Tales of Adventure With Nap Lapkin by Lance Manion - HTML preview

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I envy you.


You are about to be introduced to perhaps the greatest character ever to grace a page. And believe me when I say that I had very little to do with it. In fact, Nap Lapkin brings to light all my limitations as a writer because there are times where I am literally unable to capture just how awesome he is.

And here you sit about to start reading.

Yep. That’s the feeling of envy I’m feeling.

In some ways I feel like a salmon that has just spawned. Spent and lying on a rock waiting for a bear to wander by and eat me. Whatever happens from here, I have spawned this book so my mission is complete. Not sure spawned is the right word but I wanted to stay with the salmon metaphor and spewed seemed a bit off-putting.


Not sure the introduction is the place to be having this debate. I’m not even sure if I’m supposed to capitalize Introduction when I’m referring to the introduction.

Nap Lapkin and Introductions bring to light all my limitations as a writer.