The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Dave, the Naturalist.

Dave, the naturalist, stopped on the trail as he drank in the natural beauty of the world around him. Yes indeed, the sight of a forest full of chattering wildlife thrilled his soul as no other view could.

To his right, cougars bounded through a beautiful sun lit meadow in their pursuit of a pack of frightened young men. To his left, on the ground, just behind a bush of wild berries he could see a pair of eagles behaving like chickens because of their fear of what the turkeys of the forest would think of them. Throughout the tree branches above there scampered hordes of squirrels on a quest to gather nuts…who believed everything they read on the internet.

The ways of the forest seemed harsh to some but survival of the fittest had always been nature’s way. Honestly, some of the young men had pot bellies already, it was only natural that these flabby specimens would be caught and devoured by some hungry cougar.

Dave shifted his gaze from the gruesome scene unfolding in the meadow. He was just about to lower his binoculars and move on when he caught sight of a pair of lovebirds sitting near the top of a nearby evergreen.

Excitement filled his soul as he gazed upon this rare find. Unlike the cougars who were only concerned with their own survival, lovebirds were often seen giving of themselves for the sake of the other. Dave had only seen a few of these birds throughout his career and he relished every moment spent watching them. However, the sound of breaking branches and crackling twigs disturbed his reverie. As Dave turned away from observing the beautiful ways of the love birds, he beheld a fearsome herd of beasts charging mindlessly toward him.

“More beer,” was the constant cry of this herd of party animals. Fear shot through Dave’s slender form. These were truly wild animals simply bent on running wild…never did it occur to these beasts to lift their heads and ponder the world around them. Everyone they met would be swept into their mob and encouraged to stampede along with them on their fast charge to nowhere.

Dave began to run, knowing full well that if he were to have any hope of escape, any hope of life, he would need to run the opposite way of the herd.