The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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  1. Prologue
  2. 1. The Murder of Humpty Dumpty?
  3. 2. A Hot Car. A Fast Woman. A Very Slow Man.
  4. 3. Rocky, the Rock Star!
  5. 4. The Invasion...of Stupidity!
  6. 5. Humphrey Gobart and the Strange Case of Common Sense.
  7. 6. The Thrilling Adventures of Agent 3.5.
  8. 7. Billy and the Terrific, Terrifying Terror!
  9. 8. Dave, the Naturalist.
  10. 9. Master Chef Kelly.
  11. 10. 4-Steps to Eating Smart!
  12. 11. Ebeneezer and All His Stupid Things!
  13. 12. Herman vs Melvin vs Gertrude and Vice Versa
  14. 13. True Love, A Fairy Tale.
  15. 14. The Joy of Stupidity!
  16. 15. The Red Tape, Tapes!
  17. 16. The Aliens Have Landed...on Their Faces.
  18. 17. The Stupid Elephant.
  19. 18. A New Tale of the Old West.
  20. 19. The Political Herman
  21. 20. The Haunting.
  22. 21. The Stupid Meeting.
  23. 22. From Boyz to Cavemen.
  24. 23. Manitoba Melvin and the Lost Generically Titled Treasure!
  25. 24. Jethro, the Gap-Toothed Farmer.
  26. 25. Billy, the Kid.
  27. 26. A Big Man, A Very Big Man, in a Small Town.
  28. 27. Golddiggers.
  29. 28. Billy’s Big Battle!
  30. 29. Jethro Ponders Legalized Pie.
  31. 30. 4-Stupid Things to Do With Your Life!
  32. 31. The School Without Principals.
  33. 32. Jethro Plays the World Series.
  34. 33. Manitoba Melvin Discovers Gladstone
  35. 34. Herman, Business Man.
  36. 35. 4-Stupid Things to Do in Relationships!
  37. 36. Billy Goes Ape!
  38. 37. The Beatles! The Illuminati!
  39. 38. The Legend of Whitemud Wilbert.
  40. 39. Progressive Thinking For Dummies.
  41. 40. 4-Stupid Excuses!
  42. The Author
  43. The Ridiculous Adventures of Herman and Melvin
  44. Kelvinism
  45. Uncle Kelly’s Second Little Book of...Wisdom?
  46. Stories From Our Town
  47. Christmas in Our Town