The Perfect Prank and Other Stories by JIm O'Brien - HTML preview

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The following morning Harry Cramer . . . on his way to “Dolly’s” for their $1.99 breakfast special . . . sees it and smiles. Belinda Carson, a Barclay alumna, is out for a morning jog when she sees it. “Not bad . . . not bad.”

she says to herself. John Harrington and his wife Lucy are walking to the curb market . . . to buy some locally made maple syrup and honey . . . when they see it.

John:  Are the girls back already?

Lucy:  Some of them come back early.

Park Avenue runs through the center of town, and, in the downtown district, this road is divided . . . length-wise . . . by a long narrow grass island.

Dogwood trees grow on this island . . . six of them . . . dogwood trees that are now adorned with . . . over-sized Christmas tree ornaments and garlands of gold and silver tinsel.

The term has begun.