The Perfect Prank and Other Stories by JIm O'Brien - HTML preview

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Dear Alumni,

And this letter Mr. Hendersen is composing does not really  say “Dear Alumni.” His word processor software has an “auto  insert” function, and it lets him personalize each letter.

Things here at the school are going well.

The new lightning rod we had installed on the school building’s roof worked just fine during a recent thunder storm.

It took a few of those nasty lightning bolts and rendered them harmless . . . sending them right down into the ground. There was, however, that pesky gofer of ours . . . and it surprised him sure enough . . . sending him a foot into the air and then scurrying off the property to look . . . we assumed . . . for a new place to take up residency.

And, instead of paying someone to mow the lawn here, we bought one of those robotic lawn mowers. It’s a wonderful invention. You just bury a wire along the perimeter of your property and it acts like an invisible fence to the thing so you can just turn it on, let it go, and forget about it.

But the darn thing escaped! And, the last I heard, it had cut a swath clear over to Elm Street . . . where it met up with another robotic lawn mower . . . and, after a minor turf war, it decided to stay on there.

The bird-watching class is going well. The bird seed expense is sort-of going through the roof, however. Apparently our local birds have been flying out to the surrounding neighborhoods and telling the birds living there about the scrumptious “hors d’oeuvres” we are serving here because they’ve been draining those bird feeders in less than three days’ time. And I guess a few of the students added some . . . caffeinated . . . seeds to the regular mix, and, oh my, what a ruckus! The chirping day and night. The reckless flying. The attacks on the cat. It was a dreadful scene. So I had the students stop it. After that, the birds were . . . listless and apathetic . . . but they did return to their usual selves . . . in due time.

But I am writing to remind you that Alumni Day in on September 25th this year. Use the enclosed postcard to let me know if you plan to attend and how many of you will be coming.

The day’s agenda looks something like this:

10 a.m. to 5 p.m.—Food will be served in the school cafeteria, with the meals sort-of shifting from brunch-type food to dinner-type food around the one p.m. hour.

12 noon to 5 p.m.—Games, activities, and rides out on the campus green.

2 p.m.—Stage Show: “Maria and Tommy.”

5 p.m.—Concert on the Stage: Sela.

7 p.m.—Milkshakes in the cafeteria.

And, of course, you are welcomed to stroll around the school grounds and through the school building to your heart’s content.

Hope to see you there.

James Hendersen Barclay School Administrator

PS: As usual, any and all donations are welcomed. If you bring stuff with you on Alumni Day . . . don’t worry. There will be a couple of pick-up trucks and a few “Donation Guys” there to do the lifting for you.