Thoughts from God's Favorite Child - 2009-2010 by Kristina Smith - HTML preview

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Sunday, February 28, 2010


Ever wish you could be in two places at one time? That’s how I’ve felt all day today. I need to be in Hartford, CT supporting my godfamily in their time of loss, grief and despair and yet, I am anchored here in Atlanta due to weather, overbooked flights and other obligations. While I know I made the right decision to stay in Atlanta and delay my flight until tomorrow morning, I still feel “guilty” and sad that I am not in Hartford.

The question has been asked before: If you could choose any super hero power, which would you choose? People choose invisibility, X-ray vision (although this seems to be a more male driven choice, wonder why?), super strength…I think I would chose teleportation abilities. Even as a child, I loved the fact that Samantha from BEWITCHED could just twitch her nose and go wherever she wanted to go – and that Jeanie from I LOVE JEANIE only had to cross her arms and nod her head and off she went! I’d sit there, watch the television shows, and think, “Yeah, that’s the super power I’d want to have.”

My heart goes out to my godfamily, the Andersons. They know that I wish I were there in person and not just in spirit. I pray that all will go as planned when I get to the airport in the morning – that we’ll get on the flight, that there will be no delays and that the flight will arrive on time. It will be an intricate dance of timing, but I’m putting it all in God’s Hands. He knows my heart’s desire – and if it is within His will, everything will fall into place. Pray with me to that end. (Thanks!)

Be blessed.
© 2010 Kristina E. Smith
Posted by Just me thinking out loud... at 09:42PM (-05:00)