The Cardboard Gardens - My Life Both and Other Things I Have Written While Living by Ermo Bobble - HTML preview

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“The spool rotates and there is a distinctive voice to hear

While I my breath try to keep I tremble to the sound of my own voice!

My own voice appears from the speakers and says everything I think  so there is a surreal echo in my head arises

The bottle is on my lips and tilts slightly

The contents of the bottle touches my lips

As if the wait for I cannot live without fresh oxygen  and my brain will no longer can fool

I long to breath but the disgusting masses prevents me from failure

My body become heavier  my head lighter and my heart stops ”


Atonement  He drank his beer  Maybe he already had a lot on  but he was the beat lost  Somewhere they walked through the colander  It was raining  Leaves were unusually high speeds in the face blown  Benches were occupied by an inability to sit  They had to keep running because of an invisible mate  She followed him  All three of them 


The can was empty  Maybe he had enough beer in his body  but he was thirsty  Somewhere he pulled a new away  from a place which he almost immediately could no longer remember  Everything depended on them  Diagonal  The trees put all their strength in their roots to prevent them from the place which they so long occupied in lost it would become 

The helmsman was called Wilhelm of Kleffenbakker  They respected him  to the extent that they were there when he was


Erwin  the least austere of the set  mumbled about something that he thought was one of the most brilliant ideas in the infinite history of everything was  Not to scientific  and especially abstract nor exact; it ended up that the sine of the sinas of the own brand in conjunction with the saltwater device is a kind of  self-propelling medication process brought about


Wilhelm of Kleffenbakker had his hat removed  It was time for a break 


Because the benches still were occupied by the inability to sit  there was nothing else than to make use of the stretched lawn  The grass was long  dry and smelled of charcoal  They were all four hungery for Memories of barbecues past and the just-not-burnt sausages that the father desolate on the table threw 


They went back in time  The time of the plastic strips and light-blue raincoats  The time  mamma  that with her strange humor and obsession with classical music every time the show she stole  They missed it all and in a strange way they felt in harmony  A combination of nostalgia and the view of a group of street-dancers


As they lay there in the grass  staring at the gray clouds  There were drops on their face  Drops of cold  but that interested them  That was part of it all  Eric  the least sober of the bunch  suggested for the house in which they grew up  Including the stairs that are immediately to see  was as soon as the front door opened  The orange light of the room above  She was crying


Wilhelm of Kleffebakker had his hat back up  The break was over


They stood on while Wilhelm  who still was still invisible 4 meters further was gone   He should also call   said Arnold  who  while a bird is a song began to play and the rain  in a huge blow disappeared  his coat in a natural way appeared  It was as if he knew that the weather would change  Not very strange  since the weather for 14 years  exactly half an hour suddenly turned around  You could set your watch on it  Maybe it was Arnold so used to this strange environment that his biological clock could give if he is of the costume had to change


They ran the invisible helmsman to go after him  She wanted him to absolutely not lose; then would the whole trip be for nothing  Out of breath  they came finally to the helmsman  who suddenly stopped  They were still but a few feet from him  He turned and for the first time in the whole trip he spoke   I think    that we lost are guys      he said with the voice of a small boy   What should we do now?  cried Erwin  the least sober of the bunch   We now have everything for nothing?  They now have everything for nothing done?


No  that they had not  The journey was the destination  They had learned a lot about each other and would there ever since for one another

Were they awake? This was the time of the accident  Wilhelm was a bus driver  They had all died  This was the beginning




Ermo closed his eyes  He wanted it all not to see more  He wanted out of his head to leave but just before he managed to back torn to reality  The image was already in his subconscious anchored and was in his head constantly on a trick play  Every second he saw it again  Five hits per run


Hermie, the simple and according to the school director: “disadvantaged” son of his aunt Lobo where he just had to pay attention while aunt  Lobo tobacco and beer was going to get  was to play in the monkeybars in the playground behind the row of houses where he was staying  That was the place where he saw it  While Ermo is a place sought out to urinate because he is not all the way to the house wanted to do this  just wondering if the favorite climbing frame of Hermie possibly a good place would be  lost Hermie grip  Hermie himself try in vain to grip at one of the climbing bars  but it was too late  With the rod between his legs  he turned clockwise down so his face along with the rest of the climbing frame collided  These were the first four blows  and each blow made Hermie hear a small squeak  similar to that of a freshly stomped puppy  As a final mercy blow came poor Hermie right on his nose on the concrete under the climbing frame go  what Hermie still a last beep did produce 


Then it was the only time painstakingly quiet; also Hermie's side  Ermo was frozen  He knew that he to it would have to run  but knew  on the other hand very well that he is huge would be scared of Hermie's mutilated face  Just the thought had him shivering   No    he thought  “Gross!”  He clicked quickly a cigarette and lit it  “How should I put this child in the name of Moses and friends are going to help?”  First urinated Ermo against the fence of the neighbors


Some time passed  and the reappearance in Ermo's head and repeated  faster and faster  and the beeping that poor you can every time on the way down made louder and louder  stomped puppier and puppier  In addition  if Lobo him now would see  he would have free accommodation and food to forget about  No  he had to take action and fast  because aunt Lobo would by now be settled  He ran up to you can off  which fortunately the pain spastic with his feet on the floor  scouring  Hesitated for a moment Ermo  but eventually decided to stay handellen 


With retrospect it might have something to enthausiast jerk  he turned Hermies bulky body in the “stable side position”  something he's ever been on television had seen  but immediately forgotten what a lot of swallowing and gurgling of you can  that in the meantime his tongue and buckets of blood had been swallowed  as a result had  “Bah  Gross ”  thought Ermo  “Fortunately  he is silent  This was even harder as he screams and the whole row of houses had alarmed ”  “Shhhhh   shhh    but still    let Uncle Ermo even see you ” he said to you can  while he with his left hand  which he earlier that day the pussy-hear aunt Lobo's had shaved him was comforting


When his middle finger to the face of you can reached and sprayed a guts blood from the wound  causing his hand he frightened departed  He tried you can once again be comforted by the phrase  ”Look  you see  it is all along”  but you can  meanwhile  was his consciousness lost  The pain was in any case over  Ermo grabbed his chance and tried the child to tackle  but felt that in his back and because the home was nearby  he could make him just as good at the children's feet carried away


You can now lay now in the hospital  Looking back on the street found Ermo is that you can a dark red trail  and near the curb a rather large puddle had produced  He made his small cell phone  a some megapixel photo that he figured out later on the toilet again to view and perhaps to the one and the other one to show 


There was aunt Lobo  Her fat belly hung over her pants and her with grease stains spattered shirt yawned to just above the navel  She had two white plastic bags with her filled with drink  cannabis and action-pain or anything  Her face was to swear and quarrel  Ermo loved aunt Lobo since she was the last of what he still had  Aunt Lobo salutation Ermo not and asked right away where her beloved you can  It was probably her mother-alarm all for you can first attack of pain occurred  though it was the blood-spattered street reason enough to ask to you seed  After the stammering story of Ermo  there was a silence 


There was a long brown streak that ran from one of her eyes to her chin what Ermo interpreted as a cry  Ermo also wanted to cry  but that was difficult after the surgery  Some puss did on good days still to escape  but mainly remained dry  and although aunt Lobo knew of this  she found Ermo yet heartless respond  She picked up her ever red moped and chugged our way to the hospital  Ermo took the groceries inside


Aunt Lobo threw her moped almost through the window of the hospital when she was still  before the moped to a complete stop had come off the jump  With a stretched arm  she walked to the door  not knowing that it is of the electric variant was  what a hilarious indescribably scene caused  On the other side of the door came  and her sticky hair from the glass deducted ran to them to the counter  Even before they make eye contact  and even before the receptionist could hear screamed at them all questioningly and investigating the name of Hermie


She rushed to any doctor or nurse where they have eye contact with got off and shook them around while they their with fear-filled faces sprayed with bacilli  a foreign sewer-smell and the name “Hermie”  The receptionist  which she still knew from previous week when she shat out her womb ran all of her  She knew how this situation was approached and immediately took her stilleto-knife  Aunt Lobo recognized this gesture is still used in the Crease  the neighborhood where she was raised  She was immediately cooled down and walked calmly nodding in on her while she has her hands quietly vertically up and down moved as if to want to say “I come in peace” 


Now the communication can begin  The receptionist picked up the “what to do in case of fire” plan of the hospital  since these are the most minimalist and simple was shown and pointed to room 041G  or the room where you can lay  It took a while before aunt Lobo realized what the always sweet receptionist Jupila referred to  but rushed the crowd  then quickly and noisily in the direction Hermie  all the time his name screaming what even just a few minutes the whole hospital reverberated as a nostalgic locomotive


With an IQ of 92 Ermo highly talented and the smartest of his family  something he always more as a curse than as a blessing saw  Living together with a person like aunt Lobo and limited person Hermie is not always easy to contain as the intellectual  all were after him always insightful  In addition  the society is not ready for his radical way of thinking  according to Ermo  Hence  also  that he after the departure of Aunt Lobo immediately go to his typewriter was flown  because that is what a intellectuel person is supposed to do  according to Ermo  He wrote prose and poetry  Now he wrote the following:




Nuah  the devil with boobs  thick boobs tits pussy pussy no pussy  now listen

Nuah  sew the devil with his tits dirty tits tits sigh  not now  not or well

Nuah  no one can! No one can!

No one can!


Oh what a terrible beginning of a hatch

why does not everyone see the same kind of rusk

Limo on peace and corn  cannibal

hear there the same far so unheard gone

Dragonfly in the crust 

the crust scratch

the crust to eat


Infection has occurred

Wound left



He was experimenting with his new “gun-shaped” poems and found this one surprisingly good run  Even two hundred pages to go  thought him  and he could have his second book of poetry “Boom! and other poems” are going to spend  Although his first collection  no commercial success was  he had a good feeling about Boom  In addition  there was  of course  his magnum opus  which he has been 12 years  (and the read now currently is self, dear reader) of working but he the past year and a half struggle  and not fun to work  The hope he gave  however  never  Although his poetry  his creativity at the level held  he was always thinking of his novel to him  as he knew how  to a best-selling author  Maybe it was time for a new adventure  A change of surroundings and the people around him  Maybe he was a big fish in a small pond  He stared out his window and sang the whole improvising the next song  with small stale dry eyes:


If the morning doesn't wake up word

Like the sun  his turn of trades

If the beetle rolling reels can

I believe that I can

I believe that I can

If the window me break

and the hovel in my face

slowly sadness takes over

in the other respect

No one can my die see

no one can see my brain

Nothing is as far as you can see

that it hurts

It hurts


Once he had finished this song he was on  he picked up his revolver that he was under his typewriter kept and shot it on his dart board  Then he heard a single auto-allarm


Aunt Lobo was now in the hallway where room 041G was  She went through all the rooms looking for you Hermie guess After the days of a pregnant woman and a man with emphysema to have screwed up  she found him mutilated in a hospital bed  She glided like a crying rock star with her knees on the floor  “Hermie!”  she called pathetic  She was interrupted by a sharp nurse  Ambrea called  “The surgeon has a hard head ” She informed aunt Lobo business  “He is in a heat coma ” Aunt Lobo looked Ambrea  as if she had wanted to ask what coma meant  but she could get to the look and carefully chosen words of Ambrea all to see and hear how late it was  There was something very serious with him to the hands and when the weather was ok remained the question 


Aunt Lobo began Hermies consciousless body to rehabilitate by with her hands as an amateur masseur pretty hard on his back to ram  It was not long before there rushed a team with a nurse that her husband and power of Hermie tried to withdraw and its life-threatening actions to break off  This turned out to be a lot more complicated than they had anticipated when aunt Lobo in one sweet sweep of the first team college-interns through the window to be dashed to pieces threw  She was became furious  With one of her legs  she knew Hermie from his bed to free himself  As a kind of king-kong she climbed through the room to the window and to the outside where she made her heroic escape as rescue operation continued 


The hospital staff was breath taken away  A receptionist threw as a last hope her stilleto-knife in the direction of aunt Lobo but lands in the last cup of coffee of mrs  Hedgehog  who  shortly afterwards due to an internal bleeding and died as well as Hermie that  though he was in the hospital remained  shortly after Lobo's pitstop in the gas-station (for rolling tobacco and gasoline) died  suspended over the stear of his mother  Aunt Lobo came here not behind


“Ermo!” cried aunt Lobo that jerky with Hermie over her shoulder carrying through the living room hobbled  After a short emission of tiredness  she let him on the couch like a bag of groceries  Ermo came down charging in with his revolver still in his hand  “Quick  grab a bucket of water!” he yelled in panic  Confused  and ran them back and forth  “From the kitchen  the kitchen!” he cried impatiently  She ran to the closet and began canned food to throw out  Ermo looked at Hermie good  Quickly  he noticed that he wasn't breathing; then he eagerly at his wrist clutched to his heart to search  Ermo could the heart rate not find 


While he to Aunt  Lobo ran to the to communicate  he pointed to Hermie  Even before he say “I think Hermoe is already dead” could say she heard a huge bang  followed by car-allarms  Startled  she turned their heads towards Hermie  There was a plume of smoke from his forehead  Ermo had forgotten to put the safety on his revolver to activate it and during the point to you Hermie the weapon in his hand  Ermo let the gun fall to the ground and threw his arms in the air  “He was already dead before I got in his head shot! No  really!” 


Aunt Lobo looked suspiciously quiet  both of shock as anger  After a few minutes  there is a whistling sound out of her mouth  due to the tremendous pressure in her head and the holes in her teeth  Ermo knew enough already and walked with his head down the stairs to the top  On the top step he turned and repeated himself softly  “    he was already dead   ”  After the address of a pouch was it as far as  Ermo was no longer welcome in the house of aunt Lobo and each house of each family member  Ermo had not one more family


While he was by the door walked felt Ermo a huge relief  There was the awareness of the homeless have become  but the feeling of freedom was immense


It came to me almost a party wrong there  that afternoon that 32 year old Herman Verfbeen his meat at the butcher shrugged  He asked him for a pound of meat of dubious origin  but after this to have seen  he changed his mind   That looks pretty rancid  butcher   he had him still want to tell  but was interrupted by a woman from behind in the forties  suddenly very hard about mince began to trumpet   Minced meat? That is still lukewarm-warm meat?   And already beat it make no sense at all  no one knew her to calm down and everyone in the butcher's shop remained in silence looking at her  They were afraid that if they did what would they say at all the full charge would get   I don't believe that  I don't believe that   she said to herself while she put her face against the meatglass that as a sort of border between the customers and the flesh had pushed  Finally got Herman why butchers are almost always such glass meatwalls prefer  After a few minutes loud screams of the lady was quiet  She got a piece of sausage from the butcher to calm her down  This seemed miracles to perform  Her mouth was closed 


Herman took his choice and went this time for a single kilo of anteater-bladder  and after this to pay sniffed it as a dog that is the butt of a companion was sniffing out   So-called myeah that smells good  certainly for this season   he thought   This has been fixed nicely with that expensive beer what all the time in the refrigerator are cooling    This was now changed in a large cool beer  Scot!   he thought because he felt like it  but even before he took the last  s  of the word what he just thought was thought started the avalanche of a noise from the mouth of the lady who was also previously so the screaming was completely new to avalanche as a completely illogical speech-avalanche of speechwater and noise   I'm going to back off mr  butcher   tried Herman to tell  but was unheard of in the small room in the giant apartment complex to leave  The booty was in any case within and Herman could be the top notch prepare dinner  He had a visit from a lady this evening 


 This evening?  asked the lady at Herman   Yes  as of now  we  together   He blinked with his left eye while he was with a very expensive beer-filled glass raised  and while all the acrobatics performed with his neck in a weird vertical buckling motion made  what an unpleasant bone-breaking sound produced   How's the bladder?   he asked his guest of the female sex   Well done  I must say  Pretty plums   she said and sniffed the chewy, ruined and to small shreds reduced bladder as if it were a wine that was not drunk but sniffed had to be   Yeah well hey  and I've already told you how I come to?  asked he with a mouth full of chewing gum-bladder   Yes  just yet  You are so scattered   Just as she had to almost laugh   But really great annecdote hear  maybe you can even tell   she stated with a sarcasm for you to say   Oh um  well it was to me to be almost a party wrong there      she interrupted him with rolling eyes and said  I changed my mind  Maybe not right now     Oh  um  ok   For a moment it was silent  and Herman  thinking about the next question he could ask for this silence to break 


 I have it!  he said aloud   How's the bladder?    yeeheees  WELL DONE   and she threw her napkin on the table   Well   what do we have for dessert?  she asked and desperate  but even before Herman the subject-word of the question asking could repeat she was a loud immensely irritated sigh   I'm going to   You have to figure it out with yourself     But turdy of me   (turdy was his nickname for the lady)   And call me damn it no turdy  I have a name  and we know each other only a week  And what a week  damn it  Bye    They rammed the door behind her close what a load of dust from the walls did spit like a heavy elderly man  his scrotum for the last time in ecstasy blew empty   But fatsy...      it was already too late and it was all of no avail  Herman took down a bite of his blackened bladder  but it tasted not him  He opened his mouth above his plate slowly open up and let everything fall off   Women    he declared cross   Can a grown man not even get the dessert forgotten?   He did that evening  the dishes would not go this time straight to his evening-hobby  there are anatomically correct puppets made of string to create with each other of the love companies


The alarm clock went off much too early for the sense of Herman  He was so like the dream he had in which he the full one and a half hours before the alarm went only to the same falling everyday objects had to sit and watch  want to finish  but that was not of him  He knew that today is an important day would be in which all the different things that could mean and this was  or felt  in any case  hugely important for him  He turned first upright  and then his legs over the edge of the bed  Each movement is counter-clockwise  Both the x and the y as the z  This was fully conscious and had to do with an ongoing experiment at the time  slower to walk  so as to save time during the morning and logically  so also more time for all the different things something could mean; said Herman who once tried to explain to a beggar so lightly on to brag about his stunning intellect 


He rubbed the thick crusts from his eyes  but knew in his current spiritual climate is not all rubbish to be removed  It was time for the brushing of the teeth  which means that he brushed his teeth  hands washed  and the rest of his eye-goop  now with something to clear the mind and with the sanitary liquid  water called  completely removed  And after having enjoyed the guzzling sound that the tea made  he every day from the same Spanish as cow shaped milk mug drank  it was time for the next item on his daily ritual calendar  You  the reader  recommend it perhaps  After the coffee was Herman good   ? Pee  On the toilet?  And that of air so that he shivers  and even using his whole body was shaking  what the necessary splashes around the bowl caused it to be  Also something what almost every day it happened  He wish that he change before or during the sleep could pee  but no 


He picked up his pill-dispencer  inhaled deeply  and took the doctor prescribed medication for his sharp lifetiredness in  Back up again come immitated he the sound of a spring-board  Herman was entirely ready for  The alarm clock went off a second time  He had accidentally hit the snooze button pressed when he actually permanently still wanted to convert  He is even with ringing alarms come home from work   WORK!  Herman had to learn quickly to work  Quickly he did what clothing to that somewhere on a pile of layers  Nice was not  but the shame-zones were in any case covered  He jumped into his shoes and swung like a monkey from the tubes that the staircase in gone down   Record time   realized Herman and whistled for a taxi 




We walked hand in hand 

Over concrete and sand 

glass and grass

Suddenly  there was a lamp

followed by another lamp

It was dark outside the tent


I knew that I loved her

though that was not what I thought

I laughed to myself

She loved me  that I knew for sure

I made me also not to worry about it

She laughed very often


The adventure had barely begun

or we fell apart in the reason

We did agree with each other

but could not find the words to let it show

After a nod and a hug as we walked further


It was dark outside the tent

The patch of grass where we are at that moment walked

it was dark green and wet

We had already days and no shoes

We already had some days not shoes need more

It started dim

The air where we are free in moved

it was nice and soft and pink

We already had a very long time  no clothes

We already had a very long time  no clothes necessary

It was six hours

and so officially morning

and still we walked as hard

Occasionally the pace slow down

after which it cycles back faster went

Until we suddenly  like almost of their own accord

huge hunger started to get twisted


I thought of bread and meat

and meat on bread

They have to try something else

what me not necessarily quite a problem seemed

We could nothing get

we had no clothes

We had nothing




clothes needed


Plump lost when we sat in our holes

to think of the food

The hunger was worse still

which we later clothes started to search


Clothes where no people are

that is a lot of work

Then you should especially be very very cunning and



We found some branches

and what beautiful colored leaves

but nothing that the people could forget

that we have no clothes


Spontaneously  we found three peacocks

which we heartily had to laugh

I chopped fast their heads off

and plucked them bald

The feathers were clothes

the meat was set-up and reset

so could the farmer not see

what are peacocks had happened


Well  that took a while

and made our stomachs army

By now  we wanted still running

to a supermarket

or something like that


On time and in beautiful peacocks colors

we were in a large city

Buildings towered above our heads

but that did nothing

We were used to quite a lot


A giant supermarket  we walked in

Still with bare feet

for shoes  we had not made

I picked up a bag of balls and a packet of salami

She went for something different

A pasta salad or something like that 


We knew We had no money had

we knew that in advance

Therefore  a plan will be made

and with the stuff in our hands started running away


Alarms blew

but on bare feet  you can pretty run faster

However fit we where our feet blood start leaking

In the big city lay glass

but we were used to quite a lot


Finally we came to an edge

We could not continue

Police came storming

We anxious

Sirens roaring

Quickly  I picked up the food in a headlock

We had made a calculation error

Police officers storming

Our pokerface



“Oh ” I said lukewarm

“You have to pay?”

“There was really a sign there with free pick up”

Confused thought the blue men after:

“Free? In a supermarket?”

“Such a man with such a small grocery would still n

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