The Great Detective & the Missing Footballer by Gurmeet Mattu - HTML preview

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“There are three avenues still to be explored. Liverpool, the Spanish and an older woman.”

“An older woman?” Mrs Houston asked, evidently surprised.

“It seems that Henderson is attracted to older women and it has been suggested that rather than being abducted for profit, he has merely sloped of on a romantic assignation with one.”

Mrs Houston sniffed disdainfully. “That wouldn't be befitting a Captain of Manchester United.”

“Young men are a strange breed, Mrs Houston, though you can hardly be expected to know that. Ofttimes they are led by their trousers.”

Mrs Houston slammed down a pair of my underpants. “There's no need for vulgarity.”

The door-bell rang and Mrs Houston departed to see who was there, Holsm took the opportunity to refill his glass.

“The trollop's here again,” the landlady announced when she returned.

“The WAG. Tell her I'm a WAG, Mr Holms.”

“She is a WAG, Mrs Houston.”

“Whatever,” Mrs Houston mumbled as she retired from the room. Cynthis darted forward and took Holms’

arm. “He's been seen, Mr Holms, my Jimmy's been spotted.”

Holms pushed her down to a chair and sat opposite her. “Really? Where?”

“In Lidl.”

“You must be delighted,” Holms said, smiling warmly.

“No, I'm not, he was with an older woman. And they were … shopping.”

“Is that relevant?” Holms asked.

“He's an international footballer, Mr Holms, he shouldn’t be shopping in Lidl.”


Cynthia attempted to look superior. “Lidl is for people with less than forty handbags, Mr Holms.”

Such things were strange to Holms as he explained. “Ah, I don't shop myself, Mrs Houston procures all my requirements.”

“It was my young sister saw him.”

“So she does go to Lidl?”

“Well, she's not a WAG yet, hasn't got the tan for it. But she's a good looker, she'll probably end up with more handbags than me.”

“And did your sister approach him?” Holms asked.

Cynthia looked proud. “She tried to, but he ran away. He's always been known for his turn of pace over the first few yards to get away from defenders.”

“And where was this Lidl?”

“Just round the corner. He must be somewhere in this very vicinity.”

Holms paused and considered the empty-headed beauty. “On a different tack, Miss La Crème, I understand that you have been attracting the attentions of Mr Balfour.”