The Good Read Wipe by Rcheydn - HTML preview

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rcheydn worked as a journalist for newspapers and magazines throughout Europe, Australia and the Far East for a decade before entering the world of public relations.

For the next twenty-five years he was a senior PRO in the United Kingdom, Australia and, for almost 20 of those years, in Hong Kong.

Then he established his own public relations company in London which is regarded as one of the most dynamic and innovative agencies of its kind.

The Catskinner was his first foray into the political thriller genre.

His second novel was The Feathers, a grim story about a serial killer in London.

Crime or political thriller writing are not his exclusive interests. He is also the author of a children’s book Keepers of the Deep.

TheGoodReadWipe is his latest attempt at glory.

But just in case, rcheydn is now working on his next project.