Sun on the Rocks - Episodes One and Two - the Malibu Case - the Acapulco Cocktail by Workstudio - HTML preview

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The uproar among the various media in response to the Los Angeles Times exclusive was immediate and pervasive. All four main television networks ran morning news specials covering the poll, the hippie activity which led the mayor to poll Malibu residents, and most importantly, the reasons of the mayor for not revealing the poll to the public. By midday, radio station phone lines were collapsed with calls outraged at the lack of transparency from the mayor, who was meeting in short order with the governor of California.

The governor´s office at the California State Capitol was assailed with several independent television crews all vying for exclusive news from the governor. The mayor of Malibu issued a brief statement around seven thirty apologizing for the delay in revealing the results of the poll but denying any wrongdoing. When prompted by phone whether this upheaval was a cause for his resignation, the mayor responded by saying there were several other avenues to explore before reaching that extreme situation, and that he was confident in any decision from the governor.

The girls spent most of the day glued to the giant television screen at Cynthia´s home, expectant at the ten o´clock live conference that the governor had decided to give. Clarity called Ms. Marquez at SGP, and she confirmed work activity there had slowed down that day. When prompted about their absence, Clarity explained that Packwood had issued an arrest warrant on them for swimming naked at the SGP pool, and that they were fighting for the individual freedoms of SGP employees.

“I´m proud of you, Clarity, but be careful please. I´m trying to get the District Attorney on the phone to solve the situation here, but she won´t even talk to me. And now, with this scandal about the secret poll, much less. We´ll see what the governor says at ten.”

Clarity helped Cynthia move her giant television screen to the poolside terrace. Using a few cable extensions, they were able to set up their own outdoor night news television session, drinking freshly blended organic juice made of guanabana, mango, guava, pineapple and banana. At twelve minutes past ten, the governor finally appeared on live television, sitting in his Sacramento office.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening, I will be brief. Given the sensitive nature of the poll on naturism in public performed several months ago in the city of Malibu and the importance of the decisions which will stem from any implementation of resulting laws, I believe that this matter affects not only the city of Malibu but the state of California as a whole. Because of this, I have decided to set up a state wide referendum in California in the near future, so that the people of California can decide best the future of clothing optional activity here. The referendum will be held in about three to six months. On behalf of the mayor of Malibu, please accept his apology and my own for not having announced this information sooner. Good night.”

The television camera zoomed out of the governor´s features and the news brief ended as quickly as the announcement.

“We can´t wait three to six months for this referendum, the case will be over by then, and we may be in jail or out of a job by then,” said Cynthia.

“It´s not that difficult,” said Taimi, “we just need to change the date of the vote.”

“But we don´t even know how a referendum date is set,” said Lanai.

“It shouldn´t interfere with other pending matters and it´s probably a good idea to set on a date other than the fourth of July. Let´s ask George tomorrow at the Malibu Courthouse, I have an idea and he may be able to suggest a way to move the date of this vote forward,” said Clarity.

The next day, Clarity and Cynthia went to visit George in his office at the courthouse. Clarity noticed he was kicking the coke machine, which was refusing to give out a diet coke after it had received more than a dollar in coins.

“Naw, I can´t help you on this,” he said, “too risky for me to access the governor´s office database from here without leaving any electronic footprints. I must say, you girls were pretty effective on this poll, you acted more quickly than a stealth Delta force commando.”

“I see, can you give me the governor´s official address and some kind of official letterhead?” asked Clarity.

“That, I can do, we get mail regularly from the office here.”

“Perfect.” said Clarity.

With a copy of an official California governor letter sent to the Malibu Courthouse, Clarity and Cynthia made another copy at a local photocopy shop, hiding the source letter except the governor letterhead. They then typed an official letter on Cynthia´s laptop, revealing the content of the referendum question and the referendum date:

From the California Governor´s Office. In view of public opinion interest, the Governor hereby announces a referendum on allowing naturism in public and at work in fourty eight hours. The official question will be: are you in favour of naturism in public and at work? Signed: Sincerely, the Governor of California.

“Let´s fax it,” said Clarity.

“To whom?” asked Lanai. “The L.A. Times.”