The Perfect Prank and Other Stories by JIm O'Brien - HTML preview

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Timeline: Monday morning.

Mom and Dad are driving the girls to school in the mini-van. As they get close to the school they notice that a commotion of some sort is taking place in front of the school building. A crowd of kids are gathered there and none of them seem to be in a hurry to go inside.

Erin:  I wonder what’s going on?

Tammy:  Maybe it’s a fire drill.

Ashley:  Maybe the doors are locked.

As the mini-van pulls up in front of the school, they see that the kids are smiling, laughing, and . . . looking up. A few teachers can be seen in the crowd, and they also are smiling and looking up. And, as we slowly raise our own sight to the roof of the veranda, we see it: A giant inflatable Easter bunny, standing seventeen feet high (to the tips of his ears) and he is holding a large sign that says: EAT YOUR VEGETABLES.

Mom and Dad turn around to the girls and say “Remember.” and then pull imaginary zippers across their lips. The girls, in unison, then pull imaginary zippers across their lips. The side door of the mini-van slides open, and our three little heroes emerge and join the crowd of kids.

Mom and Dad then pull out and drive off. This is a nice little moment for these two. Everything worked out perfectly. It is as if a bunch of flowers had come up and bloomed right in front of them. There was love and respect for children, caring about their town, and some fun intrigue.

And they are enjoying it . . . together. A job well done Mom and Dad, a job well done.

The van from the local newspaper, The Advocate, pulls up in front of the school. A man gets out from the passenger side door and he is wearing a camera around his neck. He stops, looks up, smiles, aims his camera, focuses a bit, and then . . . snap . . . takes a photograph.