Thoughts from God's Favorite Child - 2009-2010 by Kristina Smith - HTML preview

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Friday, June 04, 2010

“There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die…” Ecclesiastes 3:1,2

This is a very familiar Bible text, but never did it home more to me than last week when on Thursday, I attended a funeral service for a dear friend’s husband – and then less than 48 hours later, went to the hospital to welcome to the world a brand new “niece”. As I said goodbye to a man I only knew through the stories of his wife and daughter – and then said Hello to a beautiful chocolate drop of sweetness, I was reminded of the fragility of life and how we need to embrace every moment of it with both hands.

That’s why I take pictures of EVERYTHING. There is an importance in recording the events of life. There is value in recording the memories in a tangible way. I was talking to an ex-boyfriend today and we were discussing some of the many experiences we have shared in the decade that we have known each other. Recalling and reminiscing made us both laugh and smile. As we get older, it is important to be able to recall good times – they sustain us during the dark times. (And we all have dark times). Another friend reached out to me tonight to remind me of the last time she visited my home and what a wonderful evening we had looking at old home movies, laughing, talking and eating. We didn’t know when we gathered at that time that within six months, her sister would be dead and that would be the last time all of us would be together – well, the last time together on this side of heaven. A great memory – and yes, I have pictures, but looking back, not nearly enough.

Life, by its very nature, is a cycle of good times, bad times, happy times, sad times – repeat, rewind, and do it again. If right now, you are going through a bad/sad time, remember joy comes in the morning. Hold on – good times are coming. And if you are going through a good/happy time, enjoy it – take the pictures – record the memories. They will sustain you through the trial that is coming. Because, unfortunately, trials always come – it is a part of the sinful world in which we live. But, even bad times are only temporary. And praise God for that.

Be blessed.

© 2010 Kristina E. Smith
Friday, June 04, 2010

Posted by Just me thinking out loud... at 10:50PM (-04:00)