Clarity sat in the front seat giving directions to Taimi, who was driving, while Cynthia and Lanai were seated comfortably in the back.
“Duck! police car,” shouted Cynthia. Clarity and the girls in the backseat lowered their heads and squatted on the floor, while Taimi looked to her right as she crossed Packwood´s car.
“Packwood´s in the passenger seat,” said Taimi, “I can see him.”
“Look elsewhere, away from him, he doesn´t expect us to be in this car.”
They sighed when the car passed them without stopping and kept driving until they reached Bayshore dr. They noticed the tallest structure right away, a six store building with large bay windows facing south, letting sun light in during most of the day. Clarity suggested they park the car a few blocks away and they walked together past the entrance door. Guarding access to the offices was a security guard sitting in front of a camera.
“How do we get in?” asked Taimi.
“We´re interns,” said Clarity, “journalist interns on a visit to the best news agency.”
“That won´t work,” said Cynthia, “we don´t have an appointment, they won´t admit us, we need something more definite.” Clarity saw Lanai gasp and bite her lip, as if she had found a solution to the problem that she wasn´t comfortable sharing.
“Well, I saw this program on T.V., there is this government body, the Federal Communications Commission in charge of overseeing interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. They have this department calle the Enforcement Bureau. I´m not sure…”
“Perfect, we´re investigating Stencil on their news wire procedures,” said Clarity, “follow me”.
Clarity led the way to the entrance and took a deep breath before ringing the bell of the third floor. A feminine voice muffled by the small speaker answered.
“Stencil, may I help you?” Clarity lowered her voice an octave.
“Good morning, FCC enquiry, Enforcement Bureau.” She stopped there to let the effect of the statement sink in. A few seconds later, the voice continued and the door opened.
“Come in, tell the guard that Molly´s waiting for you.”
She made the thumbs up sign to the three girls standing in line behind her and pushed the door to cross the entrance. The guard was busy watching Rocky VI on DVD and barely raised his head before allowing the girls to the elevators. They rode to the third floor and received an effusive welcome from Ms. Molly. From the air of respect shown by other employees, Clarity deduced that Molly headed the news agency. Clarity requested to see all procedures relating to the sending of news wires, and explained the FCC was thinking of approving a new satellite based service and was assessing the cost implications for news agencies across the country.
“You seem quite young to be working for the FCC, can I see accreditation?” asked Ms. Molly. The girls swallowed hard in turn. Lanai looked at Taimi, who looked at Cynthia, who stared at Clarity.
“We´re actually on an informal mission, our official ID´s are being made with a new counterfeiter proof printer.” She changed the subject. “Could I use the bathroom for a second, my friend Cynthia will help you with this.” Ms. Molly led Clarity to the restroom, and Clarity pointed to her cell phone to Cynthia.
“Ms. Molly, I´ll put you through with our internal audit department, they can confirm our mission,” said Cynthia, dialling Clarity´s number. Clarity saw Cynthia dial on her cell phone before she closed the bathroom door. She turned the lock and opened the window, moving as far from the door as possible. She took a deep breath and answered the call from Cynthia.
“Ms. Molly, Joselia Ridinghoe from the FCC here, yes, the mission, we did send them, four women, new investigators, they´re charming. Yes, their new ID´s are being printed with the new offset printers. Yes, I´m sure Stencil abides by the FCC rules completely. Thank you, good bye.”
Clarity pressed the end call button on her phone and exited the bathroom door, running into Ms. Molly.
“There´s a particular area that we have been told to examine, or more exactly a person. Do you know of a certain woman known as Miss Leah Thomas, she´s a freelance naturist columnist?”
“She was working here until last week, you´re welcome to look at her files, her office material is still there, last door at the end of the corridor.”
Clarity and the girls walked past the newsroom and examined the office where Shazaiah worked, noticing several articles and pages on naturist resorts for adults. Clarity turned on her computer and searched the different folders of the PC. One of them, titled Proposition 531 stood out, labelled as important. She opened a computer file inside the folder and turned to the girls.
“I found something interesting, come here.”