from the yellow phone.

Richard smiled, thinking had another golden opportunity for greatness. "Send Buzz and Neil out there to save it!" he responded.

"That's the other problem. Buzz and Neil apparently ran away in one of the escape pods," Kurt replied.

Richard got upset and threw a temper tantrum by stomping his feet. Then he pondered for a few seconds for a solution. "Okay, send Wayne and Vadim."

"Okay," Kurt replied, then disconnected his end of the call.

Richard hung up his yellow phone and tapped his fingers while he pondered some more evil plans. His eyes lit up, and he snapped his fingers when he had a backup plan.

He got up from his console and headed toward the doors.

Down in the Oval Office of the White House, President Barnaby sat behind his desk and stared at the wall of TVs.

On TVs, all the world leaders looked upset.

 "The MSS is stuck to the asteroid and will also slam into the earth!" Chinese President Wang yelled from his TV.  He looked at his display to his right. "It's now two hundred and eighty miles away. We have no choice but to nuke it!" he yelled.

"Nuke!" Russian President Ivanov agreed from his TV.

"Yes! Nuke!" North Korean President Chul-Moo agreed from his TV.

President Barnaby stood up furious. "Don't! You'll kill six people," he pleaded with them.

"They not Chinese, so I don't care," Chinese President Wang said.

"My Cosmonaut will sacrifice himself for the world. So, I agree to nuke!" Russian President Ivanov added from his TV.

"I'll need another engine for the additional weight. Minor delay!" French President Beaumont said from his TV with a confident look.

The rest of the world leaders thought about Beaumont's comment.

All the TVs went blank when the world leaders turned off their cameras.

Barnaby got up and looked frustrated while he paced around the Oval Office.

Up in outer space in the MSS Control Room, Kurt, Wayne, Vadim, Jake, Butch, and Ronnie all sat around and pondered their life-threatening dilemma.

"What are we going to do?" Vadim asked.

"First, we'll cut ourselves loose, otherwise, in the next eight hours, we're junk! Now, since Buzz and Neil skedaddled, Richard wants Wayne and Vadim to save us. I can't go because, you know, bosses can't do anything but boss people around," Kurt told them.

"I can't go. Because I'm scared to death of heights," Wayne replied a little nervous.

"I can't go. My spacesuit in the laundry," Vadim quickly replied.

Kurt, Wayne, and Vadim looked at Jake, Butch, and Ronnie, as their only hope.

Down at the Rocket Ranch, Jennifer moped down a hall in the Ferry Control Center. She looked sad and had her arms crossed while she thought about Butch. 

She walked by a window and saw Richard inside a room where he talked into a camera. She knew he was scheming for another evil plan aimed at Butch. 

In the MSS, Ronnie floated at one of the windows in a hall and stared outside.

"Go, guys go!" Ronnie said while he saw Jake and Butch outside in their spacesuits and small rocket packs. They floated at the bottom of the solar array that was attached to the asteroid.

In outer space, Jake and Butch stood at the bottom of the solar array in their spacesuits. They opted not to use their rocket packs, so they wouldn't run short on fuel during the engine installation to the asteroid.

They both looked up at the long journey up the ladder of the solar array.

Butch immediately climbed up the ladder on one side of the array.

Jake saw him then got nervous, and then he got confident, as he didn't want Butch to beat him. He climbed up the ladder on the other side of the array.

Butch climbed up higher on the ladder and was at the middle of the array and ahead of Jake. His boots slipped, and he fell but quickly grabbed a ladder rung while his legs dangled.

Jake climbed up his ladder and went past Butch.

After a couple of failed attempts, Butch finally got back on the ladder and climbed upward. He was pissed Jake was beating him up the ladder.

Jake climbed to the top of the array. "Hooray! I'm the first one to the top!" Jake called out in victory.

Butch climbed to the top on his side of the array and saw Jake. He was pissed he lost to Jake and banged his glove on the array.

The whole array vibrated. 

Jake and Butch clung on the vibrating rungs and almost fell off. 

The vibration soon ceased.

Jake opened up a pocket on his spacesuit and removed a Ginsu knife. He started cutting away at a metal bar that penetrated through the array.

Butch did the same on his side of the array.

The asteroid shook with a loud bang after being hit by space junk.

Jake fumbled with his knife and dropped it. He quickly caught it by the tip of the blade.

Back down in the Ferry Room #1 of the Ferry Control Center, the digital display scrolled "The Finger – 275 Miles Away."

Jennifer sat at her console and watched her monitor. She saw Jake and Butch while they sawed away at pieces of space junk that was attached to the MSS solar array.

She touched Butch on the screen, and tears ran down her cheek.

Up in outer space at the top of the MSS solar array, Jake made the final cut on a bar that penetrated through the array. He placed his knife away in his spacesuit pocket.

"We're almost free," Jake called out into the microphone in his helmet.

"Great!" Kurt replied from the radio net.

"I'm going down," Butch called out into the microphone in his helmet and started the trek down the ladder.

Jake grasped the space junk above him with his left glove then he grabbed the bar that penetrated the solar array with his right glove. He strained and used all his strength, he slowly bent the bar away.  But he unknowingly wrapped it around his left glove. He tried to bring his left glove down, but it didn't budge. The asteroid slowly moved up and away from the MSS. Jake's left arm stretched while he was being dragged along with the asteroid.

Back down at the Nursing Home For Very, Very Old People and June watched TV from a couch.

Around her, numerous other old people looked ever so sad and lonely.

Hoke wheeled Daisy in a wheelchair to the couch.

"Hi Mom," June said the second she saw Daisy.

"Just because I'm letting you stay here, doesn't mean you can mope around all day and watch TV. Go outside and play," Daisy scolded June.

"I wanna watch TV," June defiantly replied.

"Kids these days. All they want to do is waste away their life in front of that boob tube," she told Hoke while she looked upset with June.

"I know Miss Daisy. I know," Hoke replied.

Something on the TV sparked June's interest, and she sat on the edge of her seat.

"We have breaking news from the NERP," Anita, a female news anchor told the audience. "Astronauts Jake Savage and Butch Beaver freed the Multinational Space Station from The Finger asteroid. But, an Oh Crap situation developed," Anita added and looked worried.

"What did that bozo do now?" June asked.

On TV, she saw the asteroid while it floated away from the MSS, but then a camera zoomed down and showed Jake hanging by his left arm at the bottom of the asteroid.

"What a screwball!" June said disappointed in Jake.

Daisy shook her head and was displeased with June's attitude. She looked up at Hoke. "Let's go, Hoke," she said.

"Yes, Miss Daisy," Hoke replied, then wheeled her away.

June sat there and watched Jake being carried away by the asteroid from the TV.