Thoughts from God's Favorite Child - 2009-2010 by Kristina Smith - HTML preview

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

I had an e-mail conversation with a good friend on yesterday where I inquired about an ambitious project she was going to undertake and had solicited prayers for on her behalf. (You do realize that when you say you are going to pray for a person or situation or outcome, you should follow up occasionally just to see how things are progressing, right? Of course you do.) Anyway, I asked and she confided that things had been put on "the back burner" for now because other projects were taking more precedence in her life. I told her that I would continue to pray because her idea is a wonderful one and should one day come to fruition. But, as most things do, it made me stop and think: What do I have on my back burner that is just simmering away, waiting to be brought forth into fruition?


- the novel that is inside of me that would be an instant best-seller;
- the inspirational, devotional book that my godsister and I talk about - over and over again;
- the "God's Favorite Child" website - bought the domain, just need to develop the website;
- the travel journal articles that need to incorporate all my pictures from my vacations and be submitted to travel magazines worldwide so other people can enjoy some of the adventures I have been blessed to enjoy over the years;
- the relationships that need to be nurtured and/or restored;
- the relationships that need to be abandoned for sanity sake;
- the responsible reigning in of my financial portfolio and stimulation of the economy;
- taking time to smell the roses in the midst of all the chaos; and
- getting "it" together before "it" all falls apart.

So, now what? How do you move from the "back burner" mentality to the "front burners blazing, pots boiling, steam saturating the air" stage of creativity and production and actual results? I don't know, but I think 2009 is going to be the year when I find out.

Be blessed.
Posted by Just me thinking out loud... at 07:26AM (-05:00)