What You Don't Understand by Lance Manion - HTML preview

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The City: Where We Keep Our Stupid People

When you listen to the ongoing debates about what to do with our crumbling inner-cities, it’s scary that these discussions have become so politically correct that nobody can even mention the number one issue: people in the city are dumb.

There it is. The painful truth. The inner-city is filled with painfully stupid people.

We allow them to vote and drive and call in to local talk radio programs and collect food stamps like other people, but it’s somehow off limits to mention that their IQs hover right around those that we deem mentally handicapped.

And they are procreating at a breakneck pace.

Roll out the usual city problems- crime, poverty, unwed mothers, whatever, and I will show you what’s really behind them: ignorance.

How can we expect to send kids to school when their parents are dumb as bricks? How are they ever going to see the necessity of education? Right now you have these moron parents trying to keep their kids from taking standardized tests because they don’t want the world to see what little morons they are raising.

Yeah, THAT will help the problem. Ignore it and hope it goes away.

The whole thing is a joke.

Kids in the city are actually going backwards in the evolutionary process. Some of them will be sporting tails again in a few generations. They will have to hold classes in trees.

And if you attend a “city council” meeting, all you’re going to get is a collection of the most eloquent of these dipshits sitting around a table and yelling for the suburbs to give them more money. Occasionally they will interrupt their mock-outrage to bestow honors upon each other, but then they will return to the task of begging for funding from outside their borders because the tax base within those borders is dick. Should anyone have the nerve to raise a real concern about being accountable for their own finances, the “council members” begin to posture and screech and throw feces at the offending party.

So that’s the city.

It’s where we keep our stupid people.

The real problem is that the rest of the country doesn’t want to deal with them. We can’t blame stupid people for being stupid. They are too stupid to understand why their surroundings always look like a post-apocalyptic movie set. The idea of being responsible for their own environment is simply beyond them. I might have mentioned it before but let me say it again… they are dumb as dirt.

But the rest of us aren’t.

At least I hope not.

So why do we dance around the issue? Why don’t we come right out and deal with the problem?

Because it’s uncomfortable. It’s awkward.

Nobody wants to start a discussion by telling everyone with a below-average IQ to sit down and shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.

But we’re going to have to at some point. The cities are becoming war zones. Gangs of heavily-armed cretins running around killing each other and gangs of heavily-in-debt mothers hoping the police will kill one of their offspring so they can sue the city and get rich. Crime lotto. The kids in the city play Cops & Robbers & Lawyers, where everyone wants to be a robber in the off chance they can get shot.

The saddest part of stupidity? We live in a democracy so their vote cancels out yours. We see it already; entitlements decide elections so we can never have any hope of actually fixing any of the problems. Eventually dumb people will outnumber smart ones two to one and the country will turn into a third-world country.

So I guess the question is really “Who are the dumb ones?”

I think you know the answer.