Thoughts from God's Favorite Child - 2008 by Kristina Smith - HTML preview

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Friday, April 11, 2008

First, I am connected again! Praise God. A quick ten minute trip to my cell phone carrier's office during my lunch hour put me back in touch with friends, family and relatives - at no charge to me! What a relief.

The forecast here in the Southeastern portion of the United States is for rain later today. (right around rush hour, of course.) I am not complaining - after all, we just experienced a record drought and we are still under water restrictions - but why does the "severe" weather always move in on the weekend or during the commute home? Just a question to ask my Heavenly Father one day. [Back in the Garden of Eden, the earth was watered overnight from underneath! Now THAT is the way to do it!] And for the record, I like the rain - I just like it better when I am home, cozy in my flannel pjs (or sheets), reading a book or listening to some jazz. Driving in it is for the birds!

I have a full weekend ahead - starting with family worship tonight, a visit with my father and stepmom (who are flying in from Houston TX) on tomorrow, and a baby shower for my cousin on Sunday. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it. My heart will be my friends who will be funeralizing a loved one in New York. Whatever your plans for the weekend, I pray you are blessed and that you find time to make some memories with loved ones, friends and maybe even a stranger who crosses your path.

Be blessed.
Posted by Just me thinking out loud... at 07:08AM (-04:00)